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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 5th, 2004
Join Date: October 5th, 2004
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Default Filtering T3 Spammers?!


Was wondering if it is possible to filter from our searches all T3's ??

If this function is not already available - can the limewire programmers PLEASE create an option within limewire to limit searches to show only cable/DSL as a max - this would surely get around a lot of the T#3's wouldnt it??

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 6th, 2004
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Yes it would but not all T3s (and T1s) are bad. Try and avoid for example the ones that serve files that look like this: "L_I_M_E_W_I_R_E" and otehr stuff that look fishy to you.
If you want, you can even IM them (if they have the chat function enabled) and say: "Begone spammer! I command thee!" and other stuff like that.
From where I am, I find only a very small amount of T1+ users of the spammer kind (and in those cases they are mostly T3s, not T1s).
It would be useful to have such a function for users who only seem to get bad results, but it's better if you just tried to be a little more attentive to what you dld.

iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 7th, 2004
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Justified Ancient of MuMu is flying high

I agree with dropmarshall though. If the ability to select "Show Only results of T3 or Higher" is a possible option, how hard would it be to let us select "Show Only results of T1 or Lower"?

OK so they aren't ALL bad but if they can afford T3 then I'm not gonna feel sorry for them for being excluded from my searches!

T3's are the new lepers.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 7th, 2004
Join Date: October 5th, 2004
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dropmarshall is flying high

yep T3's suck big hairy balls for sure
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 8th, 2004
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Banning T3s will stop them from sending you results. But for those of us who have broadband, we need people who have a high upload bandwidth in order to achieve max dld speed. Connecting to more people uses up bandwidth (albeit, not very much). If you connect to 6 Cable hosts, you will probably get the same speed as if you connected to one T3 user, so I still think that it's up to the user to be more careful: watch out for fishy titles, use the preview function, etc, etc...
It's not so much about feeling sorry for them.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2004
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whats is T3 guess its a faster network connection who sells it where can i get it from do bt do it or ntl or is it just for company's
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2004
Join Date: October 28th, 2004
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Fuggle is flying high

I agree it would be nice to filter out t3s. I live in California and I only get t3 responses, but I know there are others out there. I have blocked about 50 hosts an I finally started getting a few cable/dsl returns, but not enought to ensure I don't get corrupt files. 95% of the time, I download every file returned and they are all bad.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2004
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There's a very similar post to this in the New Features Request section: T3 or Higher (click to see me.) The idea is to have individual selection for each speed: modem, cable/asl, T3, T1. ie: an option box to tick for each one! A member contacted me yesterday & asked me to check out a particular file. And I found the same results as they did! All T3 files from 3 different version sources were corrupt & one cable/adsl source was fine out of the 4 sources I dwnlded from (keeping in mind that there were multiple sources for each version sourced. ie: each version had different kpbs encoding or difference in title.)

Should I add, most of the different versions (different kbps) were in a very high no. each with lots of sources.

eg: "Strange thing I noticed in my search results is that it didn't seem to matter what bitrate was listed, all files were the same size (some exceptions); be they 128/320 kbps they were listed as 4,395-8 KB. Yeah that is strange! And most sources were T3 which are reknown for offering corrupt files. ... One of the T3's was 320 kbps & the size 7420kbps & that one one also received the corrupt message. One other odd thing! One of my mp3 players listed the corrupt ones as 32 kbps AND had lengths of 18 & 30 mins each."

Of course all the corrupt files were empty space/refused to play! I've heard that complaint on the forum before! Including those that run for half an hour!

* Whilst many such corrupt files came from T3 users, not all T3 users are bad. So best to ignore the reference to T3 users. The important issue made here is the music file bit rate compared to file size. Bit-Rate versus File Size

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; September 23rd, 2008 at 05:04 AM. Reason: Note about T3 users not all being bad, & added image from a much later post for comparison of file size V's bit rate
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2004
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If you can afford T3 then you must really be rich (or maybe you work for the RIAA ).
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2004
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007 Works for the ? Hey where's that white cat gone? lol Could work for KAOS, hey get smart man, is it that mun! My accent might be a bit off! RIAA is like the oil leaks that poison the environment. Kills everythng in its way!!! Grrr Maybe works for the oil company. sput yuk yer vrrrrrr-rrrroil errr! spit yuk!
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