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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 11th, 2003
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 6
a l k s is flying high
Unhappy firewall issues?.. need more sources? downloadin!

I have win xp and I am connected to the internet through a server which has a firewall. The internet connection is DSL. I have opened the port 6346 in the virtual server of my router and forced my IP in my limewire pro settings yet I still can't download any music. I always select to download songs with multiple numbers 50 - 130 and it says that I need more sources after waiting a long time. Pressing the button "find sources'' only brings me to...''awaiting sources'' and nothing happens then. I could initially download songs but I don't know what happened now. It is very frustrating...

p.s. my router's online tech support said: Limewire: "click tools>options>advanced>firewalls. check Force IP, and then in the box Adress enter the WAN IP adress of your router".

There is no box Adress there!?....

Please help me solve my problem

Thank you

a l k s
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 11th, 2003
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Blackbird is flying high

First off, go to something like to determine your IP address. See if it matches the IP address of your individual machine.

I'm betting it doens't. This is because the IP address that is public (the one that was able to display) is the IP address of your router, not your computer. Your router shields your actual IP address from people attempting to access your computer to this. The solution to this is to not only open up port 6346-8, but to open those ports "to" your computer, by mapping them from your router to your computer and forwarding your NAT.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 11th, 2003
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 6
a l k s is flying high

thank you for responding blackbird,

I'll try this and i'll let you know what happened.

a l k s
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2003
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 6
a l k s is flying high

Ok.. nothing changed.
My router is a d-link DI-604

internet<-->router<-->server<-->my PC

You were right, my IP adress is different from the IP adress of my individual machine. The problem is that my router is asking for a private IP. There is also no option for forwarding my NAT although this is said in the support webpage.

"D-Link´s broadband routers (ie: DI-604) support NAT. With proper configuration, multiple users can access the Internet using a single account via the NAT device."

my router options:
Virtual Server
Virtual Server is used to allow Internet users access to LAN services.

x Enabled Disabled

Name limewire

Private IP

Protocol Type Both

Private Port 6346

Public Port 6346

Schedule always
Firewall Rules
Firewall Rules can be used to allow or deny traffic from passing through the DI-604.

x Enabled Disabled

Name limewire

Action x Allow Deny

Interface IP Range Start IP Range End Protocol Port Range

Source WAN *

Destination LAN * 6346

Schedule x Always

Am I doing something wrong?
I've tried the other IP adress which I got from but it still didn't work.

I don't understand. I paid to get pro and I'm not getting anything out of it.

I would appreciate if someone could help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Thank you

a l k s
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2003
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LeeWare is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Post Solution to your problem

The problem is not limewire pro it's your setup.

#1 Is this your home setup or a work setup?

If it is a home setup then you can change the configuration so that it makes sense.

If this is a work setup you should check your security and employee policies to see if filesharing is allowed [I bet it doesn't]

This will obviously have an impact on what you will be able to do.

#2 Assuming that you are a home user and you set this up yourself. The configuration does not make sense.

Your diagram:

Internet --> Server --> Computer

The only way this configuration would make sense to me is if.

#2.a You cannot connect your PC directly to the router.
#2.b Your server is a DMZ based host with two NICs one public and one private.

I have a feeling that this isn't the case.

Therefore I recommend the following solution.

#1 Answer the question are you using this at home or at work or school etc.?

#2 Can you connect your PC directly to the router?

#3 Does your server have two NICs or just 1

#4 If the server has two nics what the ip address and gateway of each nic if any?

Hope this helps.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2003
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 6
a l k s is flying high


Thank you for your reply,

It is very helpful since it made me realize that I have made a mistake with my diagram.

the correct diagram is: internet-->router-->HUB-->PC

I apologise for my previous mistake.

The answers to your questions are:

1. I am using this at work but I have full access to the router settings and PC's. It is my setup.

2. I cannot connect my PC directly to the router.

3.+4. The server has nothing to do with the internet.

Again, I apologize for my mistake

Thank you for your time and help

a l k s
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2003
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LeeWare is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Post But does the company support this use?

Thanks for the clarifications. If you have use that computer to get to the Internet you should read the sticky Maximizing Upload and Download success. at a bear minimum you should be able to connect to the network, conduct searches and download content. People may not be able to upload from you.

However, my suggestions are useless if you are not the administrator of the network that you are trying to set this up without authorization [official IT support] Why is this so important?

I manage a network that spans from the East to the West coast but all of the network traffic is forwarded to a central location and proxied out to the Internet. So any user could in his or her office setup a filesharing program but it won't work because filtering takes place at a point in the network beyond a users router but before the Internet.

Therefore, these things are fundamental to accurately understanding your situation.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2003
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 6
a l k s is flying high

It is not a company. It is a small architectural office.
I am the principle.

a l k s
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2003
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Blackbird is flying high

Also, I should note that if you have in addition to your router, a hub, the open ports will need to be additionally mapped through that to go to your computer as well as mapped from the router to your hub to your computer, if you see what I mean.

As in Internet --> Router (open ports, forward to hub) --> hub (open ports and/or forward to correcet computer)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2003
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 6
a l k s is flying high

Thank you blackbird,

I will see what I can do.

a l k s
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