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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 21st, 2003
Join Date: March 20th, 2003
Location: Dallas
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Sandy Lynn is flying high
Question Download info won't appear. Help Me!!

I just loaded LimeWire last Sunday and the first two requests went great. But then I tried the next day and nothing will appear!!! No matter what song or artist I request, the info doesn't appear. I'm getting a connection, the Lime is spinning, and the number of hits in the parenthisis is changing, but NOTHING ever appears in the big white space!! It's as if the query found the song I wanted but the info won't appear in the space. I haven't changed anything form the first few tries, it just seems like overnight it quit working. After reading all these problems on the forum I'm beginning to wonder what's happening to LimeWire. I've tried several times a day for 4 days now, and nothing pops up after the search although the number in parenthisis has ranged from 27 to 154. Lots of hits, they just don't appear in the space as they should. Has anyone else had this problen and can you help me?
Sandy in Dallas
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 21st, 2003
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sberlin is flying high

What version of LimeWire are you using, Sandy? And is your computer running Windows (which version too) or is it a Mac (OSX or OS9-?) Did you run any software updates between the two times (when it worked & when it didn't)? Did you install or remove any software between the two times?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 21st, 2003
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Sandy Lynn is flying high
Default respnse to your questions

I installed the current LimeWire 2.8.6 on 3-16-03. I'm running Windows ME. The only thing I removed was last years Turbo Tax and Installed this years version. After the qurery is finished, I don't get any error messages or anything, just that big old white balnk space starring at me!! I even logged into Limewire and let it run about 3o minutes and then tried the query - - same thing.
Thanks! Can you help me?????
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 21st, 2003
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First try this method:

Perform a search for something popular for instance *****.

When you start seeing the numbers in the pharanthisis increase then move your mouse cursor over the empty white space and drag your mouse down across the white area and hold down your mouse button just like you where highlighting a text in a text editor to copy it. Do you start to see anything when doing this?

Also try to click the mouse button down in the white area several times after the search has completed(The Lime has stopped spinning) and see if anything will show up.

If this does not work then you have to re-install LW but first try the above procedure. And see if it works for you!

The reason for this problem is that Java has a problem to draw the content when it refreshes to fast but by clicking with your mousebutton you are forcing a redraw and it should appear. However this problem only affect a limited amount of users. And it usually happens after an upgrade of either LimeWire or Java. This problem is most common among Mac OSX users.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!

Last edited by birdy; March 7th, 2009 at 05:42 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 23rd, 2003
Join Date: March 20th, 2003
Location: Dallas
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Sandy Lynn is flying high
Thumbs down Still won't work!!!!

I tried the suggestions of clicking around in the white area and also clicking and dragging the mouse as if I was hightlighting the area, but it didn't work. I then removed LimeWire via my computer's Add/Remove program. turned off the pc, and then restarted it. I went back to Limewire and reloaded the basic Free software again . It shows as LimeWire 2.8.6. Then closed and restarted my pc. I have tried several times since relaoding and it still won't show the song info. Unlike other people who keep complaining about not getting any hits or not being able to connect, I get lots of hits and connect great - - - I jus tcan "see" any of the info!! I still have a big white blank space!!! If I can't fix it I will have to delete LimeWire a nd search for another program that works. You said this problem was most prevelent with MAC OSX users, but I use Microsoft ME. Can you help me????
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 23rd, 2003
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sberlin is flying high

Can you try downloading the latest beta version, Sandy?

The link is .

It has some other improvements that might help you too. Let me know if the problem still exists afterwards ...

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 1st, 2003
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Default ME TOO!

Frustrated. I agree with you. I have been posting THIS exact issue as Sandy has... on this forum for months. Yet, no one has has known the problem or given any fixes.

But at least Its nice to see that Im not alone in this problem. I use Windows 2000, with the Latest 1.4.1 J2RE installed.

All the suggestions for troubleshooting are great. But I had tried all of them before I came to this forum. I have been using AquaLime every since limewire 2.8.x came out and destroyed my capability to download using limewire.

This is not an issue of Java redrawing the screen. Its not flickering. The mouse does nothing to it. This appears only to affect ONE window in limewire. If it was a Java issue, it would most likely affect multiple windows in Limewire.

I wish I could give you a fix, but the only way to continue using limewire is to use 2.7.x or before. They all work perfectly. I have tested 2.8.x and 2.9.x and they all fail 100% of the time.

If any LimeWire Coders care to assist me in troubleshooting this issue, I'm prepared to take it further and help them find the solution.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 1st, 2003
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Default Problem FIXED

For me, this problem is now resolved!! A guy just posted the clear answer in another link that I had started 3 months ago.

Now I use MS Windows, so this isnt the answer for mac people.

HE showed how I could search for the Display.props file, which is found in a directory on my computer (which also contains a file called limewire.props). And my Display.props was BLANK. If yours is blank, missing, or corrupted, then simply put the information in it. An example of what you could put is below. (just make sure to shutdown limewire before creating or editing the file, save it, then restart limewire to get it working again.)

Example Display.props code:


Good luck!!
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