The delinvfile thingy worked well for part of what's been undeletable from my recycle folder, yet one file still remains. It was a movie, one I transferred twice. While one of the transferred files would not delete finally did delete with delinvfile, this other one wont.
In normal viewing it seems as if it's a single avi file, yadayada.avi. When I viewed both transferred versions through delinvfile thingy, I saw that each was a folder containing three files, an ico, an avi and another with the avi file for either being only 3 letters long, rather than the multicharacter name the file read through normal means. I could not delete the folders of either so I went inside of each. In one version I deleted eache file individually successfully, and having done that, was able to delete the folder containing them within the recyler bin. In the other folder, still residing in the recycler bin, I was able to delete all but the avi file contained in that folder, and I could not delete the folder either. I have rebooted the computer many times and dealt solely with the recyler bin each time, yet keep getting a message saying the file is being used by another process and refers to the file by the 3 digit avi file name rather than the long name it shows as in the recycler bing.
Using conventional methods, I keep getting a message saying that the file is being used by another process. And while I had this problem yesterday, without using any other software or processes, my CPU is constantly running at 100% and "Explorer", not "IE" is reaching as much as 200MB of use, whereas it's usually anywhere from 20MB to 80MB.
How do I disassociate this file from any other thingy using it, how do I trace what it may be associated with now?
This problem is WASTING MY VALUABLE TIME!!!!!!