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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 5th, 2004
Join Date: July 5th, 2004
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Default cannot open anything

everything I download (mp3, jpg, mpg) is saved to my computer as a limewire document (using a MAC G3 with system 8.6) whenever I try and open these downloads, it just opens my limewire. in other words I can't open anything. Can someone help?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 5th, 2004
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If the file name seems to be very, very long, try altering it a little (i.e deleting some of the words) then making sure it has the right extension.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 6th, 2004
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This is an issue I sometimes had in OS 8.5. Double-clicking would result in LW opening. It has something to do with LW being seen as the creator of the file. The solutions I can think of are: 1. Rebuild your desktop (Good healthy thing to do anyway, even if it doesn't help your issue), 2. Drag & Drop the file onto the application that would normally open it. (also the option of resaving it.), 3. Use a file utility like Mac Army Knife to adjust the file's attributes so that it is then always opened by the appropriate app., 4. Go to your File Exchange control panel & set the appropriate apps to open these files by giving examples of the ones you're having problems with.

Personally I mostly had an issue with .sit files. I either use Mac Army Knife to solve the issue, or drag & drop the sit files & then recompress them for archiving.

As for mp3, some mp3 players will automatically change the creator when you open the mp3 with them in OS 9. There's a free iTunes plug-in/app called 'iTuner' that will change the mp3's icon so that it always opens with iTunes. You can find it at most mac shareware sites such as c/net

mpg's, I'm not so sure of an easy fix for unfortunately, other than points 3 & 4 above for a permanent fix.

Which version of LW are you using? I should imagine/hope the later versions for OS 9 would have overcome this issue. Get back to us if you're still having problems.
The suggestions I made do work. Mac Army Knife is a shareware, but just be careful how you use it. Compare the file's attributes to another file of same type that doesn't have a problem & adjust the details accordingly. Generally only need to change the creator, perhaps type, & perhaps the version but that's optional. (changing the file's attributes other than the ones I've mentioned may damage the file - so backup just in case if you're not sure!)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 6th, 2004 at 01:17 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 8th, 2004
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The rule is the same for all the files you're having difficulty with. Follow my instructions & you WILL be able to overcome your problems. If either of the 1st 2 options don't do the job to your pleasing, use your 'File Exchange control panel' & be careful to choose the specific applications of your choice for each file type. (Of course you can add file types & their variations.)

The other suggestion about a file utility such as Mac Army Knife allows you to set the creator of the file to the specific application of your choice. eg- Changing all jpgs you have to become Picture Viewer files will have the creator name of ogle. After changing, every time you double-click that file, it will automatically open with Picture Viewer. Or perhaps you'd prefer another app to open them. The principle is the same for all types of files. But don't muckaround with the file-type (unless it is incorrect & careful not to change to a file-type that is not equivalent) or use a program creator of the file when that program is not compatible with the file. Keep it simple! After all, all you want to do is have that file open with the type of app that would normally open it.

If you have tried all 4 options suggested but you're still not happy, report back to us in this thread (don't start a new thread!)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 8th, 2004 at 02:36 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 18th, 2005
Mac and cheese
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Default Not liking the little white pages

Ive been dowloading from the site now for.....2 years now, and in the last couple of weeks....90 percent of my downloads are
saved in the "complete" folder as "document.

Ive read all the threads I think on this, Ive downloaded "Mac Army Knife" and I have pretty much not a clue on how it works, and
with nothing include in the folder for instructions....well I would cause more trouble
knowing me.if I tried to wing it.

Drop Expander says that the files are not compressed, Ive tried to drag and drop
into Quicktime and i Tunes.....nodda.

I tried to convert it to MP3 using "Advanced"
in i Tunes and it said it was unable to reconize the program that created it.

I think thats it?......... I did this with 6 differant downloads.

I don't know why all of a sudden I get these "Little white page icons" (with folded corner) instead of the Quicktime icons Ive always gotten with the exeption of a Realplayer or windows one now and then.

Im thinking that maybe in the "Tools" section of Limewire I adjusted something or
turned something on or off?

How can I reset that stuff, is there a default reset? ... should I just reinstall.

last but not least, Im running on a ibook graphite OS 9.2 • DSL-Cable

Thanks in advance.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 18th, 2005
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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See how do I open blank "limewire document" All you need to do is drag & drop a healthy file into Mac Army Knife, then make a note of what it says the creator & type are. Then drag the blank document of same type into Mac Army Knife & change those 2 details to what the healthy one said.

eg: ----------------> Type .......... Creator

mp3 ---------------> MPG3 ......... hook (hook is iTunes)
sit -----------------> sit4 ............ sit!
simpletext -------> TEXT ............ttxt
jpeg image -------> JPEG .......... ogle (ogle is Quicktime/Picture viewer file)
Divx --------------> VfW ............ TVOD
.mov file ----------> MPG * ........ TVOD

* should be very wary about changing the type for video files!!!

