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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2005
Join Date: June 10th, 2005
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Fury29 is flying high

Getting a bit FRUSTRATED here...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2005
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Use the link Stief gave you & try out the magnet link. If you get faster speeds via downlding the magnet link then the issue could be with the sources you choose. Try to choose those that have multiple sources under the # column & 3 or 4 stars from the search results.

If you have configured your firewall ( ) & still getting a False bug test report for incoming then please supply the following information:
1. OS version? (eg: Windows 98)
2. What firewalls you have?
3. How much ram?
4. Hard Disk space available?
5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
7. Where are you trying to connect from (home, school, work, etc.)?
8. What version of Limewire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version.
9. Who is your isp provider?
10. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2005
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I've been using LW for months with no problems at all with good download speeds (2 mb/s connection). Then this week, all of sudden I now have the same problem, I get around 5 kb/s download speeds spread across everything that's trying to download.

I've read a lot on these forums, checked ports and anything else it might be. Virus software is up to date and it's not reporting anything. Only thing I can think of is the ISP, anyone know of any problems with Tiscali in the UK?

Help appreciated!!!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2005
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I am aware Tiscali in some European countries are applying filters to slow down p2p share programs. I don't know if this applies in UK. Once they detect someone using large amounts of bandwidth, they apply the filters. They would be unlikely to admit to it though.

If things have all of a sudden gone awry then you could try deleting your LW Preferences folder whilst LW is closed; instructions here: Fixes for Limewire If that doesn't fix it then ... it could be your isp provider if it continues to persist to be a problem.

Try the magnet links Stief was refering to in his link. If you get slow speeds with those files then you know there's definitely a problem!

(ISP's known to BLOCK or Filter p2p or specifically Limewire)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; June 11th, 2005 at 12:25 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2005
Join Date: June 10th, 2005
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Fury29 is flying high

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Use the link Stief gave you & try out the magnet link. If you get faster speeds via downlding the magnet link then the issue could be with the sources you choose. Try to choose those that have multiple sources under the # column & 3 or 4 stars from the search results.

If you have configured your firewall ( ) & still getting a False bug test report for incoming then please supply the following information:
1. OS version? (eg: Windows 98)
2. What firewalls you have?
3. How much ram?
4. Hard Disk space available?
5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
7. Where are you trying to connect from (home, school, work, etc.)?
8. What version of Limewire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version.
9. Who is your isp provider?
10. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user.
First, thank you for responding to this thread LOTR, I hope that you have the time to continue to help us here.
I have tried the link that Stief provided (thanks Stief btw) and attempted to Download one of 'The Scene' episodes. While connected to the network as 'Turbo charged' and receiving the D/L from 4 users my rate was still at 0-1 KB/s. My bug report still shows a 'False' reading from the Incoming / Received list item. I have already edited my preferences to disable the start up tips, deleted my .limewire folder (correctly) installed Java and L/Wire, disabled the XP firewall (had been disabled for a while now since I use Norton Worm protection) and disabled Norton. I edited my preferences to show only 3&4 star results from a Cable / DSL connection or higher. I have used Lime Wire for at least 6 months now and love the program, never had a bit of trouble until recently; always had no problem connecting, downloads were fast and had no complaints at all. I am still a fan and supporter of the program, I wouldn't be trying so hard (and getting frustrated) to fix it if I didn't. Again, anyones help with this is appreciated. Here are the specs you requested:

1)Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2
2)The Firewall that was included in SP 2 (Disabled)
Norton AV 2005 with Internet Worm Protection
3)512 MB of RAM
4)16.8 GB of free space on the HDD (out of 80)
5) Cable Modem
6) Surfboard Model SB4100 Cable Modem
Belkin Router- Model# F5D5230-4
7) I connect at Home
8) My Lime Wire is Version 4.8.1
Java2 1.5.0_02
9) My ISP is Waycross Cable Co.
10) I have been using LW for over 6 months, no problems until recently.

