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gygh June 26th, 2005 08:09 PM

how do you put LW songs on ipods
how do you put LW songs on your ipod i can't figuire it out please help i've looked every where

PigDog4 June 26th, 2005 10:05 PM

First off, I seriously doubt you looked everywhere, if at all. A brief search for "iPod" would have turned up more than just a few answers to questions like this. In fact, instead of replying to your question with an answer, I will just link the main result for this question.

This one took me about 15 seconds

Hmm. It seems to me that you didn't even bother to search for something like "iPod." I realize I'm not even regestered yet, but this is an unbelievable lack of initiative. In the future, remember, if you've looked "every where," then you will have found the answer to your problem. If you didn't look at all, please do, and then respond with something like "a brief search didn't help me."
This saves board clutter and short tempers all around.

P.S. Please dis-regard spelling mistakes in this post, it's quite late and I'm tired and cranky.

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