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dropmarshall October 5th, 2004 06:11 PM

Filtering T3 Spammers?!

Was wondering if it is possible to filter from our searches all T3's ??

If this function is not already available - can the limewire programmers PLEASE create an option within limewire to limit searches to show only cable/DSL as a max - this would surely get around a lot of the T#3's wouldnt it??


murasame October 6th, 2004 09:22 AM

Yes it would but not all T3s (and T1s) are bad. Try and avoid for example the ones that serve files that look like this: "L_I_M_E_W_I_R_E" and otehr stuff that look fishy to you.
If you want, you can even IM them (if they have the chat function enabled) and say: "Begone spammer! I command thee!" and other stuff like that.
From where I am, I find only a very small amount of T1+ users of the spammer kind (and in those cases they are mostly T3s, not T1s).
It would be useful to have such a function for users who only seem to get bad results, but it's better if you just tried to be a little more attentive to what you dld.


Justified Ancient of MuMu October 7th, 2004 07:33 AM

I agree with dropmarshall though. If the ability to select "Show Only results of T3 or Higher" is a possible option, how hard would it be to let us select "Show Only results of T1 or Lower"?

OK so they aren't ALL bad but if they can afford T3 then I'm not gonna feel sorry for them for being excluded from my searches!

T3's are the new lepers.

dropmarshall October 7th, 2004 09:13 PM

yep T3's suck big hairy balls for sure

murasame October 8th, 2004 10:03 AM

Banning T3s will stop them from sending you results. But for those of us who have broadband, we need people who have a high upload bandwidth in order to achieve max dld speed. Connecting to more people uses up bandwidth (albeit, not very much). If you connect to 6 Cable hosts, you will probably get the same speed as if you connected to one T3 user, so I still think that it's up to the user to be more careful: watch out for fishy titles, use the preview function, etc, etc...
It's not so much about feeling sorry for them.

GRANDMASTER October 30th, 2004 08:47 AM

whats is T3 guess its a faster network connection who sells it where can i get it from do bt do it or ntl or is it just for company's

Fuggle October 30th, 2004 01:32 PM

I agree it would be nice to filter out t3s. I live in California and I only get t3 responses, but I know there are others out there. I have blocked about 50 hosts an I finally started getting a few cable/dsl returns, but not enought to ensure I don't get corrupt files. 95% of the time, I download every file returned and they are all bad.

Lord of the Rings October 30th, 2004 02:20 PM

There's a very similar post to this in the New Features Request section: T3 or Higher (click to see me.) The idea is to have individual selection for each speed: modem, cable/asl, T3, T1. ie: an option box to tick for each one! A member contacted me yesterday & asked me to check out a particular file. And I found the same results as they did! All T3 files from 3 different version sources were corrupt & one cable/adsl source was fine out of the 4 sources I dwnlded from (keeping in mind that there were multiple sources for each version sourced. ie: each version had different kpbs encoding or difference in title.)

Should I add, most of the different versions (different kbps) were in a very high no. each with lots of sources.

eg: "Strange thing I noticed in my search results is that it didn't seem to matter what bitrate was listed, all files were the same size (some exceptions); be they 128/320 kbps they were listed as 4,395-8 KB. Yeah that is strange! And most sources were T3 which are reknown for offering corrupt files. ... One of the T3's was 320 kbps & the size 7420kbps & that one one also received the corrupt message. One other odd thing! One of my mp3 players listed the corrupt ones as 32 kbps AND had lengths of 18 & 30 mins each."

Of course all the corrupt files were empty space/refused to play! I've heard that complaint on the forum before! Including those that run for half an hour!

* Whilst many such corrupt files came from T3 users, not all T3 users are bad. So best to ignore the reference to T3 users. The important issue made here is the music file bit rate compared to file size. ;) Bit-Rate versus File Size

murasame October 30th, 2004 07:06 PM

If you can afford T3 then you must really be rich (or maybe you work for the RIAA ;)).

