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People are uploading files from my incomplete folder! I am currently trying to download a file that is only 3% complete. Meanwhile I have at least 20 people in my upload queue attempting to upload this same file! It isn't even on my hard drive yet! Why does Limewire allow this? First of all, I do *not* want to share files in my Incomplete folder, as they are not even there yet, and they are files I am trying to *download,* NOT allow someone else to waste one of my six upload slots on a 3%-done file! Second, I have carefully picked which files I want to share, but because all of these hogs are on here trying to get my 3%-done file of Unreal Tournament 2003, people are unable to get to the actual files I have chosen for sharing purposes. This is *extremely* annoying. I am running Limewire version 3.5.8, I have Java 1.4.1 installed, and I am running Mac OS X 10.2.6 on a 933 G4 PowerMac with 1.5G of RAM installed, on a Cable Modem and *not* through a router. I have blocked hosts 192.*.*.* and 10.*.*.* and filter results !!! and / I dislike that this version doesn't show the progress bar as visibly going from 1 to 100, instead just showing a percentage. I would like an animated progress bar. MOST IMPORTANTLY, HOW DO I GET RID OF ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ATTEMPTING TO UPLOAD A FILE THAT I HAVE IN MY INCOMPLETE FOLDER?! Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. And may I say, I did read through your FAQs and stickies, and I will say the FAQs are misleading; they are all about how to use a message board, and nothing at all about how to use Limewire. I went to the Limewire main site to read the FAQs, and all I got was a basic user manual which is what I have in the help files that come with Limewire, NOT helpful at all. If you say you have real FAQs here, for answers that are asked repeatedly, then put them up!! This new version also has something called "Out Of Range" for people trying to upload this file out of my incomplete folder. I wish there were more documentation available and a *real* FAQs area here. Thank you. |
I have also attempted to solve this problem by going into the types of files I want to share and taking out dmg (in fact, only leaving in mp3 and mpg), and by blocking all hosts attempting to upload this "incomplete" file. However, Limewire does *not* recognize any of the changes. I do NOT want to have to restart the program just to have the new changes take effect! It should block hosts on the fly, not require a restart! Same with a change in types of files I wish to share! grrrrr.... |
duhhhh ..... No, idiot, I have two degrees in programming. :o I don't mind people having the file once I have it! How can I get it, however, when it is only 3% done?! Greedy?! I usually share more than 600 files! :mad: So long and thanks for all the files ... I don't need help like yours. Next? No trolls, please, someone really helpful instead. Much thanks. |
I also will leave Limewire running all night, and all day, even when I am on the computer, so that people can retrieve files. I have an mpg of the Original World Trade Center Video done by Enya (not one of the many copycat versions) that is extremely time-consuming for most people to download due to reasons I won't get into here. I am attempting to share that, but clogging up my queues like this is making it impossible. As I said, I have absolutely no problem in sharing the file once I actually have the file; that is the intent. |
well princess, your two degrees should have taught you to look in the preferences to disable partial file sharing. If you need help finding that preference, let me know and I'll send you a screen shot. [sorry peerless--I know I should resist] |
I just upgraded to this version tonight. I had been using an older version. I am a mod on another board, and I know how fun it can be to be condescending to newbies (and I mean that as sarcastically as possible, as I do not do that), especially anyone that is *gasp!* disgruntled with or does not understand a new feature. This is not meant as a slap to Limewire; I wanted answers to my questions; and I didn't appreciate the "read the FAQs" in the sticky only to find out it contained no relevant information whatsoever. Thanks, Prince, if I may call you that? I see both of you have been here for awhile; Lee was really nice and helped me out awhile back when I was in a jam. I see that not all of his mods are equally helpful. |
I found it; it is a new feature not mentioned in the ReadMe file nor in the Help files. Thanks, Prince. |
Hugs and kisses--now get busy and help us develop this technology before it gets shut down by Korporations. |
I'm not afraid of the RIAA. ;) |
nor I--Canada helps. btw--you're using the jum214 version, right? LW has only officially released 3.5.7 can you tell me what gives with this? My degrees mostly are in Arts, so I have far more questions than answers. Sep 12 18:31:34 cust118-24 /Applications/LimeWire/LimeWire.app/Contents/MacOS/LimeWire: kCGErrorFailure : *** Parser error line 1, character position 52 Welcome--glad to have you around darling G3 iBook 700MHZ, jum214 384 RAM usually Linkys 4 port via 1mbps cable DSL |
Nope, I don't have your answer ... I haven't spent much time perusing the finer points of this version, nor can I assist in programming or debugging it, as my programming degrees are not in this language. That version does have a Bug Reports feature, which I'm sure you're more familiar with than I ... I have mine set to "Always Send Immediately." I notice under Tools/Statistics there is an Advanced Statistics option; would it be helpful for me to log those and send them to a developer? I guess not, as they don't suggest doing that. Cheers to Canada! I have a couple of good Canadian friends! :) |
