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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old September 8th, 2004
Join Date: March 20th, 2004
Posts: 25
JayG is flying high
Default Re: Re: Re: Re: A whoops or two in LW 4.0.8 for Mac

Originally posted by rkapsi
I didn't said that! I said there is no connection between "iTunes Support" and the integrated Player or the Preview/Launch button. It transfers only newly downloaded songs to iTunes. Files that you already have on the Disk stay entirely untouched by "iTunes Support".

If LimeWire's build in player is enabled then will Launch and Preview open songs in the build in Player and if it is disabled then they trigger an "open /Path/To/File.mp3" on the CLI.
You seem a teeny bit defensive. Had a tough day?

Perhaps you didn't understand the implications when I said I had forty years experience in the field. Or perhaps I underestimated you. Either way: The latest version of Limewire DOES NOT OPEN iTunes. Not only did I enable iTunes support, I disabled the Limewire player. Perhaps if you had taken a moment or two to verify the problem I took the time to report, before getting pissy about the fact that I did and snapping back a snide answer, it would be fixed by now.

<<It transfers only newly downloaded songs to iTunes. Files that you already have on the Disk stay entirely untouched by "iTunes Support".>>

=sigh= Let me see if I can make this clear: When you double click on a newly downloaded song—one that's sitting in the transfer window—with iTunes support enabled and the Limewire player disabled, the song is played by the Limewire player. I'll let you decide if that's a bug or a feature. I'm just reporting the problem in case someone at your end gives a damn.

Take a look at this and open then ~/Library/Preferences/LimeWire/limewire.props in TextEdit. As a computer professional with forty years in the computer field with experience from logic design to programming you should be able combine the information you see in both files.


<<Did you upgraded Java to 1.4.2_05 (recent Java Update)?>>

According to the system profiler I'm running 1.4.2. Since I'm getting my updates via the software update feature I assume I'm on the latest version of Java. That would make sense because Limewire is the only fully java app I'm running.

<<That is utter crap and an insulting for everyone who is participating on LimeWire.>>

Feel free to be insulted when someone suggests that you need to test your software more completely—and with a formal test plan. If we ignore the memory problem, the fact remains that you released a version of software in which preferences weren't copied over, the player doesn't follow the checkbox, the contextual menues don't dismiss properly, and files vanish when transferring from download to verify status. You may call them features, but when I was chief engineer I called them bugs.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2004
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To reiterate, if you tick that iTunes support box, then, from that point on, every song dld (in a format supported by iTunes of course, eh?) that completes will be imported to iTunes. That is, if iTunes isn't launched, LW will open iTunes.
If it is the first ever song that you import that way (with the iTunes support feature), LW will create a playlist entitled "Limewire" (doh) and import the song(s) there. This results in you having 2 copies of the song(s): one in the Music folder and one in the Shared Folder.
If you wish to have LW open iTunes every time you click Launch on a dld, then disable the iTunes player in the Preferences, click Apply, quit LW and re-launch it (please, do not be offended by the way I write this. I do it only to make sure that a "heated debate" won't take place because of a slip). Every time you now choose a music dld (in progress or completed), click Launch and iTunes will open. If you have enabled in iTunes' preferences the copying files to Music folder when adding to Library, iTunes will also make a copy of the file in the Music folder.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2004
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JayG is flying high

Originally posted by murasame
To reiterate, if you tick that iTunes support box, then, from that point on, every song dld (in a format supported by iTunes of course, eh?) that completes will be imported to iTunes. That is, if iTunes isn't launched, LW will open iTunes.
If it is the first ever song that you import that way (with the iTunes support feature), LW will create a playlist entitled "Limewire" (doh) and import the song(s) there. This results in you having 2 copies of the song(s): one in the Music folder and one in the Shared Folder.
And which part of: That doesn't happen, are you having a problem with?

To reiterate: With iTunes support turned on, and the "Use Limewire Player" box unchecked, a newly downloaded song will NOT open iIunes on a G3 Mac running OS 10.3 and the latest updates. It WILL open the Limewire player

<<If you wish to have LW open iTunes every time you click Launch on a dld, then disable the iTunes player in the Preferences, click Apply, quit LW and re-launch it (please, do not be offended by the way I write this.>>

Not offended by the way you wrote it, but a bit amused, because the post you replied to clearly said, "The latest version of Limewire DOES NOT OPEN iTunes." Some help-desk people would actually check to see if that was true, under the conditions stated, before replying.

"Please, do not be offended by the way I write this," but you appear to either think your users are idiots or dismissed my comment that I'm a long time computer professional and am not taking shots in the dark. Either way... Had you taken a moment to download and launch an MP3 file on a Mac instead of climbing on that high horse, Limewire, and your clients, would have benefitted.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2004
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Hey listen JayG I promised I would review your situation (whether I'd be of any help or not), but I've been a bit slow. I do appologise. You know sometimes ticking & unticking/vice versa can actually swing LW into action to what it's supposed to do.

I noticed you have a G3 processor but at 500 mHz. Apple never released G3's at that speed but did offer upgrades (from what I heard back then, they were supposed to be better than the g4's for some reason I can't remember why. I think they were faster or something.) So what was your G3 originally? And did your model have a nickname or ID & what was the original weight (yes that says a lot!)?

I have heard that the recent version of Java by Apple does in fact have some issues. That may/not have affected you.