Lord of the Rings October 30th, 2004 07:16 PM

:cool: 007 Works for the ? Hey where's that white cat gone? lol Could work for KAOS, hey get smart man, is it that mun! My accent might be a bit off! ;) RIAA is like the oil leaks that poison the environment. Kills everythng in its way!!! :mad: Grrr Maybe works for the oil company. sput yuk yer vrrrrrr-rrrroil errr! spit yuk!

evelyn12345 November 9th, 2004 04:50 AM

die t3's
i am trying to dwnld this one song: [Edit] and i have dwnloaded like 10 diferen ones and they all turn out to just be 20 minutes of nothing when they play on itunes.

they were all rom t3 connections and i agree with whoeva said we should be able to block them (plz limewire pplz)

i really want this song

and i also hate the ppls who share the files that are like t_h_i_s they all turn out to be advertising,dont load any of them (i mean it)

if any1 can tell me how i can get this song i would appreciate it

thanks for listening peeps

Lord of the Rings November 9th, 2004 12:51 PM

Well, try dwnlding from alternate connection types. Also vary your search criteria, search by band or song or album, or all in the general search. Not everybody labels their files correctly so using different types of search & search criteria can help you to find different sources.

murasame November 10th, 2004 06:31 AM

Also, and this is very important, don't look down upon modem users just because they can't get you high speeds: they are probably the ones that have the right files at the moment.

Zetch November 16th, 2004 08:30 PM

I'm thinking that when you block a host, that it only blocks their ability to send you chat messages....I think I read that in a tip of the day. So please don't anyone be too reliant on that to filter out junk until you check it out for sure.

Not to mention the fact that I have tried blocking the 106.7 wmv carriers and actually kept track of their IP's to see if they came back up in the next search, after the block host, and they still did. I'm thinking there is a false sense of security with this feature and that limewire really should do a block host that actually blocks them from participating in your search.

trap_jaw4 November 17th, 2004 12:09 AM


Originally posted by Zetch
Not to mention the fact that I have tried blocking the 106.7 wmv carriers and actually kept track of their IP's to see if they came back up in the next search, after the block host, and they still did. I'm thinking there is a false sense of security with this feature and that limewire really should do a block host that actually blocks them from participating in your search.
Those spammers are using multiple IP addresses and there IP addresses are changing every now and then, - LimeWire cannot block them that easily.

asdqwe May 12th, 2005 10:19 PM

not all t1/t3 users are bad
ie. i have maxed my upload at 243KBps
thats almost double t1 speed
im only on dsl :P

my friend has a comcast t1x though some special thing his dad has cuz he works at comcast. his upload ive seen go as high as 1350KBps (no thats not Kbps)
thats definatly worth saying thats a T3+ seeder :P

seems like a big rant just to say they arent all bad, but whatever floats your boat

Lord of the Rings May 13th, 2005 12:37 AM

I was never saying they're all bad! Just that there's a no. out there that are deliberately targeting the most popular music files. They can be recognised via the file size versus the bit-rate. It takes some concentration & observance. So who would want to put corrupt files up to kill the enthusiasm of downlders. Let's guess.
But I agree, T3's are not all bad & this attention seems to only be needed to apply to music. And you'll find some damned good healthy music comes from T3 sources. Just need to be careful & observant that's all! Yep T3's are faster than T1, at least potentially. At least a couple of the mods on the forum are T3 users for a start. lol ;) :)

PeterSSK May 15th, 2005 10:02 AM

My problem is that i can't get results cause all it finds is spammers files T3 OR HIGHER and they usually have no other sources

so im thinking maybe filter out files with no
other sources??

Lord of the Rings May 15th, 2005 10:22 AM

PeterSSK see autogenerated spam results which might help explain a few things & what to watch out for. They become obvious after a while. (The bulk of spam comes from T1.) ;) :)

longjump May 18th, 2005 04:18 PM

Isolating those nasty T3's

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
I was never saying they're all bad! Just that there's a no. out there that are deliberately targeting the most popular music files. They can be recognised via the file size versus the bit-rate. It takes some concentration & observance. So who would want to put corrupt files up to kill the enthusiasm of downlders. Let's guess.
But I agree, T3's are not all bad & this attention seems to only be needed to apply to music. And you'll find some damned good healthy music comes from T3 sources.