easy peerless! At last we have an OSX guy who understands code (even if other languages) and forums--please! There are too many faggy artsies like me and not enough coders around! He likes sarcasm and irony too--what more could we ask for? Hmmm--PFS is a good thing, no? I'm interested in your bandwidth verification--does it identify the bloody problems with ISP use of 6346 port controls? I wish someone could develop an app/ procedure that could reliably report gnutella connectivity. I have to use port 20300 to get around the CISCO NBAR software that filters uploads, thanks to the opensourcers who generously take time to help here. Sam Berlin is the developer who helps out with the advanced stats, so I try to sneak a few questions to him about the stats when I suspect they show an anomaly. Thanks for your comment on the kCGErrorFailure--it helps to know it's not usual. So. As far as I'm concerned, we're all equal here now. Please pacify peerless--we need all the cooperation for gnutella we can get. |
EDITED; SORRY steif; this response was to The Troll." I was afk for a few minutes, and I came back to your oh-so-nice and helpful response. Thanks, troll. I did not check the board, but you came off as an arrogant mod, when really you are an arrogrant troll, so I stand corrected. All mods and people that contribute to a message board "work" for nothing. I think you need to take a course in reading comprehension. ¹ You chose to assume things about me that you had no business assuming. You didn't know I share 600 files. You didn't know I leave my computer on all night to share files. You didn't know it was my first night with this new version, and that I was unfamiliar with that new feature that wasn't in my older version. You jump to your own conclusions about why I might not want to share a file that is only 3% done! I choose not to share every file on my hard drive, so in your eyes, I suppose that makes me greedy. I said I am sharing it once it is complete, not that that is any of your concern. Why shouldn't I share files all night (or all day while I am working?) My computer is on all the time anyway. I guess 600 files isn't enough for you. Do you jump to conclusions like this about everyone? Never mind; I don't want to hear your answer. But, since you are a troll, go ahead and throw your last two cents in and have the last word. It will make you feel much better. _______ ¹ (and spelling ... "efficiently") |
and steif, I am a girl. ;) |
it's = it is its = possessive pronoun Goodnight ... :o |
LOL--I've been told. Sorry for jumping in, peerless, and sweet dreams princess. (You did have to be a girl and ruin that line for me, didn't you!) Seriously--do come back. It's been good fun. |
Peerless you dunderhead! 2 degrees in programming? The last I checked, accredited Universities and real schools have degrees in CIS (Computer and Information Sciences). Maybe you got your "degrees" from IT&T? hmmm??? talk about a set up of posts...games are definitely afoot in this forum...enjoy them while you can, as your days are numbered |
This wasn't meant to be a game, and I'm not familiar with the people on these forums, nor who that "guest" person is who posted above me, who is obviously really a regular ... I found Peerless to be very obnoxious in another thread to another newbie, and I've elected to stay off these boards unless I have a question. Steif I would like to get to know better; he seems very nice. My degrees are "real" degrees, from Auburn University (where I got a double-major) and from New York University, so I'm sorry to disappoint you. Again, these were real questions I had about the new features of Limewire that I didn't understand. I understand them better now. As I said, it was my first night with that new version, and I am not a peer-to-peer expert, so I was confused by what was going on with sharing the incomplete files. I am more clear on it now. Sorry if you felt like some sort of "game" was going on here; there was no game; I was trying to get my questions answered without having some person who apparently thinks he owns the board be rude to me. Goodnight. |
>and from New York University I got my BA from NYU. :) Sorry for the bad experience on the boards. It's generally much more civil, so long as people have slept and drank their coffee. |
well! Thought this thread was dead, but might be fun keeping it going. It's been pretty quiet around here lately, what with all the international Korporate activity going on. Let's see--KathW--are you calling me a "Right Ho!?" [insert smile of feigned outrage]. If you like, I prefer "brat" Seriously, for the record, this thread ended on page 1. As a mod, do you have access to the posts before they were edited? As all the "LOL's" show,there was more "banter" than "battle." IMHO, Peerless was quite restrained and amused, even when provoked rather spunkily by hmmm going back and editing her posts, and using me to make it SEEM he was bad. She even allowed him the last word. I was amused, not offended, by Sam's reference to coffee, so no need to scold him: I assumed he'd caught my reference to having enjoyed some wine that night, and was suitably reminded that these forums are to help others with gnutella issues and not chat rooms. Fair enough. So, as far as I am aware, the thread didn't get out of hand, wasn't a battle, and hmmm's question was answered appropriately. So there's no problem. If more needs to be done, just get hmmm to apologize to Peerless, recognize the validity of his defense of PFS, and all will be well. Cheers. (may I call you Queenie? I'll get the wine) :p |
I don´t know where the fun is to reply sarcastic to newbies? As a mod I choose not to reply if I think I have to anwser the same question the 999th time instead of beeing ironic or sarcastic... I hope I wasn´t to "ironic" and "sarcastic". :p And welcome to gnutellaforums. :) Morgwen |
