April 17th, 2002
Downloads/Uploads blocked by isp I know the exact time this started: Apr. 15, 8:20 a.m. PST. No uploads, no downloads. Up to then I have had no problems whatsoever and LimeWire works like a dream. It is as if this fiberglass we are connected to by the cablebox is full of buzzing. The lights on my cable box have gone crazy as soon as I open the LimeWire application. No problems with searches, connections but all attempts to handshake with sources lead only to Requery... and for the first time no one can upload from mine either. I am positive that Shaw Cable has taken it upon themselves to block file transfers. I am therefore going to cancel my cable internet and downsize my TV cable service since a financial fist is the only thing they understand. They must have the backing of the Canadian govt. An isp has no moral obligation to interfere in any transfer of communication, and I consider communicating with music to be an important part of my life. |