August 16th, 2001
Novicius | | Join Date: August 16th, 2001 Location: Norman, Oklahoma
Posts: 1
| |
Limewire NewB Questions. I just pick this up tonight and so far its pretty cool. I was wondering though if there were any ways of speeding up both my uploads and downloads. I have a cable so the Bandwith isnt much of a concern unless I'm playing games, then I shut all the extra jumk off. I have limited the # of hops for searches and requests to about 6. But my DL speed is still very low, anywhere from 2k to about 25k and the people DL'ing from my machine were at 2-3k. From what I've read in the forum here it seems to be a common dilema. I saw one suggestion saying set my connection as a T1 and tricking the machine, does that work? I dont have hardly any experience with peer to peer utilities so any advice would be welcome.
A couple of other questions have popped up. If under monitor, there are a bunch of files lined up but not yet active, if I click on "clear inactive" do they get sent to the back of the line or deleted totally, or just filtered from my view?
Thanx in advance!
Last edited by Warmouse; August 16th, 2001 at 03:55 AM.