I agree 1 hunnerd percent. Unfortunately, since they took away the arrow allowing us to look at individual files w/in grouped search results, it's awfully hard to isolate the good'ns from the T3 baddies. [At least in my Limewire 4.0.10--I'm on Mac Classic so I can't go any higher--yeah I know, upgrade already, I will, I will]

I've seen some posts from you and others re the loss of this feature, and how the installer asks you about grouping but Options offer no adjustment. Anybody have any tips on how to isolate modem/cable/dsl files when they're grouped w/ corrupt T3's? Do I have to reinstall Limewire and opt out of grouping altogether? That'd suk, as grouping is great in most situations.


P.S. - Just wondering: everybody seems to be blaming RIAA for the corrupt mp3's. Is this an assumption or has somebody actually read this somewhere? My first thought was that record labels themselves must be the corrupt-file flooders, judging by which songs get flooded. Also it's not limited to USA domestic songs--I had the same problem w/ a French song that was big in Europe, not USA. Also I dunno a whole lot about the record biz but I assume the big labels have much more resources, and can move faster, than the RIAA. Kinda like the difference between the Bush admin. and the U.N.

longjump May 18th, 2005 04:35 PM


Originally posted by Zetch
Not to mention the fact that I have tried blocking the 106.7 wmv carriers and actually kept track of their IP's to see if they came back up in the next search, after the block host, and they still did. I'm thinking there is a false sense of security with this feature and that limewire really should do a block host that actually blocks them from participating in your search.
I'm reluctant to "Block Host" on these things, as those bogus search results usually (always???) come back as groups of multiple hits. Am I correct in assuming that there are good people out there who have innocently dnl'd those spam files, and if I click on Block Host I run the risk of blocking somebody who has legit stuff I might want but who also happens to have some spam files residing on their HD?

stief May 18th, 2005 05:05 PM

couple of references:

Is the spamming deliberate? The gnutella development group has been discussing this, so it's more than just paranoia. Here's an abstract of the paper

Copyright holders have been investigating technological solutions to prevent distribution of copyrighted materials in peer-to-peer file sharing networks. A particularly popular technique consists in “poisoning” a specific item (movie, song, or software title) by injecting a massive number of decoys into the peer-to-peer network, to reduce the availability of the targeted item. In addition to poisoning, pollution, that is, the accidental injection of unusable copies of files in the network, also decreases content availability. In this paper, we attempt to provide a first step toward understanding the differences between pollution and poisoning, and their respective impact on content availability in peer-to-peer file sharing networks. To that effect, we conduct a measurement study of content availability in the four most popular peer-to-peer file sharing networks, in the absence of poisoning, and then simulate different poisoning strategies on the measured data to evaluate their potential impact. We exhibit a strong correlation between content availability and topological properties of the underlying peer-to-peer network, and show that the injection of a small number of decoys can seriously impact the users’ perception of content availability.
See for the details.

Don't forget that all the new users migrating from other networks are probably bringing their corrupt files with them. IIRC, one study claimed 50% of FastTrack files were corrupt.

Is there hope for a technological solution? Perhaps. LW is encouraging developers with a "bounty" for a solution

Network monitoring and patrol tools to route out offenders — $500

Frankly, I've not had a problem with corrupt files and have learned to avoid much of the spam just by ignoring it in the search results. Like Longjump, blocking hosts just seems too unfair (and I can't be bothered keeping up with it ;) )

Dave_robilliard June 17th, 2005 06:16 PM

so really no one can do anything, appart from limewire (etc)? surely in there next version they can have a short filename scan for one which verifies invalid characters in the she short filename and removes them from the search, and also a file size specifications list in an advanced tab somewhere so you can remove the 105-107kb files, also surely if people were more anal when it comes to deleting stuff straight away and not sharing it, I dunno somesort of user rating, so if your not deleting your files that are crap then you get a bad share rating and your booted or just dont get a good banwidth, there are ways around these things surely, UNINTED WE ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN THE FIAA, BILL GATES AND THE INCREDIBLE HULK. I dunno maybe the people can be the P.U.R.A.G.R.C.A.S
peoples uninted reform against gay record companies and suchlike

WHO WANTS TO JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s please can some poeple just randomly e-mail me I like to get messages and I usually get really bored.

p.p.s I did a test, I donwloaded 400 files from limewire into a folder overnight, all of the same or similar thing they were mp3s, I awoke in the morning to find that 347 of these files were of 0kb, not a problem? I think not :(

Dave_robilliard June 17th, 2005 06:47 PM

if your having the problem with 0kb files, you can get rid of them by downloading Delinvfile from just find the folder the files are in and hit delete via shortname and bosh gone and gone

Kwazywabbit June 29th, 2005 03:42 AM

Good call!
I think it would be usefull to have a user rating.

