Originally posted by Morgwen Where was this crowd at the beginning (in German: "Was war zuerst da das Ei oder die Henne?"? They started like other networks and the networks who are able to attract the most users win... Kazaa is very popular but only good for MP3s, also WinMX. |
I don't if you remember how some important release groups left their IRC channels (shortly after the DALnet breakdown) in favor of eDonkey which was quite attractive at that time. As long as eDonkey is still alive that community will hardly move to another network.
No, its truth. Gnutella needs longer for new features this isn´t a claim this is truth. Fasttrack and other networks had multiple source downloads and queuing etc. while the developers of the GDF didn´t know how to write it. I read some discussions in the GDF where one developer suggest a thing and an other says its bullshit - some of the mayor features are a result of the pressure of the users who wanted them - see multiple source ddwnloads. I really don´t expect to agree with you in this point (as in the most ones)! |
There were long discussions on the GDF and devleoping the protocol took time (like all good things). There were a lot of arguments of developers with different philosophies. Sometimes all they were about was how to save another one or two bytes per query. The servent development was usually independent of the GDF discussions. If one vendor wanted to implement some feature by all means, it usually did and it did not wait months for the rest of the GDF to agree.
Sometimes the developers give features and issues other priorities as the users. I have learned to trust their judgement to some extent because they really do a lot of research before implementing a new feature.
Since when? You need to log on a server first to get the IPs of your hosts... |
You need some seed IPs if you run a servent for the first time, - this doesn't happen via a central server anymore, as you may or may not know. We have been using a distributed network of web addresses (usually simple perl or php scripts) instead that can run on any webserver, know about each other and have very high uptimes.
Most servents, however, don't need to request any new addresses from the GWebCache system after running for the first time unless you don't connect to Gnutella regularly (like once every two weeks or so).
Funny I have also DSL. I have usually several hundreds of active connections, I upload with 12Kb and have enough uploadspeed left to surf without problems! My average downstream is usually higher than with all Gnutella clients I tested. Do you have a technical proof for this claim? |
Yes, I can easily proof it from my eMule statistics. When uploading at more than 10KB/s, my download rate starts dropping. I can still download at fairly decent speeds and surf without any problem uploading at 12KB/s, but my average download rate will 10%-20% lower (like 40KB/s instead of 45-50KB/s). The technical explanation is simple. Creating many outgoing connections is very expensive, so if you are uploading so much that the bandwidth needed for creating the max number of outgoing connections isn't available anymore, you cannot try as many sources anymore, - you will not get quite as many downloads slots and TCP connections start failing more frequently. This is a common phenomenon with asynchronous DSL connections.
btw an example with very seldom files, which are not downloaded and shared by many people is stupid. You have to see the "normal" situation, not a special one. Which network can satisfy a user to 100%? I think this is a dream... |
Few small files are downloaded and shared by many nodes at once. The situation is a very common use-case.
If and only if you will find a good movie on Gnutella its very hard to get a slot. |
If you can find it, you can usually download it. If it were busy it wouldn't even send a search result - except for Shareaza, Shareaza is usually so overloaded, you won't even get a proper BUSY-response.
But the advantage when you are one of the lucky people you have usually much faster downloads from ONE single host, but this doens´t matter because you will find with the donkey several hundreds of sources to donwload from - and I really can´t complain about my donwload speed. Its also a good idea to use donkey links, you can be sure this files are no fakes and are wide spread - more sources = faster donwloads! |
More sources = more overhead. Ideally you would download a file from as few sources as possible and as many as necessary. Sending requests to many hundreds of busy sources is just not efficient. What you really want is to send a few requests and get a download slot almost immediately. All information about busy sources is basically a waste of bandwidth and that is where eDonkey's design is fundamentally flawed.