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stief December 16th, 2005 04:14 AM

the spam files are so minor compared to the connection problems, which has been a much bigger issue.

Still, LW is working out the bugs with a spam filter (download the beta version to help try it out).

SPAM on gnutella is NOT is LW's interest. Interesting that you plan to pollute other sites with your brand of Spam.

However, like with the bogus files, users learn to recognize them quickly and change their habits to avoid them.

Good luck with finding a better network. You should probably try Shareaza and see if that suits you better.

Lord of the Rings December 16th, 2005 07:00 AM

Perhaps Overpeer has closed its door (smokescreen PR) to Kazaa, but if it's not attacking the Gnutella network then something similar is.


Unless there's some deal being made.

Interesting that Kazaa had 3rd party filters to detect fake mp3's

ShojiC December 16th, 2005 11:53 PM

Are you kidding? Or just on the payroll?
Spam is minor to connection issues? That's very odd, I connect just fine, always do. And I haven't downloaded an authentic NON-spam, NON-bogus file from Limewire in months.

I've already found superior networks. They are slower, but hey at least I don't get spammed or nuked by virus attacks. Why would you even defend LW? Are you staff? And if so are you blind to what's going on?

It's no secret that LW came bundled with spyware to promote itself for years. I've repaired many a computer from this. It's just another way to profit from spam by distributing it to users on their own network. I'm not the inventor of this conclusion, just one of the masses who agree.

Seriously, give just one legitimate reason for NOT re-instituting a size filter. The vast majority of users are obviously connecting just fine by the boards here. Need I link the hundreds of repetitive chains and posts all complaining about this issue?

It's hollow rhetoric like yours that just reinforce what we have all come to accept.

Seriously, give up the spam road LW. Didn't you learn anything from a few years back? Institute a size filter, allow unanimous file and user blocking. That will significantly reduce your "connection" issues as the OC3 servers spamming us off your network will be rendered useless. Or would that just negate your investment? Hmm?

LW is larger than a handful of programmers and shifty spammers. It's part of a nation of millions and we are fed up with the betrayal. I used to love it and be a proponent, but apathetic truth dodgers and yes men like yourself have helped propogate the spam. You're calling my messages spam? That's absurd. I've no Ipod to give you, unlike the entire Gnutella network at this point. I have nothing to gain by writing this other than access to file sharing like it used to be and it isn't just for myself. It's for the millions of users out there who wish to have freedom to share files with each other and for people who would be more than glad to pay for a spam free, virus free network that deserves it.

If only LW would just come clean, own up to it's mistakes instead of putting puppet responses on every post to propagate their spam/virus infested network. Yes, posts like yours support viruses and spam directly as they take no responsibility for this dilema. It's an obvious blight to us users. We are of course grateful for all the programmers hard work, but it's high time they started thinking outside the box a little bit and open their eyes. I hope one of the greedy diaphoretic executives reads this and makes change.

In this day and age, people WILL BUY limewire with the features requested implemented. It's win-win. Stop clinging to lose-lose. No one wants spam and LW will never profit from it in the long run.

Grandpa December 17th, 2005 08:39 AM


Why don't you just start using another app that has limited capabilities because of it's filters. I have no problem with spam or viruses because I use a little common sense. If others need a lesson in common sense read through the forum there is plenty of it in there.

If you have found superior networks then what are you doing here. Let me guess your superior networks as you stated are slower much slower, have less content , still have viruses and spam , and you like to see you ideas good or not righten down for others to see so you can bloat your ego.

The only thing any filter does is limit file availability whether the files be good or bad. I for one would rather see all the choices then choose which files I want to download.

LimeWire is by far the most efficient file sharing program out there and it didn't get that way by wasting time or money on developing useless filters. It got there by developing the software itself

Lord of the Rings December 17th, 2005 02:46 PM

Re: Are you kidding? Or just on the payroll?

Originally posted by ShojiC
Are you staff? And if so are you blind to what's going on? ... Seriously, give up the spam road LW.
Well your post is based on ignorance. I don't work for LW or get paid for helping on the forums. These forums are not owned or run by This forum caters for many gnutella programs.

LW does not own or run the gnutella network. A very ignorant statement you made earlier. Spam is not attractive to gnutella, so it is not in LW or any other gnutella program's interest to promote it. And the new spam filter incorporated in the new betas I've found to be very effective to totally blocking it out. There is a community of gnutella program devs that try to work together to shape the future of gnutella. But the intrusion of certain groups such as riaa, mpaa, etc. has distorted this future. It's the dirty tricks of the riaa as I suggested earlier by using Overpeer or similar groups that are deliberate to frustrate the average user. Stief, Grandpa & Only A Hobo have made some good suggestions for you. You sound like you work for riaa or mpaa or similar.

Quality of Content on the Network (click on link)

310 January 20th, 2006 03:02 PM

i know a good way to iliminate 1 kind of spam. well i have found many files that have ysb_toolbar's in them. i hate them and it took my a while to get it off my comp cause one installed. theese folders are recagnisable by their file type. if you have fancy software it will show an icon that sais "bar" in the icon area, CLEARLY STATING THAT IT IS A BAR. this makes it simple. but for those of you who dont have this under the file type it shows .rar ALL of theese are bad so let them be. if you hate them as well and you have one you can deleete them. on the hard drive (C drive) in "program files" it will be in a folder called "need2find" open this file and deleete all the files you can. this should be possible accept for 1 file which is supposedly in use. after you have all the other files deleeted rename this last one. (dont matter to what as long as name is changed) hope i helped) :)

forrie February 14th, 2006 11:48 AM

Fakes ove r T3, etc.
I presume these T3 people are the same ones that are propogating fakes.

From the patterns I've seen, I would almost guess that this is connected to a commercial effort - otherwise, there's very little point in it.

Anyone have more info about this and perhaps tactics to help filter them out appropriately.

When searching for certain songs, you have to keenly look for filenames that are formatted slightly differently, or even for misspellings, to find a good file to download.

Some labels seem more apt to propogate fakes than others. Certainly newer stuff like "Kate Bush - Aerial" has a ton of fakes out there. Again, I think this is done purposefully.

stormy1210 December 11th, 2007 11:12 PM

For the last several months, every thing I search for comes up from t3's. I have to repeat the search 2 or 3 times before I get something from cable and then it downloads very slow. I have cable and the downloads have always been so fast that I could never preview it before it finishes. I used to download t1 all the time and never had any problems, but since the t3's stated coming up, I only download cable. I'm afraid of getting in trouble. BIG TROUBLE!

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