I have dld no end of movies that were either mis-titled (I had to laugh when my girlfriend tried to dld a film and ended up with porno) or just won't play because they were encoded with some wierd unknown codec.

I have no idea how it could be implemented on a P2P system. but at least users would have a guide to whats hot & what rot.
+ the spammers would have to work a bit harder to screw up the ratings and not just leave it to an automated system.

Lord of the Rings June 29th, 2005 04:06 AM


Originally posted by Kwazywabbit
I think it would be usefull to have a user rating.
Don't forget about Bitzi. Not enough people know about or contribute to the Bitzi database. Bitzi Web Lookup ...
Filters can filter out spam from search results but this may not suit many people blocking out wmv & jpg results. autogenerated spam results Which is one reason why I requested a working size filter for our searches. But I've been waiting some time for it. lol :D

gregmark34 July 20th, 2005 03:41 AM

yea loads of fakes around especaly with music atm, iv been testing nearly all the p2p software thats around and iv found that if its music u want i STRONGLY sugest trying the program cauled Blubster. it wont do any other type of file but if its music your after and your feed up with fakes just give it a try.

ShojiC August 7th, 2005 03:00 AM

Well there is a very simple Dual Feature solution that would stop all this:
These spammers are really annoying and ruin the network. I don't know how hard it would be to incorporate, but there are two features that woulf fix all this:

1) There should be a "<, <=, >, >= File Size Filter". This way if you are looking for a 1GB file, you don't get 300 search results for a 36.4Kb FREE IPOD file, because you would have the option to search for a file that is >= 800MB. Conversely, you could download that 5MB song and NOT download that 20MB.mp3 of Silence.

2) Secondly, we shouldn't have to block by host IP's. That can block GOOD users who have been victim of bad files. It also doesn't work, because for every one bad IP blocked there's 100 in line to pick up the slack. So the solution is that when search results come back and we KNOW it's a bogus file already (like those lame S_P_A_M files) we should just be able to block results for those exact files altogether. Right click on the result, and say BLOCK THIS FILE FOR THIS SEARCH. Limewire should just ignore any future results and move on to the real file that is out there.

I am going to try and post these Feature Requests in the New Features section.

HangUnder September 27th, 2005 01:24 AM

YOU do this and THEY do that
Folks.. it is the RIAA. I just want to enlighten you all to this. The great folks with know how that are using WinMX are working on workarounds. They've created add-on programs for MX that automatically take out the bogus files... LineWire users seem to be a little behind the times. Now don't go getting all mad and start flamming; the latest news for MX aint roses either. The RIAA is getting to the source of P2P creators and cutting deals to allow them to take money from users instead of taking the creators into courts. Pleaz, don't start with the p2p isn't just for illegal use crap; you are old enough to be using p2p then you are old enough to know MONEY TALKS [bottom line]. The RIAA can get more money busting billions of users [a term also used when talking about drugs] than hitting the limited numer of p2p head corps with one time fines.
I said the news for MX aint all roses either... and here's why. Users have developed ways to remove the bogus files from the library index in MX so they won't return the bogus files in the search results automatically, but now their users are finding themselves unable to connect at all. This, like the 'war on drugs' will be a never ending thing. "You do this ..." as a workaround "and they do that..." to try and stop it. You'd think it would end and one side or the other would win, but that's not going to happen. Again, just take a look about 20 years back and you'll see the people on the wrong side of the laws thought the same thing about the 'war on drugs'. It goes on. One side thinks 'they'll run out of money to fight all of us' and the other side thinks 'the cost will evenutally run so high that fewer people will be able to afford creating p2p programs'. All the RIAA has to do to really push this stalemate is get the fines raised in the courts for "users" and they have the 'war on durgs' as a model of just how to do it too with the heads of states/nations backing up the idea and showing them how to do it, after all they're gaining money for themselves out of it too.
I've limited this to just the IRAA but let's be honest, it's not just them. Many industries are comming together and doing the same thing or at least contributing money to the efforts from the film/movie industry to book publishing companies. So, the best anyone is going to find is to just sit back and wait this out. All p2p apps are going through this. Get fed up with this one and go to another one and in 6 months go to another one and just keep repeating the whole thing and then get mad at the framents on your hard drive and post your anger in different fourms for a wide range of all different sorts of programs, etc. until you finally have a heartattack from rage and die. Just sit back and relax a little while. One p2p creator will find a temp patch to the problem and things will flow smooth again until the next monkey wrench gets thrown into the works by those making money to stop it.
By the way... "let's just eliminate the fastest connections" idea for Limeware is NOT the answer to this latest problem. Be glad you now that most of your problems are comming from those connections so you "the user" can work around it to a very SMALL degree. You limit LimeWire to not get the fast connections what do you think the FIRST thing the RIAA and the others will do? That's right; they'll ruin all the other connection speeds as well. Again, "you do this... they do that...". Fourms like this, while they help the user with info, they also load those trying to stop it all with what workarounds they might have to contend with next.

