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TrfflShffleJB September 16th, 2004 02:03 PM

Cannot find my downloaded Files
All that is showing in my library is the "incomplete" folder...I'm not sure what I did, but when I download something, I have no idea where it goes once it is done downloading. I cannot find a folder on my computer or in my library that they are going to...can someone please tell me how to create another folder so that my downloads go there instead of wherever else it may be that they are going?

Lord of the Rings September 16th, 2004 02:10 PM

Go to LW's menu Tools-Options & Saving & this will tell you the name, location & path of your LW dwnld folder. Use search to locate it, make a shortvut to it & place that somewhere easy & quick to find such as on your desktop/Explorer. Your LW dwnlds folder will not appear in LW's Lib window unless it's being shared. If you wish to share it, go to LW's menu Tools-Options & Saving & press Add. Direct it to the dwnld folder or type in its path (as in the Saving location path.) Don't forget to press the 'Apply' button each time you change any of LW's Options! If you do add it as a shared folder you will need to press the 'Refresh' button in the LW Lib window before you can view it.

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