Morgwen |
Mac OSX version 3.5.8 and sharing This appears to be a major glitch in this version. I just went over to OSX and to this version and it is not only sharing from the incomplete folder, but also from the download folder. I have specified a separate folder for uploads to control what gets uploaded, but it appears to ignore this and is uploading from the other folders. I wonder if it is also uploading from other parts of my HD! I've sent in a bug report on this to Limewire. In addition, everytime I quit Limewire, it fouls up my TCP/IP connection and I have to restart my modem. |
Incomplete files are deliberately shared. This speeds up the downloading process as it gives more uploaders for any given file. LimeWire handles the incomplete files specially. The downloader folder has always been able to be shared. If you do not want it shared, remove it from your list of shared folders. LimeWire currently and always has shared all subdirectories of whatever folder is shared. Are you saying that you're seeing files being shared that are not within the folder or subfolder of your 'shared' folder or are in the incomplete directory? Thanks. |
I'm saying that I made my shared folder one called shared, while my download folder is a separate file called 'from limewire'. 'from limewire' is NOT shared in the prefs so that I can control what gets uploaded, yet files in that folder are being shared in any case! I even removed all folders from the shared prefs and all the the 'shareable file extentions' and it is still sharing. It seems to be killing my net connection as well when I quit the program. I find that I have to restart my cable modem when I quit in order to get a connection to the net. |
Okay -- So the ONLY item listed in your preferences, in Sharing, under 'Shared Directories' is the 'Shared' folder? And 'From LimeWire' is NOT a subdirectory of Shared? If you click on the Library, what folders do you see lifted on the left? It should have 'Shared', and 'Incomplete'. Is there an arrow infront of 'Shared'? If you expand it, does it list other folders that are subdirectories? Are you positive the files from 'From LimeWire' are being shared and its not the files from the Incomplete folder? Thanks for helping troubleshoot this. |
Yes, that is right. only 'shared' was shared...not 'from limewire'. Shared only had 5 files in it, and the ones being uploaded were definitely from incomplete and from 'from limewire'. 'from limewire' is NOT a subdirectory of 'shared'. It is not even on the same part of the HD....one is in the prefs folder, one is outside of the syst folder on the HD proper. When I click on Library now, only incomplete is there as I've taken away all the shared folders, but it is still sharing files in the 'from limewire' folder. Note: I just went back and checked, removed the file in question and it was still being shared ...so I went in to the incomplete folder, and there was a partial copy by the same name there, when I deleted that, it seemed to go away....so it may have been just in the incomplete folder. I cannot remember the incomplete folder files being shared earlier. |
Incomplete files have been shared since LimeWire version 3.3 (or 3.4, we can't seem to remember). Glad we found the cause of the problem, though. |
I will keep my eyes on it, however, just in case. Was afraid it was sharing all over my HD or something. BTW. why is it that some files, which have the same name and same size and are 'the same' don't come up grouped...but as different files? I've been downloading a number of tv episodes for shows I don't get here, and there may be several copies of the same episode/file, often named the same and same files size, but they don't get registered as the same file for downloading purposes. Just curious. thanks for your quick replies and help. |
The most common reason that files are not grouped together despite all outward appearances placing them as 'the same' are that the actual SHA1 hashes are different. LimeWire uses a very secure hashing scheme (very much unlike the insecure Kazaa scheme) that changes even if a single byte in the file differs. The sizes and names be the same, but some type of meta-information within the file may have changed (such as ID3 tags on mp3s, or other information for other files) causing the hash to be different. |
hmmm You said "First of all, I do *not* want to share files in my Incomplete folder, as they are not even there yet, and they are files I am trying to *download,* NOT allow someone else to waste one of my six upload slots on a 3%-done file! Second, I have carefully picked which files I want to share, but because all of these hogs are on here trying to get my 3%-done file of Unreal Tournament 2003, people are unable to get to the actual files I have chosen for sharing purposes.I dislike that this version doesn't show the progress bar as visibly going from 1 to 100, instead just showing a percentage. I would like an animated progress bar. This is *extremely* annoying." Answer=Don't use it! You also said "And may I say, I did read through your FAQs and stickies, and I will say the FAQs are misleading; they are all about how to use a message board, and nothing at all about how to use Limewire. I went to the Limewire main site to read the FAQs, and all I got was a basic user manual which is what I have in the help files that come with Limewire, NOT helpful at all. If you say you have real FAQs here, for answers that are asked repeatedly, then put them up!!" Answer=Don't come here then And last but not least "MOST IMPORTANTLY, HOW DO I GET RID OF ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ATTEMPTING TO UPLOAD A FILE THAT I HAVE IN MY INCOMPLETE FOLDER?!" Edit: This is not what we expect from adults...(How did I nearly miss this garbage) |
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