ShojiC December 16th, 2005 03:59 AM

It's simple
Ok, I don't doubt your RIAA conspiracy theory. And it's evident that the RIAA would benefit from B.S. file spammers. But what is certain is that both the Kazaa and Gnutella networks both had File Size filters in the past and Limewire REFUSES to re-implement this extremely necessary feature despite NUMEROUS posts and subject chains requesting what I have asked for.

The only conclusion is that Limewire really doesn't give a rat's *** about us users. Secondly, I agree with the more evident conclusion from other posts and that is that Limewire is responsible for the spam files and refuses us the option to weed them out for their own interest. It is most likely that they profit from these spamming jerks.

So I'm through with Limewire. It's already uninstalled and I'm spreading the word about it's garbage until someone sees the light and implements the changes. People will buy Limewire in droves if they just took the high road.

stief December 16th, 2005 04:14 AM

the spam files are so minor compared to the connection problems, which has been a much bigger issue.

Still, LW is working out the bugs with a spam filter (download the beta version to help try it out).

SPAM on gnutella is NOT is LW's interest. Interesting that you plan to pollute other sites with your brand of Spam.

However, like with the bogus files, users learn to recognize them quickly and change their habits to avoid them.

Good luck with finding a better network. You should probably try Shareaza and see if that suits you better.

Lord of the Rings December 16th, 2005 07:00 AM

Perhaps Overpeer has closed its door (smokescreen PR) to Kazaa, but if it's not attacking the Gnutella network then something similar is.


Unless there's some deal being made.

Interesting that Kazaa had 3rd party filters to detect fake mp3's

ShojiC December 16th, 2005 11:53 PM

Are you kidding? Or just on the payroll?
Spam is minor to connection issues? That's very odd, I connect just fine, always do. And I haven't downloaded an authentic NON-spam, NON-bogus file from Limewire in months.

I've already found superior networks. They are slower, but hey at least I don't get spammed or nuked by virus attacks. Why would you even defend LW? Are you staff? And if so are you blind to what's going on?

It's no secret that LW came bundled with spyware to promote itself for years. I've repaired many a computer from this. It's just another way to profit from spam by distributing it to users on their own network. I'm not the inventor of this conclusion, just one of the masses who agree.

Seriously, give just one legitimate reason for NOT re-instituting a size filter. The vast majority of users are obviously connecting just fine by the boards here. Need I link the hundreds of repetitive chains and posts all complaining about this issue?

It's hollow rhetoric like yours that just reinforce what we have all come to accept.

Seriously, give up the spam road LW. Didn't you learn anything from a few years back? Institute a size filter, allow unanimous file and user blocking. That will significantly reduce your "connection" issues as the OC3 servers spamming us off your network will be rendered useless. Or would that just negate your investment? Hmm?

LW is larger than a handful of programmers and shifty spammers. It's part of a nation of millions and we are fed up with the betrayal. I used to love it and be a proponent, but apathetic truth dodgers and yes men like yourself have helped propogate the spam. You're calling my messages spam? That's absurd. I've no Ipod to give you, unlike the entire Gnutella network at this point. I have nothing to gain by writing this other than access to file sharing like it used to be and it isn't just for myself. It's for the millions of users out there who wish to have freedom to share files with each other and for people who would be more than glad to pay for a spam free, virus free network that deserves it.