I will be awaiting any help anxiously!! Thanks!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2005
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Not sure why you should all of a sudden have speed problems. Sounds a bit suspicious.

Let's do some speed tests. Do a couple to be sure. 1. & 2. Choose your area:


Good idea to disable your XP firewall. XP firewall & Norton FW have been known to interfere with each other. Configuration for Norton FW see: Configuring Norton Internet Security

I don't know whether your Belkin router uses UPnP or not. If you know you can tell us. But I am aware it may require a port to be forwarded (may be why you're getting a False incoming bug test report.)

If you do decide to forward a port on your belkin you will 1st need to set up a static ip in order for it to work correctly.

1. Set up a Static ip. 2. Forward port 6346; see: Guides for the Belkin F5D5230 which also explains how to set up a static ip. 3. Within LW: Manual port forward instructions & sample image & 2 posts after that.

By the way, did you try deleting your LW preferences folder. This can sometimes make a difference.

Also, is your modem set up for USB or ethernet. USB can have issues b/c it may draw power from the computer, utilise the comp's cpu, & struggle with heavy traffic depending on brand & model & usb type.

I didn't see a policy paper on your isp so I'm not sure about their attitude with p2p. If I remember, I'll see if I can find it tomorrow.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2005
Join Date: June 10th, 2005
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Fury29 is flying high

I performed the tests you advised me to; here are the results:

ADSL result: Down at 582 Kbps (72.8 KB/sec)
Up at 351 Kbps (43.9 KB/sec)

T1 shopper result:
Down at 1841 Kbps
Up at 352 Kbps

I have already contacted my ISP inquiring as to the p2p port to which they advised me that they did not have any blocks or filters in place.

Edit: Limewire is permitted access through Norton, I have also tried accessing LW with Norton disabled with no effect.

I will check on the router using Upnp and look into port forwarding and advise of the results.

Regarding the LW preferneces folder, I deleted the .limewire folder in my documents, is that the one you are referring to? I didn't see one that said 'preferences' specifically.

My modem is ethernet and set up accordingly. I am going to try editing the settings on my router to see if it helps, but I have already tried making the connection without the router (Modem directly to computer) and had no improvements but I'll give it a shot anyway. I'll let you know what happens asap.

Last edited by Fury29; June 12th, 2005 at 05:37 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2005
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That's right, the .limewire folder is your main LW preferences. Interesting that you got a totally different down result for the 2 speed tests.

(a) How old is your modem & (b) how old is your router?

I wonder if you tried a different port whether that would help. But that might require port forwarding.

From your isp FAQ: Most customers have a bandwidth limit of 2mbps. This doesn't mean you'll get any where close to that speed for actual downloads. You can only download something as fast as the slowest link between you and a server. The readings you get from speed testing sites will vary greatly which is normal. The download speed you obtain depends on network traffic (outside the cable network) at the time your actually downloading the test data. Since this congestion greatly varies, your line speed measured will be different every time. It is normal to receive reported speeds from <100kbps up to >1.5mbps, and an average of slower speeds during peak Internet usage hours.

Your isp Terms of Service

You use a router so I presume you connect more than one computer. How many?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2005
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Lightbulb Help with low download speed problem problem.

Hey everybody, I too am experiancing the low download rate problem and I think I *May* have found a solution.

According to this site,
, the problem lies within the router. You need to set your routers Port Range Forwarding to unblock LimeWire. For instructions just follow the site above.

However, I myself havent really tested this myself due to problems with my own router. Please attempt to fix this using the solution.

oh uh if anyone happens to have information regarding using a SMC7401BRA serial code router, please post it here. Thanks.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2005
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SMC7401BRA is a USB modem from what I can see: here & it is also UPnP capable which both suggest port forwarding should not be necessary (& possibly not even able to.) More here & also here. QueenIria do you use any other devices also?
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