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steve_pocula October 8th, 2004 01:00 PM

No Pro Download after Paying for it
I paid $18.80 for Limewire Pro through the official site with Paypal and confirmed I had paid but I wasn't directed to the download page for the software.When I received a multipoint e-mail from the service desk it was not able to help me.Anybody able to help and get me my software.:confused: &:mad:

Lord of the Rings October 8th, 2004 01:06 PM

Try & enter the email you used for subscription.

steve_pocula October 8th, 2004 01:09 PM

Tried that but it says it doesn't recognise the address.I know I've paid for the software because I have the paypal confirmation.The e-mail address is the same one I used for the purchase.

Lord of the Rings October 8th, 2004 01:15 PM

This sounds hazardous to me! Are you 100% sure it was LW you paid for? OR ? If not check: & it might be an idea you put a hold on your transaction until you're sure!!!

You should be warned there are scam sites around using LW's name & even using a version of LW to sell (usually for more.)

Failing verything contact this person. Send him a pm from the member list.

steve_pocula October 8th, 2004 02:01 PM

Thanks for that.I am using LimeWire 4.0.8 that I downloaded from the FileSharingVCenter.I paid a subscription to this site and downloaded LimeWire through it.I then used the advert within Limewire to connect for Pro.
When I paid for the upgrade I had the 440 error come up.

I'll try your link.


steve_pocula October 10th, 2004 02:24 AM

Thanks Peerless,
Sorting something out now.Bought another copy through Lord's link.Will sort out the first payment,thanks for the help to both of you.

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