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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Posts: 12
hmmm is flying high
Angry People are uploading files from my incomplete folder!

I am currently trying to download a file that is only 3% complete. Meanwhile I have at least 20 people in my upload queue attempting to upload this same file! It isn't even on my hard drive yet! Why does Limewire allow this?

First of all, I do *not* want to share files in my Incomplete folder, as they are not even there yet, and they are files I am trying to *download,* NOT allow someone else to waste one of my six upload slots on a 3%-done file!

Second, I have carefully picked which files I want to share, but because all of these hogs are on here trying to get my 3%-done file of Unreal Tournament 2003, people are unable to get to the actual files I have chosen for sharing purposes.

This is *extremely* annoying.

I am running Limewire version 3.5.8, I have Java 1.4.1 installed, and I am running Mac OS X 10.2.6 on a 933 G4 PowerMac with 1.5G of RAM installed, on a Cable Modem and *not* through a router.

I have blocked hosts 192.*.*.* and 10.*.*.* and filter results !!! and /

I dislike that this version doesn't show the progress bar as visibly going from 1 to 100, instead just showing a percentage. I would like an animated progress bar.


Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

And may I say, I did read through your FAQs and stickies, and I will say the FAQs are misleading; they are all about how to use a message board, and nothing at all about how to use Limewire. I went to the Limewire main site to read the FAQs, and all I got was a basic user manual which is what I have in the help files that come with Limewire, NOT helpful at all.

If you say you have real FAQs here, for answers that are asked repeatedly, then put them up!!

This new version also has something called "Out Of Range" for people trying to upload this file out of my incomplete folder.

I wish there were more documentation available and a *real* FAQs area here.

Thank you.

Last edited by hmmm; September 13th, 2003 at 08:57 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Posts: 12
hmmm is flying high

I have also attempted to solve this problem by going into the types of files I want to share and taking out dmg (in fact, only leaving in mp3 and mpg), and by blocking all hosts attempting to upload this "incomplete" file.

However, Limewire does *not* recognize any of the changes.

I do NOT want to have to restart the program just to have the new changes take effect! It should block hosts on the fly, not require a restart! Same with a change in types of files I wish to share!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Posts: 12
hmmm is flying high
Angry duhhhh .....

No, idiot, I have two degrees in programming.

I don't mind people having the file once I have it!

How can I get it, however, when it is only 3% done?!


I usually share more than 600 files!

So long and thanks for all the files ... I don't need help like yours.


No trolls, please, someone really helpful instead.

Much thanks.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Posts: 12
hmmm is flying high

I also will leave Limewire running all night, and all day, even when I am on the computer, so that people can retrieve files.

I have an mpg of the Original World Trade Center Video done by Enya (not one of the many copycat versions) that is extremely time-consuming for most people to download due to reasons I won't get into here. I am attempting to share that, but clogging up my queues like this is making it impossible.

As I said, I have absolutely no problem in sharing the file once I actually have the file; that is the intent.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
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well princess, your two degrees should have taught you to look in the preferences to disable partial file sharing.
If you need help finding that preference, let me know and I'll send you a screen shot.

[sorry peerless--I know I should resist]
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Posts: 12
hmmm is flying high

I just upgraded to this version tonight.

I had been using an older version.

I am a mod on another board, and I know how fun it can be to be condescending to newbies (and I mean that as sarcastically as possible, as I do not do that), especially anyone that is *gasp!* disgruntled with or does not understand a new feature.

This is not meant as a slap to Limewire; I wanted answers to my questions; and I didn't appreciate the "read the FAQs" in the sticky only to find out it contained no relevant information whatsoever.

Thanks, Prince, if I may call you that?

I see both of you have been here for awhile; Lee was really nice and helped me out awhile back when I was in a jam.

I see that not all of his mods are equally helpful.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Posts: 12
hmmm is flying high

I found it; it is a new feature not mentioned in the ReadMe file nor in the Help files.

Thanks, Prince.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
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Hugs and kisses--now get busy and help us develop this technology before it gets shut down by Korporations.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Posts: 12
hmmm is flying high

I'm not afraid of the RIAA.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2003
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Join Date: January 11th, 2003
Location: Canada
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stief has a spectacular aura about

nor I--Canada helps. btw--you're using the jum214 version, right? LW has only officially released 3.5.7

can you tell me what gives with this? My degrees mostly are in Arts, so I have far more questions than answers.

Sep 12 18:31:34 cust118-24 /Applications/LimeWire/ kCGErrorFailure : *** Parser error line 1, character position 52

Welcome--glad to have you around darling

G3 iBook 700MHZ, jum214 384 RAM usually Linkys 4 port via 1mbps cable DSL
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