If only LW would just come clean, own up to it's mistakes instead of putting puppet responses on every post to propagate their spam/virus infested network. Yes, posts like yours support viruses and spam directly as they take no responsibility for this dilema. It's an obvious blight to us users. We are of course grateful for all the programmers hard work, but it's high time they started thinking outside the box a little bit and open their eyes. I hope one of the greedy diaphoretic executives reads this and makes change.

In this day and age, people WILL BUY limewire with the features requested implemented. It's win-win. Stop clinging to lose-lose. No one wants spam and LW will never profit from it in the long run.

Grandpa December 17th, 2005 08:39 AM


Why don't you just start using another app that has limited capabilities because of it's filters. I have no problem with spam or viruses because I use a little common sense. If others need a lesson in common sense read through the forum there is plenty of it in there.

If you have found superior networks then what are you doing here. Let me guess your superior networks as you stated are slower much slower, have less content , still have viruses and spam , and you like to see you ideas good or not righten down for others to see so you can bloat your ego.

The only thing any filter does is limit file availability whether the files be good or bad. I for one would rather see all the choices then choose which files I want to download.

LimeWire is by far the most efficient file sharing program out there and it didn't get that way by wasting time or money on developing useless filters. It got there by developing the software itself

Lord of the Rings December 17th, 2005 02:46 PM

Re: Are you kidding? Or just on the payroll?

Originally posted by ShojiC
Are you staff? And if so are you blind to what's going on? ... Seriously, give up the spam road LW.
Well your post is based on ignorance. I don't work for LW or get paid for helping on the forums. These forums are not owned or run by This forum caters for many gnutella programs.

LW does not own or run the gnutella network. A very ignorant statement you made earlier. Spam is not attractive to gnutella, so it is not in LW or any other gnutella program's interest to promote it. And the new spam filter incorporated in the new betas I've found to be very effective to totally blocking it out. There is a community of gnutella program devs that try to work together to shape the future of gnutella. But the intrusion of certain groups such as riaa, mpaa, etc. has distorted this future. It's the dirty tricks of the riaa as I suggested earlier by using Overpeer or similar groups that are deliberate to frustrate the average user. Stief, Grandpa & Only A Hobo have made some good suggestions for you. You sound like you work for riaa or mpaa or similar.

Quality of Content on the Network (click on link)

310 January 20th, 2006 03:02 PM

i know a good way to iliminate 1 kind of spam. well i have found many files that have ysb_toolbar's in them. i hate them and it took my a while to get it off my comp cause one installed. theese folders are recagnisable by their file type. if you have fancy software it will show an icon that sais "bar" in the icon area, CLEARLY STATING THAT IT IS A BAR. this makes it simple. but for those of you who dont have this under the file type it shows .rar ALL of theese are bad so let them be. if you hate them as well and you have one you can deleete them. on the hard drive (C drive) in "program files" it will be in a folder called "need2find" open this file and deleete all the files you can. this should be possible accept for 1 file which is supposedly in use. after you have all the other files deleeted rename this last one. (dont matter to what as long as name is changed) hope i helped) :)

forrie February 14th, 2006 11:48 AM

Fakes ove r T3, etc.
I presume these T3 people are the same ones that are propogating fakes.

From the patterns I've seen, I would almost guess that this is connected to a commercial effort - otherwise, there's very little point in it.

Anyone have more info about this and perhaps tactics to help filter them out appropriately.

When searching for certain songs, you have to keenly look for filenames that are formatted slightly differently, or even for misspellings, to find a good file to download.

Some labels seem more apt to propogate fakes than others. Certainly newer stuff like "Kate Bush - Aerial" has a ton of fakes out there. Again, I think this is done purposefully.

stormy1210 December 11th, 2007 11:12 PM

For the last several months, every thing I search for comes up from t3's. I have to repeat the search 2 or 3 times before I get something from cable and then it downloads very slow. I have cable and the downloads have always been so fast that I could never preview it before it finishes. I used to download t1 all the time and never had any problems, but since the t3's stated coming up, I only download cable. I'm afraid of getting in trouble. BIG TROUBLE!

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