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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 11th, 2005
Savvy's Avatar
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Default Downloads Didn't Startup, Now I'm STARTING FROM 0% WWWHHHAAATTT???

After using limeweird for months, I've come across one of the most obscene dysfunctions of it all.

For months I've been waiting for some downloads to finish, gradually developing a list over time, all in anxious anticipation of getting them all completed, eventuallllllllyyyy.

Starting up der pooter a moment ago, then limewire, I got a message that it could not recall my downloads. I shut down limewierd and started it again. Still no autorestart of downloads I've been waiting for months to complete. I rebooted der pooter, started limewired and still no resumption of downloads. I followed the instructions from der popup thingy, go to library, click on der files to resume, then click resume.

RESUME??????? HA! They all seem to have restarted from ZERO!!! I had more than 14 files that were at 90% or above, having waited weeks and months for them to get that far, and now they're back to ZERO????? ALL OF THEM.

Surely a more reliable and more stable product can be made, exists somewhere in the manifest world, something more than a developer's dream, already.

We gotta be able to do better than this -- Solutions, anyone?

I just checked my restarted -- from ZERO -- downloads, 8 of my 90+% downloads are coming up 'corrupt', even after serveral months of waiting for them to finish never ever resulted in a 'corrupt' file. I have more than 24GB of wasted time, attention, months and hard drive only to have some dysfunction nullify allllll of that time, effort and undefragmentable hard drive space of downloads that are incomplete. Why can't limewired recognize them and continue from where they are instead of STARTING FROM ZERO?

That's about as bad as some of the downloads I've seen where a full 2 hour show is downloading, TURBOCHARGED, from anywhere from 8 to 14 sources at 1K a second, with as much as 875, days, 23 hours and 48 minutes remaining to complete the download. TURBOCHARGED? This is Soviet quality.

Last edited by Savvy; July 11th, 2005 at 09:58 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Go to LW's menu Tools>Options>Saving & change the days to keep incomplete files to a large no. like 999 or 9999.

If your downld preferences have become corrupt, it could be due to not closing LW down properly before shutting down your comp., or a system crash, or perhaps you have too many incomplete files. OR else you've gone backwards by opening an older version of LW.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
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Thank you for your response, Ringster. I discovered the high number of days option many moons ago and did that. Perhaps one of my many crashes may have affected the software's ability to save the incomplete register. Seldom does my new computer 'not' crash after anywhere from just a few minutes to as high as - when I'm lucky - an hour of running limewire.

Yet, there still needs to be a solution to wiping out any record of alllllllllll those incomplete downloads I/we have been waiting to complete over many months, of not recognizing, in their proper place, all of those incomplete files sitting there taking up sooooooo much of our hard drive space, ignoring them and starting from ZERO again, regardless of what's directly in the path ready for completion. If limewire is such a crash-happy engagement, surely a solution is in store for such a deliriously destructive bacchanal.

Last edited by Savvy; July 12th, 2005 at 10:25 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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If your computer consistently crashes, then it'd probably be wise to backup your downld preferences. Go to the incomplete folder & find these 2 files: download.dat & download.bak & copy them to somewhere else on the computer. Make a practice of this every day. So then if your computer crashes whilst LW is open, replace the 2 download.dat & bak files with the copies. Then LW should recognise your previous efforts. In fact, it might be wise to do this a couple of times a day. Sounds laborious but at least it will be effective & your downld efforts won't go to waste.

As a one off effort, it might also be worth deleting your LW Preferences folder whilst LW is closed; instructions here: Fixes for Limewire I don't know if this plays a part but doing so might help t freshen up the main preferences. Just remember your settings such as where your downld folder is (or write them down.)

* A better solution to this problem with corrupted downld preferences will eventually be needed to be found. This doesn't seem to happen on a mac.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 12th, 2005 at 10:34 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
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Indeed, oh mighty rishi of the Ring, I will make backups of the backups, a simple effort for sure.

What would happen if, say I follow these instructions, run limewire, it crashes after I've downloaded maybe 2 gigglebutts of 7 movies, which are still incomplete? If I put the backups back into the fold, then will the downloads start where the previous download started, 2 gigglebutts previously?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
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That's why I suggested perhaps make 2 backups during a session of using LW. Say one half way thru your normal routine & one at the end of the day or something similar.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 14th, 2005
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Ringa ding, there's MORE to this problem than the .dat/.bak backup problem.

I've EXCLUDED the limewire folder from every 'cleaner' type software I have. I've gone to extraordinary lengths to make sure the limewire directory is treated with kid gloves, yet THIS PROBLEM CONTINUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where else are limewire files usually stored that may be affected by normal use and maintenance of a computer? No one can continue to put with such a HUGE WASTE as this software.
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