I WILL get back to u if not within the next 12 hrs then by monday! I do appologise again, please be patient. I am a volunteer so I do have
  #15 (permalink)  
Old September 9th, 2004
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With iTunes support turned on, and the "Use Limewire Player" box unchecked, a newly downloaded song will open iIunes on a G4 Mac running OS 10.3.5 and the latest updates, provided that you have quit and restarted LW after disabling the LW player. The reason is that LW (4.0.4. I can't really say for the newest versions or the betas, but I figure that this mustn't have changed) needs the restart to remove the player controls, so, if done correctly, then LW with a disabled player doesn't show the various Play/Stop/blah blah controls at the bottom right of the LW window.
I suppose that you did do the procedure right (again, not forgeting to click Apply after the changes are made and then restarting LW), so I'm thinking that this is a one time problem.
I took the time to dld several songs to test it. Sure enough, a dld in progress, when Launched would open iTunes and import the portion of the song that had been dlded up to that point. When the dld finished, iTunes would open and the songs would go into the Limewire playlist.
See my signature to see my configuration (LW version, OS, etc etc.)
Note also that I am not a developer and, when it comes down to computer programing, I don't know squat.
I wrote the "do not be offended" remark precisely because you wrote that you have experience with computers. I wanted to point out the exact steps in a clear way to make sure that everybody is talking about the same procedures. Knowing that you were knowledgable about comps, I thought that it might offend you if I used "baby talk" to clear up the steps (because you'd think that I wasn't taking you seriously and/or I was trying to make fun of you). That's why I wrote that. I get the feeling that it had the oposite effect...
And one last important thing. I made a huuge mistake in the previous post. I wanted to write "disable the Limewire player in the Preferences, etc etc". I accidentaly wrote iTunes.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

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Last edited by murasame; September 9th, 2004 at 11:47 PM.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old September 17th, 2004
Join Date: March 20th, 2004
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Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Hey listen JayG I promised I would review your situation (whether I'd be of any help or not), but I've been a bit slow. I do appologise. You know sometimes ticking & unticking/vice versa can actually swing LW into action to what it's supposed to do.
But in this case it didn't. Nor does rebooting, nor does anything else. The previous version of Limewire worked well (I've ised it on the Mac and PC since it came out)

<<I noticed you have a G3 processor but at 500 mHz. Apple never released G3's at that speed but did offer upgrades>>

They did offer one at 450, and anyone with a pair of tweezers and a map of the clock block can overclock a B&W G3 motherboard by at least 50 meg (some chips support even more, but virtually all will support 50, reliably, if the machine is in an air-conditioned environment). This has never caused a problem. When the clock speed gets too high for that CPU to support the processor crashes, or fails to exicute one particular machine language instruction, which has far greater effects than what I've reported.

<<I have heard that the recent version of Java by Apple does in fact have some issues. That may/not have affected you.>>

True, and I thought that might be causing the memory leak, but the previous version of LW was a Java application, too, and should have have had the same problems. It didn't.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old September 18th, 2004
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Originally posted by JayG
True, and I thought that might be causing the memory leak, but the previous version of LW was a Java application, too, and should have have had the same problems. It didn't.
Hrrm, it kinda depends on what version you were using before. If it was one of the 4.x.x too then you're right. If on the other hand it was an older one, then you might be wrong because other versions were pretty different...
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
  #18 (permalink)  
Old September 18th, 2004
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JayG is flying high

Originally posted by murasame
With iTunes support turned on, and the "Use Limewire Player" box unchecked, a newly downloaded song will open iIunes on a G4 Mac running OS 10.3.5 and the latest updates, provided that you have quit and restarted LW after disabling the LW player.
Now, if I hadn't been smart enough to restart the program, or reboot the machine...

=sigh= I really did learn something about computers during those forty years of designing them... Really. And on a good day I can sometimes find my own *** (if I use both hands).

Still, today I went to the preferences to verify that the settings were unchanged from what I reported. They were as reported. So I downloaded a song and tried it, just to be certain. This time, iTunes opened properly. The system had been rebooted a dozen times since those settings had been in place, but there is something different. A day or so ago the latest security update downloaded and installed.

Unfortunately, your memory leak is still in operation because I was just told to quit some appliccations to free memory. My 1.2 gig of free memory has been reductd, by LW, to 72 meg. Where can I download the prior version?
  #19 (permalink)  
Old September 18th, 2004
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For someone who knows so much about computers, you sure haven't been much help tracking down your preferences problem.

For the "leak"--see the beta forum.

For older versions, try here
  #20 (permalink)  
Old September 18th, 2004
Join Date: March 20th, 2004
Posts: 25
JayG is flying high

[QUOTE]Originally posted by stief
[B]For someone who knows so much about computers, you sure haven't been much help tracking down your preferences problem.B][/QUOTE

So let me see if I have this straight. The latest version of Limewire for Mac was released with a memory leak, an inability to update its own preferences, and a screwup in selecting the proper MP3 player. And you think I'm to blame because, without a copy of the code, or even flowcharts, I didn't fix Limewire's preference problem for them?

Kid, I CHARGE for fixing problems that other people can't find. It's how I've made my living for forty years. I've designed computer systems when DTL was the only logic family there was, but I've used TTL, ECL, and CMOS. I've also designed barcode scanners, map readers for the Defense Mapping Agency, and codebreakers for The National Security Agency. As far as I know, one of my communication processors is still installed on the presidential "Doomsday Jet," the 747 based airborne command post our president will use in the event of an attack. I started out writing programs in machine language, on the equipment I designed, because even assemblers weren't available. I've worked for RCA, Univac, and Burroughs, to name a few. My design projects have been for such companies as Dupont, Stanley Vidmar, Timex, and *****. If you're a navy pilot and have landed using the Glide Slope Indicator (an optical system used to tell the pilot that the plane is on the proper slope to touchdown), part of that is my design.

These days I'm retired, and rehabbing houses (which are almost as much fun to design)—so I'm not interested in hiring on as a consultant—but was damn good at what I did. So, if you work for Limewire don't bother trying slip the blame on me for your screw-up. I know better.

<<For older versions, try here [url]>>

The link doesn't work, with or without the WWW9
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