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Unregistered April 28th, 2002 04:00 PM

Is there a list of Ultrapeer IP Addresses?
I'm not sure if this even matters, but it seems that certain Ultrapeers might be better than others.

Is there a standard set of "well connected" ultrapeers? If so, could you list their IP addresses for connection purposes.

Also, I have tried:

but they get disconnected almost immediately.

Any help?

Unregistered May 1st, 2002 08:02 AM

Some one please help this guy... there has got to be better hosts out there.

Taliban May 1st, 2002 10:00 AM

You will get the best Ultrapeers from .

JohnReam May 1st, 2002 02:27 PM

Do we add that as:

with the 6346 ?


Originally posted by Taliban
You will get the best Ultrapeers from .

Taliban May 1st, 2002 03:28 PM

In the options->connections, you will have to add it like that [hostname]:[port] , in the connections tab you will have a seperate input field for the port.

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