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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 7th, 2004
Join Date: August 7th, 2004
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johnarloro is flying high
Question Can download mp3s, but can't launch 9/10 of them...

I have no problem downloading the music, but out of all the songs we've downloaded, only three of them have actually been capable of playing. Why is this? Is it because I have a Mac? Is it that I can only download from other Mac users, or something? PLEASE HELP!!! I'm totally lost!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 7th, 2004
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These are in the form of a question but do not have to be used like one, they are just pointers on possible reasons for your problem.
Did you try playing them without using Limewire?
What is the end of the songs is it mp3, wav etc. I've heard that a new type of file came out and normal players can't play it maybe that's the problem.
Try downloading 4 stars and higher these almost always work.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 7th, 2004
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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There's many types of mp3's. Some are encoded with copyright formats. To play them you'd need those particular codecs. There's also mp4 (m4a) which is a new type that's showing up but iTunes can play these. I'd suggest you get a hold of another mac mp3 player such as Audion. I've found Audion can play these other types of mp3's. You haven't told us whether U use OS 9/X or what application you tried to play them in.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 7th, 2004
Join Date: August 7th, 2004
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johnarloro is flying high

I use OS 8.6. I have only tried downloading files that end in mp3. There are a couple of applications that they open up in, which also confuses me. I just double click them from LW and they either open up in real player or quicken. I have no control under which one though. I guess the computer just chooses for me, or something. And I always download the ones with the most stars. I have also tried downloading them from people with modem, DSL, T1, T3 (and anything else I might not have mentioned) connections. We have noticed that the ones that will end up playing have an icon next to them in the library as soon as they begin to download, while the ones that won't play have no icon.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2004
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Have a look at this thread:

For OS 8.6 SoundJam MP, Audion 2.x, QDesign MVP, Cabrio, MP3 Rage that I know of. I think there used to be a MacOS version of Winamp (could be mistaken.) See if you can get a hold of any of these. MP3 Rage & Audion are both very good.
Go to your Apple menu items, Control Panels & open File Exchange. In here you make any file open up with the app of your choice (so long as it's compatible.) I'm not presently in OS9 or have been for several months but if I can recall: look for mp3 on the file list. If it's not there, there should be an option to add it. Then add the program of your choice to open it. Do this for your mp3 player. (I've found Audion seems to have the widest range of mp3 codecs so if you can get a hold of this, use t as your primary player.) If you're still having problems get back to us in this thread. If you're having difficulty with File Exchange control panel get back & I'll check it out. I haven't used it for quite some time (yrs).

In regards to files having no icon/LW icon, that's a generic problem with dwnlding files with LW in OS 9 & earlier. If you do the adjustments to the File Exchange control panel that should overcome which app opens these mp3's & might overcome the icon issue as well. (Don't throw these blank icon mp3's away!) Another solution is much more technical! It involves using a utility app (there's a no.) such as Mac Army Knife & using the File Attribute editor. You would change the file's Creator to that of your mp3 player (it's a special name & w/o knowing what player U use I can't tell you - eg: hook for iTunes & possibly need to change File Type also (eg: to mp3/mpg3). Some apps such as Audion will automatically change the file's identity to that of its own Audn. You'd just drag & drop the file onto the player. Which is what you can do with those that have a white icon!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; August 8th, 2004 at 12:23 AM.
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