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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2005
Join Date: March 2nd, 2005
Posts: 6
rebeldodo is flying high

Well thanks, Lord of the Rings, so far. Lets see after all this if it will happen again. I do appreciate all your help. I will let you know if it happens again.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
Join Date: March 4th, 2005
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maddenman2006 is flying high
Question Disappeared files?

I seem to be having somewhat of the same problems. I'm trying to download video files and they seem to keep disappearing. However my problem is different because mine show up in the downloading section when I start limewire, it's just that they're all back to 0%. I think it happens whenever I had shut down my computer. First I had 77% then the next day I opened limewire and they were all at 0% and everything in my incomplete folder said 0 Bytes. Same as yesterday, was at 22% and I turn it on today and they're all at 0%. This is very frustrating. Where are my files going? It takes forever to download video files and I can't have them keep disappearing. Please help!!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
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maddenman2006: Do you close LW before shutting down your computer? It is very important to close it before shutting the comp. down. Also, set LW to close immediately; Tools>Options>Shutdown & select Immediately & press the Apply button. That way there's no LW activities happening when you shut your comp down.

Can you give us a total desciption of your set up:
1. OS version? (eg: Windows 98)
2. What firewalls you have?
3. ram?
4. HDD space available?
5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
7. Where are you trying to connect from (home, school, work, etc.)?
8. What version of Limewire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...)

Did you try the above suggestion about making a backup of your downld.dat file & re-adding it before opening LW?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
Join Date: March 4th, 2005
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maddenman2006 is flying high

[COLOR=darkblue]I had it set so that it goes into system tray when I hit the "X". That shouldn't have anything to do with it though, should it? I could even exit limewire completely and open it back up and the downloads would still be there.

Windows XP Home Edition
Not sure on the Firewalls but I think I have a Windows firewall and McAfee Firewall, both are set to allow limewire.
384 MB of RAM
8.99 GB available
Cable Connection
Linksys/Motorolla I believe?
Home connection
Limewire: 4.6.0 Java: 1.5.0_01

I never had this problem before. I have been using limewire for a long time now. I just recently noticed it happening in the past 3 days or so...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
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I think it might have something to do with LW not being properly closed down when you shut your computer down. That's why I suggested to set it to close immediately (even though it may affect uploaders) so there's no instances of LW still running at comp. shut down time. LW being in the tray may keep some of the LW activities open. If you want it to sit in the tray when you use it that's fine. But for closing it down close it down completely. And open it from the Start menu. I only suggest this due to your particular problem.

Also it might be worth deleting your LW preferences folder whilst LW is closed (& must be fully closed.) Instructions are here: Fixes for Limewire
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
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maddenman2006 is flying high

What exactly IS a preference list? And what will I lose/gain from deleting it?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
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It has nothing to do with your incomplete files (their preference list is in the incomplete folder called download.dat)
The preferences hold all the information about your LW settings (& more) stored in a file(s) within the preferences folder. When you delete it then the next time you open LW it will ask you to set some of the options again such as download location, shared folders, etc. That's why I'd suggest you make a note of the option settings before you delete it. Sometimes the LW preferences can become corrupted. It might have various side-fx. A simple deletion of them whilst LW is closed can breathe fresh life back into LW & eradicate some abnormal behaviours.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
Argy ABrgy
Posts: n/a

I can't seem to resume certain files in my Incomplete folder. They appear in red and nothing that I do seems to add them properly to my download window.

Any ideas?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2005
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Argy ABrgy: Do a search for each one using LW. Once the search results are up, select the same one you were downlding earlier & press the download button. If it's not the right one then stop it & select another from the list. If all this doesn't work, then with the search results still up, select a few of the files (one by one to be on the safe side) & press the Resume button to the far right. It's best to do this with the sources already available thru a search. Otherwise the side effect is them resuming at 0%.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2005
Join Date: March 2nd, 2005
Posts: 6
lennie416 is flying high


I have the same problem says "Unable to download old downloads" and red colored incomplete file names
at library window. In fact they point to same problem. Just
cause and effect.

May I ask for a kind of script or a prg to be able to reconstruct
download.dat & bak files for the lost downloads. I tried to write
it but I dont know the binary hirarchy of that file. This could
be written only by the developers of limewire as a fix.

I think this might be the only solution for this case. Cuz
there are many limewire users, searching for a solution.
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