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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2005
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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shiajun can you tell us your modem/router model brand & model no.'s You may require doing a port forwarding. Your connection couldn't expect more than about 50 KB/s but yes there are other factors such as how far you are from the exchange, etc. What you could try is deleting your LW preferences whilst LW is closed; instructions: Fixes for Limewire

Instantkarma most Linksys devices use Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) so you shouldn't need port forwarding (PF.) Unless you have an older version. In which case it might be worth trying it just in case. But PF does require a static ip which must be set up properly. I have instructions from both Linksys Support site & port about how to do this if need be.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 4th, 2005
Join Date: July 3rd, 2005
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shiajun is flying high

If it helps:

Modem: Motorola SB5100
Router: Xmedia RWE300

I tried some of the fixes. The only one that did some sort of effect was running the program in windows 2000 compatibility mode. Downloads now go at dial up speed, and at moments as fast as 10 kb, but suddenly they drop to 0 kb again. However, if I pause and then resume the download, I get dial up speed again. I can be a very patient person and supervise my downloads, but I'd rather not have to do this.

Oh, I didn't try the java thing because I don't know what you mean by "take the JRE".

Last edited by shiajun; July 4th, 2005 at 07:59 AM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 5th, 2005
Posts: n/a

i'm new to limewire and have poured over everything trying to figure out what was wrong w/ my connection. the best d/l speed i've been able to get is 45 KB/s - more common is in the teens and i've had a lot of connections hovering around 3KB/s, down to 1KB/s and then hang at 0.

i've got (comcast) cable modem, sygate firewall, have 60-100 files to share and allow 3/time though i brought that down to 2 and then 1 to see if it would make a difference. i am careful not to have too many d/l'ing at once, let limewire sit 20 minutes before doing searches to d/l (don't understand this, but read it somewhere here and dutifully obeyed) and have tweaked with settings.

did the test mentioned in this thread and got between 250-340KB/s with those.

i also discovered (as another poster mentioned) that when things crawl to 1KB/s if i pause and restart, i speed up (gack) to 20KB/s or so.

now that i'm officially baffled, does anyone have a further suggestion? limewire obviously isn't useable for me and i'd like for it to be.

thanks for any suggestions to this newbie.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 5th, 2005
Join Date: July 3rd, 2005
Posts: 3
shiajun is flying high

Well, I have determined that the problem is not a firewall, or the program itself, or my router. It's my ISP, I think, which is blocking Limewire (and eMule and similar). Is there a way to get around that through another port or something? The problem is if there isn't, I'm screwed, because apparently all the local ISP cable providers decided they were going to do this kind of things.

Last edited by shiajun; July 5th, 2005 at 10:31 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 6th, 2005
Join Date: July 6th, 2005
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Thefter_182 is flying high

Hey Guys, i got the same exact problem and it's driving me crazy! i no i use to have a bug called something p2p so i assumed it was the one affecting my LW bt it's made no difference, and i've tried all the other solutions and i dunno what 2 do!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 6th, 2005
Join Date: July 5th, 2005
Posts: 8
medieddie is flying high

hey got the same problem, downloads are very slow, sometimes even below 5KB/s even with 5 hosts+ downloading from.

Example, downloading 350MB avi. file at Cable/DSL speeds from 3 - 7 users and speeds are below 7KB/s.

My configuration is Windows SP2 with integrated firewall turned off, norton 2005 firewall is running instead but i have set norton to 'permit all' for limewire in the firewall programs tab.

My internet connection is a DSL modem 2.2mbps PlusNet broadband. I have run the bug report which came back 'true' not false. I am an ultrapeer.

I have tried reinstalling limewire to no avail. When i first downloaded it speeds weren't even above 20KB/s now im lucky if they get above 10 even with 5+ users on a 4 star file with lots of '#' and with turbocharged quality. Im despairing. Apparently I should be getting speeds of 150KB/s+ with my connection speed/type as i downloaded that movie to test my speeds i should be getting from another post on the forum which downloaded at around 175KB/s - 200KB/s.

I have Limewire vers. 4.8.1 PRO and Java 1.5..

Someone please help - had this problems for weeks now - cant seem to find a solution to boost my speeds.

Is there some way i can check to see if norton or windows is blocking or restricting the 6346 ports needed?? Can iconfigure anything in Windows or Norton Internet Security to help Limewire to function the way it should for my Internet connection?

I even sharing over 350 files to allow my uploads to boost my downloads but still nothing. HELP!

If you need any more info about my situation then let me know so you can help
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 6th, 2005
Join Date: July 5th, 2005
Posts: 8
medieddie is flying high
Default Update

Hi, just to update, ran lots of tests from people on the forum like LOTR to test the port 6346.

And from each test it comes out that the ports operating and open - so i have no idea what the problem could be. I also ran a speed test of my connection and that came out pretty much what it should be, (true speed vs. actual speed test link)

Ive emailed my broadband ISP PlusNet to see if they are blocking/filtering/restricting port access to 6346 and ill update the results here, ill probably also phone them to double check. The only other thing could be to reinstall Windows SP1 that could help resolve this confusing issue.

But no moderators or experts like LOTR will respond to any of my various posts or replies on the forum - its so frustrating as i cant find any solutions or anyone else with my exact problem on the forum and the Limewire customer support is S**T

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 7th, 2005
Join Date: July 5th, 2005
Posts: 8
medieddie is flying high

Seeing as no one else will help me, ill post the latest developments, phoned PlusNet they told me they blocked access to 3 ports but 6346 wasnt one of them for Broadband Plus package...

They believe the reason it is slow is because p2p applications slow down the network, bandwidth wise so they give priority to other users
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