Remember that in OS 8 or 9 that the maximum length of a filename is 32 characters. Both Mac OS X & windows 2k & later allow longer filenames. OS 8-9 will shorten the name & thus cutting out the extension. So if you see such a file that looks like the name has been shortened, shorten the name. Also add back the extension. eg: let it.mp3 (instead of - let it have its own way to dAEHEHBHSI%#)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 18th, 2005 at 12:56 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 23rd, 2005
Tour De Lance
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To his majisty "Lord of the Mac's."

Thanks for the pict. file showing
what 2 things to be concerned about
when using Mac Army knife, that did
help finally with all my MP3's.

I have another question...but I will
send that in next week, just wanted to
say thanks!

Best, T D L
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2005
Kenneth Paul
Posts: n/a

Ok........ todays topic, "AVI and MPG files"

Ive had great success opening MP3's with
the "Mac Army knife"

When I try this with a MPG file.... nadda, the file icon is still looking like a white page.

So A. can the Army knife do MPG

B. If my file is 500 to 700 megs vs. a MPG file that is 4-7 megs, will it take longer
or the same time to covert?

C. I get a 8-10 didget code prefixed to
the T-840058576. does the
computer need that info to convert
the file properly? or can I hack it off
to shortian the file name and add a
.AVI or. MPG or .Mov to the end?

D. Also, on a coversion chart that you
show what to put in as sorce info for
convertig files, ie- Divx = VfW = TVOD

You have for .mov file MPG *
So is it MPG, or MPG * ?

OK, just for those of you that have joined us....... I am running 9.2 on a Graphite ibook
that is fully loaded with only 360 megs of ram. just so you know my limitations.

Im aware that I could run osX on here, but I was told that it would slow down my Comp. cause it's a power hungry OS, which is fine if you have the G4 or 5 with a gig of memory.

someday .......

Last but not least.......... is there a way to ignor files from a particular person?

Example, Ive gotten false files big woop, the 104.00 KB files with the Apple pablicitys, easy enough to spot.

But Ive been getting these files discissed as TV show clips "Rude ****" is the name of these guys, you click what you think is South Park....... and this cartoon of a guy
taking a dump pops up with some porno playing in the background, then it launches your browser to there porn site.

I can now see that they put there stuff out in .mov format using a T-1 line and average
file size seems to be 8,000 KB

Can I tweak any preferances in tools or what not so that If I go to download a file I want.....and it's not lagit..... the settings can recognize that the file is from these guys and refuse it? ......does that make sence?

OK.......fewwwwwww, thats it

Best, KP
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2005
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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I'll need to get back to you about the video files. I'll need to reboot in OS 9. But just one quick point I noticed is that T-840058576 represents an incomplete file. I guess it will be temporarily at least be shortened due to OS9's naming restrictions. But after completion the file name will drop that T-840058576 at the beginning of it. So you wish to change the file info before the file is complete. Hmm not sure. I've never tried it. But I will say that video files are much more sensitive to having their info changed. Always make a backup of the file BEFORE you change any details just in case you get it wrong.

I'll 1st need to check various video types in OS 9 within Mac Army Knife before I get back to you within the next few days.

BTW OS X on my computer starts up much faster than OS 9. I use a dual boot comp.

Oh & about blocking certain hosts, yes it can be done. Just collect the ip address & add it to the Tools>Options>filters>Hosts. The problem is though that some or many people use dynamic ip's which change every couple of days. You might also be able to add it by control-clicking on the host. But I'm not sure if that option is available in OS9 version LW.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 31st, 2005 at 07:59 AM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2005
Kenneth Paul
Posts: n/a

Just checking in on..........

"I'll 1st need to check various video types in OS 9 within Mac Army Knife before I get back to you within the next few days."

Don't know if you have had any time to run those tests, Im now trying to figure out what I can do with complete files that show the icon there suppose to like: mpeg and avi, but have the file name OS 9ed at the end, I tried taking of the last 6 - 10 charactors and adding .avi .mpg or .mov
according to there icon, but it does not
work, what can I do if anything ?

"Remember that in OS 8 or 9 that the maximum length of a filename is 32 characters. Both Mac OS X & windows 2k & later allow longer filenames. OS 8-9 will shorten the name & thus cutting out the extension. So if you see such a file that looks like the name has been shortened, shorten the name. Also add back the extension. eg: let it.mp3 (instead of - let it have its own way to dAEHEHBHSI%#)
What's dAEHEHBHSI%#)? are you cussing? lol.

Im going to throw OS X on one of my externals so I can start up on that platform
If I like, Im hoping this will do away with most of these problems, do you have your OS 9 and X on the same drive or seperate ones?

Best KP
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