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MightyMorgan June 5th, 2004 05:36 PM

Awaiting Sources...I'm Going to Scream!
Okay guys... I'm having problems. It's probably just me being impatient, but I want to know if there's anything I can do... so hear me out!

Granted, I'm trying to download a big popular file (a movie), but this is ridiculous! I've searched for it many many times, and I've found what I want to download. I click on it, and it will attempt to connect for a second or two, then say either "waiting for busy hosts" or "awaiting sources". When I search again, the file still shows so I know the user didn't go offline. I've tried resuming and even killing the dowload, then trying to reconnect. Nothing has worked.

I've got over 30 downloads going and one of them is actually doing anything (dowloading merely below 1 kb). It's sad.

If you want particulars, I'm on Windows XP with a wireless connection to cable/broadband. I have a firewall, but have tried running LimeWire with it disabled, and it hasn't helped. Also, I do have the "force IP" option selected. My connection to LimeWire is labeled as "TurboCharged", so I don't know what the problem is here!

I tried a lot of the suggestions in the other posts around the forum, but nothing has helped. It's so frustrating! Tell me what I can do! Do I just have to wait it out?

Sorry, but I'm new to LimeWire (a former KazaaLite user) and I'm still kind of learning the ropes. Any help would be appreciated!


murasame June 6th, 2004 08:53 AM

Hey Morgan.

I never thought of "Awaiting Sources" or "Need More Sources" as a problem. I mean, it's just that the user uploading the file is either offline or is too busy serving the file to others that he doesn't accept other requests. Some people think that this is actually a problem of the application...
Anyway, an "Awaiting For Busy Hosts" is by far a better status to have than "Awaiting Sources" sinces it tells you that LW has found some sources that have accepted your request but that are too busy right now: waiting (maybe several hours) is the best thing to do at that time, even though the user(s) might go offline at anytime while you wait. If you get the "Awaiting Sources" status, the best thing to do is to let it go and periodically (not continually) research for the files.
Also, a turbo charged connection doesn't mean that you'll also get turbo charged dld speeds. It just means that you are connected to a set number of Ultrapeers, which will get you better results (and maybe more), which in turn might make your dlds faster IF since you get more sources to dld from.
Furthermore, I read that if two people are behind firwalls (the uploader and the dlder) then the exchanges might have trouble passing through.

Duh George June 6th, 2004 02:12 PM

I disagree. A download that is awaiting sources will sit dead in the water all day. Limewire is not aggressive enough to restart a search. However, if I search again while the download is actively awaiting sources, suddenly it connects when the search finds sources—and usually to multiple hosts… Unfortunately Limewire needs a babysitter to ensure complete downloads in a reasonable amount of time.



murasame June 6th, 2004 03:48 PM

Yes, you are indeed correct. LW does need to be babysitted, because developpers took out the auto-research functions older versions had. The reason for this is that the network became inudated by continuous search requests and, as a result, everything got slowed down. By eliminating this function, the network only has to deal with manual searches. This is also why I told you to do periodical seraches of the same file and not continuous. If everyone sat in front of his computer, constantly punching re-searches, then this would result in a slower network.
Besides, doing searches of the same file at greater intervals gives you more chances of either finding hosts that are no longer busy or finding other hosts with the same file, but with a better connection.

murasame June 6th, 2004 04:24 PM

Just a thought for Morgan: did you know that XP has a built-in firwall? If no then you might wanna check this one out too.

MightyMorgan June 6th, 2004 10:06 PM

Thank you!
Thank you guys for your help! I didn't realize that XP had a built in firewall. How would one go about accessing the control panel for it? I went into network connections and played with the properties of my connection. Is that what you mean? I haven't bought any programs or other firewall systems.

I apologize for my ignorance here. I'm pretty good with computers, but I'm still learning all the time (after 5 years)!


murasame June 6th, 2004 10:58 PM

Yeah,well. I've had mine since X-mas and feel really comfy with my set-up, but browsing the net just makes you realise how much one doesn't know. These forums are an amazing source of info (among other things). For instance, I'm a Mac user: the only reason I ever knew about XP's firewall is 'cause I found out about it here.
Anyway, knowing about the firewall's existence doesn't imply that I also know how to disable it, so please wait for another reply...

MightyMorgan June 6th, 2004 11:20 PM

Thank you for all of your help. I guess I'll have to wait for someone else on the whole firewall thing :). Thank you though, you tried!

I know what I you mean about the whole internet thing. I thought I was pretty good until I came here and to a couple other sites. Some of it is just jibberish. I'll make do though, even if I have to wait three weeks for my downloads to finish (I'm starting to get used to the idea).


Duh George June 7th, 2004 10:22 AM

XP firewall:

[Connect To]
[Show All Connections]
Look at your connection(s)
If in the Icon you see a lock in the top right corner and in the title it says "Firewalled" your XP Firewall is on.

Right click the Connection
Select [Properties]
Select [Advanced]

Internet Connection Firewall
Uncheck for off.

To set up the firewall for Guntella traffic, visit this page:


nllacrosse13 May 29th, 2005 07:21 PM

So you are saying that if it says "awaiting sources" i should just kill it and then later come back and try to redownload it.

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