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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2005
Join Date: January 18th, 2005
Posts: 17
Ne0teric is flying high
Default Need Some Assistance

yes, i am a limewire pro customer and i have paid for the service, i'm now a member as of the past 4months or so and i've never had a problem w/ limewire lik the problem i'm having now. when i open LIMEWIRE pro its connecting me to the network and most of the time it's saying quality: TURBOCHARGED but for the past few days now when i type in a search result rather its a specified one or just a narrow one say i wanna search usher i jus put in 'usher' or '50 cent' or 'eminem or 'lil jon' cuz i know that i hsould be bringing up like 2k results as so i use too but this isnt the case. MY LIMEWIRE ISNT BRINGING UP ONE RESULT ON ANY SEARCHES THAT I DO SO I CANT DONWLOAD NO FILES AND I WANNA!!! i've tried everything .. even uninstalling and reinstalling the program and it still doesnt work and i've emailed limewire about it and no email back.........SOME HELP PLEASE
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 19th, 2005
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
Posts: 1,118
trap_jaw4 is flying high

Go to the options and try the "use defaults" button to re-initialize the settings. If that does not work, try going to the speed panel and disable "out-of band searching".
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2005
Join Date: January 18th, 2005
Posts: 17
Ne0teric is flying high

my connection is saying 'turbocharged' most of the time but its like im not even connected cuz i cant find any results on any kind of search taht i do. please help!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2005
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Try doing general seaches rather than audio searches. Type in artist. Perhaps type in artist - title. I find general searches give me better results than specific searches.

But at the same time, might I suggest you beware T3 sources for popular music files. Even though they might be slower, cable & modem sources are generally more reliable; re: not being corrupt.

If you need any more spedific help then you'll need to supply more details:
Can you give us a total desciption of your set up: 1. OS version, 2. What firewalls you have, 3. ram, 4. HDD space available, 5. Connection type, 6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers, 7. Where are you trying to connect from (home, school, work, etc.)?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2005
Join Date: January 18th, 2005
Posts: 17
Ne0teric is flying high

i have purchased both bearshare pro and limewire pro... been using limewire pro now for quite a bit and never had a problem w/ connecting until just like 5 days ago and ever since then i havent been able to find anything on that program even if my quality says 'turbocharged' or 'excellent' down at the bottom. i can type in anything even just plain old eminem or 50 cent or whoever it maybe which thats a very general search and still nothing comes up. i believe my isp might have put some kind of block on but im not sure ... to answer ur specifics i have win2k pro, i have no firewall (just did a clean install yesterday), ddr ram, like 200gb available hdd space, cable connection, modem i bought months back - its a D-Link model name is DCM-202 its a cable modem, and im trying to connect from home
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2005
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Please don't tell me you go thru insight! Insight are reknown for either filtering or blocking p2p use particularly LW. But they always deny it! Either search insight on the forum or do a google search for 'does insight block p2p use'. If I'm wrong about your isp then my apologies. But at least ask them whether they do block p2p. Tell them you pay for a service & you believe they are either blocking or filtering (limiting your speeds) your service. Ask to speak to someone in authority & not just a puppetry character.
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