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Bug Finder June 1st, 2004 06:18 AM

Shared Library ( sharing cd/dvd drives )
I just shared my mp3 collection..
thats stored on my cd and dvd drive

when I look in the ''Library'' tab
I see the map icon's on both...
But the map's ( icon's ) don't have a name behind then..

are these files still shared ?
I'am allmost 48 hours online and Upload bar still say's 0/0
Only the hits bar are growning.....

Second question :
What happends when you ''explore'' my host when
there are two maps with no name ?

third question :
Is there any way to give these maps a name...
or maybe the cd/dvd label name ?

I appreciated the help

Forgotten Info :
connection : adsl ( up 130 - down 300 )
Files shared lastest mp3
Latest Limewire pro Client
Other directory's shared from HD have downloaders...

Bug Finder June 1st, 2004 09:56 AM

problem getting...more strange
I used a friends Client to brows my shared files....
I could only access one of the cd drives
then the client holding the files... reseted ( refresed ) the content
Making the diretory's shared from the HD, are all now listed twice

restarted the client holding the files...
but still the content is listed twice in the ''Library'' tab

Bug Finder June 1st, 2004 10:17 AM

I fixed the content showing twice in the ''Library'' tab
Everting was twice in the -option's / shared

well after removing the content listed twice
I lost all the ''Annotating'' file info, I made yesterday

This real makes my day....:mad:

Bug Finder June 3rd, 2004 03:56 AM

more problems
Just a few questions :

Why do I need to give the command to find more sources ?
Why doesn't it work automatic....

when I add a new shared directory...
Why does the client stop sharing files,
also why does it take so long to refresh the content ?
( Is it scanning everting for new files or someting )
Why doesn't just add the new directory and scan's the new shared directory... without using the cpu for 100% for 2 min - losing the people how where downloading from my client ?

Has anyone got the proxy option working in limewire ?
I found a big list of free proxy's - used proxy list from ISP - Used proxy list from ''Winnow Anonymous Proxy''
and still found non of them working....
some help is appreciated.

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