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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2004
hello there everybody
Posts: n/a
Angry problems downloading larger files

The files starts to download fine, but gradually diminishes, loses kbps and no. of hosts. Eventually it will stick on the connecting.......... message or the queue message but never change. When a repeat search is conducted it gives the download a boot but it soon returns to stick upon the two types of message mentioned above.

Is this just a nuisance facet of trying to download larger files that may be popular or is it an actual problem that others have experienced? Is there a way of managing the programme so that the problem can be overcome?

I downloaded XP Sp2 but uninstalled it once I realised the security issues it caused with such activity. I am running cable broadband at 300kbps from a home computer.

Is it simply a pain getting larger files from limewire or what? I am not really bothered about the speed of the download as long as it can be managed to operate continuously without me having to check it...............
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2004
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automatic requeries aren't allowed on gnutella, but refreshing the sources (repeat search) can often find enough sources to keep a large file going for hours.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2004
hello there everybody
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Default problems downloading larger files

So there is absolutely no way of refreshing searches automatically on the gnutella network? I am talking minutes here on the refresh rate of these searches, this can be a major pain for larger files...........
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2004
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I am talking minutes here on the refresh rate of these searches
Are you talking about manually searched files or 'Resumed' searched files? Manually searching for sources will find many more sources & thus it will promote the file to dwnld from more than one source whereas a resumed file will connect to the 1st one it can find be that a dial-up or T1 connection. Probably easier to get connected to some dial-ups b/c that might be all that's left over if it's a popular file (or/& in a queue for a better connection.) But it means a slow process. Just a possibility. But manual searching is more effective & yes, sometimes LW does have to be baby-sitted, particularly with large files. If you can imagine that it takes a much longer time to dwnld from a very large file. And during that time, some sources may go offline, b/c busy, have numerous hits for dwnlds & filling up their upld slots or sharing them. Personally I've found something similar 'at times' but not always. Sometimes the connection to them is weak & sometimes it picks up.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2004
hello there everybody
Posts: n/a
Red face larger files

With such files I would repeat search, allowing LW to pick up files from the new search in order to resume (I did not always wait for LW to give me the connecting or queue message before doing this but the problem would always occcur).

Is this what you mean by a manual search (i.e. to repeat the original seach in order to reveal current availability). If so, my presumption is that I am latching onto files and downloading before others do likewise, with the files I am downloading from soon sharing to growing numbers of people, hence the diminishing download rate. Does this assumption seem correct?

If this is the case, may I be trying to download the most popular of files and hence the most difficult to receive and thus requiring the greatest degree of "babysitting"?

IS there no way of running LW without such babysitting as these repeat searches (fresh search with the original search title) are giving me what I previously refered to a "refresh rates lasting only minutes". Has anyone found likewise with larger files and maybe overcome the problem??

I never use the force resume tab to relieve this problem as I have found that it rarely works
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2004
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Without reading your post in major detail before I disappear/retire, a well optimised LW should be able to connect to files by itself (given a certain no. of mins for the old incompletes to load & settle down - depending upon how many you have!)

By resume I meant hitting the resume or Find Sources option. Manual searching if needed is better. And no, LW should not always require baby-sitting. Just occasionally. If it's any more than this then perhaps yo should look at some optimising hints: & also Search & dwnld techniques (some hints):

With those xtra large files though, perhaps there's just no reliable outcome. There's too many factors to counter in. Applying certain techniques may help though.
I never use the force resume tab to relieve this problem as I have found that it rarely works
In all honesty, although it can be effective, I don't recommend it. It can have side-FX. Particularly if used on too many files!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2004
hello there everybody
Posts: n/a
Red face larger files

Thanks for the links, they are very useful if you wish to configure your LW to get the maximum download values from you connection, read especially the upload configuration as default might indeed stifle your connection speed.

I have found that the way to get the most reliable outcome from a search (i.e. the way that gets the highest kbps value and requires the least amount of babysitting) is to close the initial search completely and re-enter it into the search engine.

Whilst I can only say that this has given better results for a limited number of trials, it has marked a significant improvement in the amount of time my system will run a download before it fails as mentioned above. You can repeat search a couple of times after doing this but a closed search seems to refresh the download content............

My experience implies that there is a certain element of nuisance in downloading larger files in LW. However, with the configuration tips linked above and the new search method, I have witnessed the download quality improve to a certain extent.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2004
hello there everybody
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Default slight ammendment

A conjunction of the configuration tips from the threads above has allowed me to SIGNIFICANTLY improve the quality of downloads. The no. of host fields and kbps speeds have both increased as has their lifetime.

Anybody interested in configuring their LW for fine tuning and max potential should look into these helpers.
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