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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 26th, 2003
Join Date: June 22nd, 2003
Location: minnesota
Posts: 8
denisew is flying high
Default Saved Directory Error Opening LW

Error "your save directory is not valid. It may have been deleted, you may not have permission to write to it, or there may be another problem. Please choose another directory"
I was running LW 3.1.0. with no problems. One day I open LW and received the dreaded Error msg above. After trying to change my save folder to numerous folders, I gave up and downloaded LW 3..1.1. Worked fine for awhile then the Error msg again. Now I've downloaded LW 3.3.4. cant even open LW to see where my shared directory is. Getting same error. This problem is re-occurring with each new version I download. This has been extremely frustrating.
Can anyone tell me, in simple terms, what the problem is here and how to fix it?
thanks - denise
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 27th, 2003
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 21st, 2003
Posts: 141
osu_uma is flying high

i would try to examine the problem from the OS side: Is your file system ok? Is the login you're using ok? Are the folder permissions ok (i.e. is limewire able to save into the save folder)?

Considering that you repeatedly uninstalled and reinstalled LW, it is unlikely that it is limewire.

You could try trashing limewire.props, it's in Documents and Settings/Users/whatever your login is/.limewire

This file holds the folder settings and if you trash it LW will revert to the defaults.

good luck!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2003
Join Date: June 22nd, 2003
Location: minnesota
Posts: 8
denisew is flying high

Thanks for suggestions, but I am still a bit lost. Can you help me on the OS side? I have W-XP Home Edition SP1. How does one check file system & folder permission? Login must be set as default?? as I don't have to login each time I turn on computer.
I did delete the .limewire folder, uninstalled 3.3.4 and reinstalled the newest version 3.3.5. As soon as install completed and launched LW, I rcvd the error message again. I can not even get into LW to check where my saved or shared folders are/were going? With each version, they had been working, then suddenly the error message, this is what seems so baffling. I can't think of any changes made recently that would effect this.
Any additional help would be welcomed. Thanks again - Denise
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2003
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
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sberlin is flying high

The newest beta version of LimeWire should resolve this problem.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2003
Join Date: June 22nd, 2003
Location: minnesota
Posts: 8
denisew is flying high

Can you explain what the difference is between the Beta version and the regular. Thanks again for help - Denise
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 30th, 2003
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 1,366
sberlin is flying high

As Adam wrote in the sticky post here, the 3.4 beta contains the new "Find Sources" button that will search the network for more sources when the available ones have been exhausted.

It also contains numerous bug fixes & minor enhancements.

These include..

- Setting the save directory and incomplete directory file permissions to be writeable whenever possible, instead of simply failing and asking the user to fix it.
- A small change for retrieving MP3 information which caused an error to be reported on files smaller than a certain size.
- A corrupt themes setting that could have caused an error to be reported is now gracefully recovered from.
- Problems related to alternate locations being added to downloads are now caught before the error is reported and discarded appropriately.
- Errors reported due to too much processing while moving the mouse over the search window are now fixed, by removing the excess processing.
- Problems with "too many open files" or "out of memory" should be alleviated on older java versions because we actively kill certain stalled threads.
- A corrupt port setting could have caused an error to be reported when starting LimeWire is now gracefully recovered from.
- Numerous other minor performance enhancements.

Also included are extra assertions and debug information to help us track down some of the more elusive bugs.

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