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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old December 22nd, 2002
Join Date: December 22nd, 2002
Posts: 5
help is flying high
Default "Could not move to library" error

Over 50% of the files that reach 100% vanish from my hard drive with the "Could not move to library" error. I have elimated all but one of the theoretical causes that I have found in this forum. I have received this error in versions 2.6.3, 2.7.3, 2.7.13, 2.8.2 and 2.8.5.

1. None of the files appear to have any Windows "illegal characters".

2. Limewire only reported corruption in one of 10+ files.

3. I have over 20 megs. of hard drive space available.

4. I am only sharing 7 files.

5. I am not using a Firewire drive.

I sugest that lewinb's theory be researched because:
1. Most of the files that have died are larger than 50 meg.
2. I only have 128 megs of ram, but Windows Task Manager reports that I am using 175-200+ megs of memory.

Original text by lewinb:
Does Limewire do something really assinine and wierd, like trying to fill up its available memory with data (ie, save the file "to memory" and then write to disk when that is full?... Presumably to minimize the need for constant disk access?

Also, can Limewire be changed so that it does not delete the file from the "Incomplete" folder if it receives the "Could not move to library" error?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old December 24th, 2002
Join Date: December 20th, 2002
Posts: 6
jwtroter is flying high
Angry Cannot Move to Library

I have tried everything listed in this thread. Nothing helps. This problem seems to have gotten much worse as LimeWire was upgraded. I am using 2.8.5 Pro and it just gets worse and worse. The majority of what I download "cannot be moved to library". Some of the files which are MPG (etc) I can preveiw during the download though. I find it hard to believe it is a problem with a file name. Help someone Please.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2002
Join Date: December 28th, 2002
Posts: 9
motrhed3 is flying high
Default Just plain doesn't work

I have been trying the newer versions of Limewire and keep getting "cannot move to library" messages on most of the files I download.I also noticed that if I don't download files immediately, they never download. I left limewire run for ten days, and none of the programs on my list of about fifty downloaded. I feel suckered into paying money for a program that does not work anymore. I have windows xp with 160 gig of hard drive space, yet can't get any more files, what's up?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2002
Join Date: December 28th, 2002
Location: brisbane, AUS
Posts: 2
greenfox is flying high

have read all FAQ + manual & see nothing re this 'can not move to library' problem, hence i now find myself here for the first time & see that i am not alone. I had no problems downloading 2 large files of about 330-480 mb's ... was doing it slowly but surely via modem till it hit about 160-276 mb's & now it refuses to download those or any of the many other associated files as recv the above msg.

They do have a hyphen in the file name, but it was downloading fine before. Will try to dig up an old limewire version to see if it will kick in ( & use current partially downloaded files) ... plse advise if anyone else has noticed a difference in reverting to older versions

Have also noticed another problem just recently ... when resuming downloads, i check the library & select 'refresh' to view the latest download size ... but now it seems that the file size is NOT increasing even though the Search screen indicates it is ... could these 2 problems be related ? .... is it a conspiracy ? ... or should i just stop drinking ?


the fox (green)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Cannot Move to Library

Originally posted by jwtroter
I have tried everything listed in this thread. Nothing helps. This problem seems to have gotten much worse as LimeWire was upgraded. I am using 2.8.5 Pro and it just gets worse and worse. The majority of what I download "cannot be moved to library". Some of the files which are MPG (etc) I can preveiw during the download though. I find it hard to believe it is a problem with a file name. Help someone Please.
Try this:

After downloading these files and you know there on the Hard drive. Close the program down when your done and manually move them there to the shared Directory and restart the program.

It seems to me there is a bug in the code which may need to be fixed with next version.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2002
Join Date: December 28th, 2002
Location: brisbane, AUS
Posts: 2
greenfox is flying high
Talking Solution! ... or just a hyperactive optimist?

[I] Well ... i thought i would check the size of my 'incompletes' folder on my hardrive & it was a coincidently a rounded number of 1.02 Gb ... so i took a few bits of files out from there (drop 'n' dragged to other folder on desktop) to take it down to about 900 mb ... & surprise! surprise! ... i am downloading those files i previously mentioned & it is refreshing in the library beautifully

so is it simply the fact that the 'incomplete' folder has a maximum capacity of 1Gb ?? !!

plse advise if anyone else can concur on same symptom & fix

cheers & good luck !

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old December 30th, 2002
Join Date: December 7th, 2002
Posts: 15
DarthDemo is flying high

Originally posted by rutro
This problem has been discussed quite a bit in prior threads... it's been traced to file names that contain these characters:

\ / : * ? " | < >

These are "illegal characters" in Windows. LimeWire won't download these files on any platform.

Why on Earth wouldn't a file transfer client simply strip illegal characters from a file's name before trying to save it to disk? And if there was a good reason not to strip the illegal character(s), then why even bother trying to download the file in the first place?

Six of the last nine files I've downloaded have been lost to the "Could not move to library problem". I have never seen this problem with any FTP or P2P client app until I started using LimeWire.

Please fix this in 2.8.6 or I'll have to go back to Xolox (which isn't nearly as much fun to use as LimeWire, but at least it manages to save the files it has downloaded).
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2002
Join Date: December 20th, 2002
Posts: 6
jwtroter is flying high

Well just checked the size of my incomplete folder and it is 570 meg. Still get files that "can't be moved to Library". One thought has occurred though. Llimewire normally sets up the incomplete folder as a "shared" folder for the purpose of sharing files. I am wondering if the problem lies with people inadvertently sharing incomplete files and Limewire then chokes on them. Just an idea
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2002
Join Date: December 7th, 2002
Posts: 15
DarthDemo is flying high

Originally posted by jwtroter
Well just checked the size of my incomplete folder and it is 570 meg. Still get files that "can't be moved to Library". One thought has occurred though. Llimewire normally sets up the incomplete folder as a "shared" folder for the purpose of sharing files. I am wondering if the problem lies with people inadvertently sharing incomplete files and Limewire then chokes on them. Just an idea
My Incomplete folder isn't shared and I get the same error.

My last four "can't be moved to library" failures didn't have any illegal characters in the file names. One file in particular that failed under LimeWire successfully downloaded under Xolox (I have no idea if the file can from the same host).

If the LimeWire team can reproduce this error then they can fix it.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2003
Join Date: January 4th, 2003
Location: Marin CA
Posts: 1
SFBAmorgan is flying high

I would be amazed if they have not gotten this message. For me Lime wire has gone from extremely cool to totally useless in just two upgrades. In addition to the “cannot move” errors I have also been getting java errors. Limewire freezes and a box comes up telling me that an error occurred, I used to be able to run this program 24Hrs. with no problem. During that time I would usually have over a hundred uploads and downloads. Anyone else have the same problem? Bring back 2.6.

Ps. Some things I tried

- Deleting the content of the incomplete folder.

- Reinstalling Sun's Java.

- Reinstalling lime wire.

- Changing drives and directory for downloads.

Last edited by SFBAmorgan; January 4th, 2003 at 04:28 AM.
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