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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #41 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2005
Join Date: June 10th, 2005
Posts: 29
Fury29 is flying high

Well I am pleased to report that LW is still working great for me now, actually after doing the tweaks that I found on the forums here it is performing much better than it did before. People are uploading from me with no problems and I am downloading music to again feed my addiction
I have still yet to determine what the cause of my problem was, wether it was bogus UP's that flooded the network, my ISP or just a pissed off computer it seems fine now. Again thanks for all your help and research and happy sharing!
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2005
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chixxxdiggit is flying high
Default mines saying true

hey guyz

mine says true but im having the same prob.

it started today at around 5:30 pm, and it hasnt goten any better!
help me!!!
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2005
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turquoisesky is flying high
Default Ultrapeers

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
[B]I have heard of bogus ultrapeers before. Ultrapeers are people you connect thru when connecting to the gnutella network. Not sure what the best way to by-pass them. Try deleting & adding new connections on the connection page perhaps or blocking those hosts that do this. Need to be sure though before you block them!!!

Hello All. I live in the boonies at 10,000 ft altitude, and I wanted to speak up for any other T3's out there who aren't part of this "conspiracy". I have a high speed satellite connection, because that and dial-up over crappy phone lines, are our only options up here. I was having the same problems downloading that others have mentioned and just finished all the suggested fixes. My dl's are now flying! (Yeah!) As a side affect, all my Ultrapeer users (I have six using my system as I write this) are now having sucessful downloads, whereas before the fixes, most of those accessing my connection to speed up theirs were getting dropped or incomplete dl's and their connection speeds were crappy - 0K - 2K. Maybe not all T3's are bad, they just have the same issues w/ dl's you have. The uploads I show also show 100% for those uploading from me, for the first time. Maybe I made a few other users happier today - please don't dis all T3's! Some of us are o.k! I'm happy to share my speed to help those with slower connections.
(I like the suggestion to browse the host first. I got a trojan horse from one of those T3's w/ 1000's of files yesterday - who has time to dl and keep 1000's of files?)
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old June 16th, 2005
Posts: n/a

shoot.i just typed a whole lot of stuff, and then it said my username was too long. so here i go again.

been having this slow download thing from last week. really getting to me, especially since it's gonna be forever until they show Desperate Housewives on telly here.

i've not had problems downloading before and I've used LW for nearly a year. this problem had better not be the evil plan to slooooow down downloads for BASIC users, in an attempt to force us to buy the PRO, out of sheer frustration and cold turkey.
I'm THIS close to doing a tribal dance to summon the download speed devils. heh.

used to get up to 60kb/s for downloads and about 20kb/s on a bad day, but now it's between 1 to 9kb/s. wtf?!

i'm on ADSL and NONE of the SETTINGS for my computer or LW have changed...just wondering what you lucky people out there who can download properly again did.

Any help please????

i'm horrible with computers so don't know anything about the bug reports or whatever stuff mentioned above.

thanks in advance.

*stomps totem pole*
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old June 16th, 2005
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wtf it might be just a bad day or could be a no. of things. Try closing LW & re-opening it. If that doesn't help, try deleting your LW Preferences folder whilst LW is closed; instructions here: Fixes for Limewire & see if that helps. If still problems then go thru this thread very carefully & try out all the ideas. Also try a file from here: & see how fast it is.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2005
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Default sorryz

hiya, did the same thing as Fury...
my downloading speeds have improved as well probably because I spent a whole day tampering with my router and such.....
however my current problem is that my speed fluctuates from 0~15 kb/s which is a major improvement from 0~1 kb/s. Is there a way to increase this? possibly i didnt tamper with my router appropriately?
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2005
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QueenIria it's not abnormal for speeds to fluctuate. If you look at your uploads, you'll notice one will for a period of time use much of the speed, but then for a period it swaps over to another upload which gets much of the speed, & so on. Major fluctuations I'm not sure, ... perhaps a collation of the same fluctuations from multiple sources. Just a guess.

Not sure if this will help but there's some tips here that do work: To continue files downlding (click on link) I constantly use these techniques such as browsing & dc, etc. or cancelling the downld & reselecting from the search results. And doing fresh searches if needed.

(Another point is to vary the material you have to share b/c that attracts different people who may help you find new sources & harder to get files.)
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2005
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i guess those tips help a little however i still recieve the low download rate prob, some files are dloaded at 20-30 kb/s however some are still at 0kb/s
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2005
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Which clients are they from. If they are RAZA (Shareaza) then don't be surprised about 0 to 1 KB/s downld speed. Raza users use much or most of their upld bandwidth for a different network where they can only downld as fast as they upld. Some people have refered to raza as leechers, but it does depend. You can get generous raza users.

Check the connection type of the slow downlds. Is it modem for any LW users you're sourcing from?

I can only suggest you keep attacking the issue with trying to find more sources for those slow downlds.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2005
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i suppose... but its weird cos i dont recieve any uploads as well
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