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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2004
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
Posts: 1,118
trap_jaw4 is flying high

There is probably one partial filesharing enabled client that sends corrupted data. I just downloaded a CD-Image and 30 of 512 file blocks were corrupted...

Hopefully LimeWire 4.0 will be able to recover from file-corruptions.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2004
Join Date: February 20th, 2004
Posts: 7
Paladoris is flying high

Allrighty, I'm using a 3 week old HP Pavilion, Windows XP, and Limewire 3.8.6. I omitted that because I don't think that's the problem. What I think is going on is that people that I'm downloading from just have corrupted files. From what you've been answering (though the help is most definitely appreciated), I'm not sure that you understand exactly what I'm talking about. I'll download a song, it'll say "Limewire detected a corruption", I'll go ahead and get it anyway. I play the song and it skips, like a skip on a song from a scratched CD or something, and because of this skip, caused by the corruption in the data, the file won't burn to CD, probably because of some screwup in the data from the corruption. That's why I don't think it has anything to do with the OS, cause I'd encounter this every once in awhile with Kazaa, but not often. I just figured there's been an increase in people who's files are screwy. My questions were simply "Can you burn corrupted files to CD with a different burner", and "Where the heck do I get uncorrupted files"? As to my comment about none of the downloads being uncorrupted, yes it was an exaggeration. No, they're not all corrupted. Yes, most of them are. Yes, it's a rare occurence to find one that's not.

So, to wrap it all up, I think that the corruption causes the skip that causes the screwy data that causes the unburnable track, indicated by Limewire telling me that it's corrupted at a certain point in the download, verified by the fact that it skips at about the point that I was told it was when I preview it.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2004
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
Posts: 1,118
trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by Peerless
BT just give the message that a piece failed hash check, and that it is redownloading that piece! this seems like a much better way to deal with the problem, as opposed to asking you if you want to accept the corruption or not...
That's what THEX/Tigertree is for, - I wrote a patch that takes care of corruptions using TigerTree hashing. Maybe it'll make it into LimeWire 4.0.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2004
Join Date: February 20th, 2004
Posts: 7
Paladoris is flying high

I guess what's really confusing me is the fact that a lot of people seem to be generally unafflicted by this problem. I suppose that's why you pressed the issue of something being wrong with my computer, urs, because it certainly does seem highly unlikely that I'm just the poor sod with the bad luck to come across an array of corrupted search results just about every time I do a search. Does owning the paid version of Limewire do anything to sort of tidy up the search results, in terms of quality and such? And, confusion further dogs my footsteps when it comes to Bitzi. I've discovered the option for a Bitzi checkup when right-clicking a file, and (shockingly enough, I suppose) so far none of my downloads have checked out. So does Bitzi only verify songs that have been registered, songs that were actually taken from a CD, or what? Cause I've been to the website and used the search function with pretty limited results. I'm certain the artist I checked up's got more songs than that.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2004
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Bitzi is dependent on users 'filing reports'...
The Bitzi database is growing fast, but many of us wish it was much faster growth !

The only way that is going to happen is for more people to participate in Bitzi !

It does seem quite likely, unfortunately, that you have hit on some deliberately corrupted files.
This practice of corrupting files IS actually happening.

Nice, hmmm ?

It isn't the normal user who is doing this corrupting... It is simply another facet of the attempt to diminish or eliminate p2p participation.
And, before anyone says that my words are 'paranoic'... Believe me, I thought the same of others who said these things about the music industry... I was wrong... It really is happening.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old February 29th, 2004
Join Date: February 20th, 2004
Posts: 7
Paladoris is flying high

Eh, my download strategy is mostly just grab best quality and largest looking file. I'm not really wooed by advertising in the file names. Though I will take a look at the bandwidth and IP from now on, just as an extra little checkup.
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