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Scarecrow November 6th, 2002 05:26 AM

Upload speeds
One thing I don’t understand is why my Upload speeds are always like 1, 3, or 3Kbs. Even if only one or two songs are being uploaded, and even when the computer is doing absolutely nothing but serving songs. It seems with my 750K cable connection – which is not being used for anything else at the time -- even dial-up users should be able to upload at faster rates than that.

Actually, I should point out that it doesn't always start out that way. At first the uploads go out at a good clip. But the upload speed deteriorates over time. (The number of files available in the title bar seems to drop dramatically as well, over time).

It’s not because my upstream bandwidth is limited, like in some cable connections. Everything else uploads at full speed. It’s just uploads on the Gnutella network that are so slow.

I have fiddled with all the options in the Options dialog box to no avail. I do have about 4,000 songs in my library. But why would that matter?

I’m using 2.7.3 Pro. Everything else is peachy. I just don’t get why the uploads are so slow, consistently. So I guess my real question is: Is there anything I can do to increase the speed of my uploads? (It's OK to answer in technical language, you don't need to spoon feed it to me).

LeeWare November 6th, 2002 09:43 AM

Download / Uploads
Dear Scarecrow,

I assume you are aware that your uploads are limited by the speed of the downloader.
Furthermore what exactly is your maximum upload speed? If you are not throttling the bandwidth using limewire then if more than one person is uploading from you lets say your maximum upload speed is 128Kbps then two people uploading from your will receive apx 64kbps. If two more connect then this drops to 32Kbps per transfer.

Don't forget that limewire measures in BYTES 1 = 8 bits, datacommunication speeds are in bits not BYTES so your 750K connection = (750Kbps /8B) = 93.75KB So in your post you indicate that people are downloading a 1 or 3 (8Kbps / 24Kbps.) Chances are these people are using modems.

Hope this helps.

LeeWare November 6th, 2002 09:51 AM

More information
The following is a link to a reply I made to another user regarding upload speeds there is a bit more information here.

Julie Z November 6th, 2002 09:58 AM

When I have my speed in LimeWire set to Cable/DSL, I will see uploads drop to 2kb/s. All of them. If I set my speed to T3 or higher, they will go up to +or- 20. Depending on the other users' capabilities. I leave it at T3 so that others can upload faster and I can receive more search results.

Scarecrow November 6th, 2002 10:24 AM

Thank you
Thanks to both of you. Julie, do you actually have a T3 connection? Or are you saying that just setting your connection speed in LimeWire to T3, even though you don't have a T3 connection, actually speeds up your uploads?

efield November 6th, 2002 01:30 PM

Re: Upload speeds

Originally posted by Scarecrow
At first the uploads go out at a good clip. But the upload speed deteriorates over time.
This sounds that your ISP makes use of burstable upload bandwidth. Small transfers move at a fast rate but larger sustained transfers slow down to a lower rate. So acknowledgements sent back to the remote host when you download a file or view a web page move quickly and make use of the burstable bandwidth since they are small in size. Large file uploads move quickly at first due to the burstable bandwidth but then slow down and use the slower sustained bandwidth.

LeeWare November 6th, 2002 01:35 PM

Explaination for Increase In Speed

Originally posted by Julie Z
When I have my speed in LimeWire set to Cable/DSL, I will see uploads drop to 2kb/s. All of them. If I set my speed to T3 or higher, they will go up to +or- 20. Depending on the other users' capabilities. I leave it at T3 so that others can upload faster and I can receive more search results.
If you say that you have a T3 connection but don't essentially what happens is you are logically moved to the center of the network.

For example :

If the network is made up of rings People with T3 connections (or say that they have) are logically moved to the center of the network while people with slower connections are move off to the edges of the network.

When you connect as an ADSL user, the people uploading from you are likely to be modem and other ADSL users. When you connect as a T3 or higher node, you are likely to see a higher amount of downloads as the people who will download from you will use various speed connections as it stands today most people have the ability to receive data much faster than anyone can send it.

There are very few nodes actually on T3 connections as those are very expensive $15,000 - $20,000 or more per month. Any nodes actually on a T3 doing file sharing are probably housed in someones University or work location.

Hope this helps.

Julie Z November 6th, 2002 02:27 PM

I have a Cable connection. But it seems that the program sets limits on speed. Not the equipment. I would leave it set at my correct speed of Cable, but the uploads are too slow that way. I want people to get their files faster so that others can get theirs, too.

I always set my options to Disable Ultrapeer capabilities because I don't think it was meant for Cable connections. I still don't fully understand the whole "behind the scenes" stuff.

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