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feistyleo July 29th, 2005 08:37 PM

Corrupt File Message
Can someone please tell me what this means? Everytime I try to download this one certain song, it finishes the download, but when it verifies file contents, I always get a message saying that LW "has discovered a corruption in the file. Do you wish to continue?"
What does this mean, and is it safe to keep the file, or do I need to trash it?

Grandpa July 30th, 2005 11:03 AM

The way I understand it, it means somthing is not correct in the file as compared to a file know to be correct. I would trash it if it were me could be a virus in there,May have been packed wrong and therefore unusable. I really don't know I have never opend one to find out. The defination I gave above could be wrong that is the way it was explained to me.

Latter Grandpa

Only A Hobo July 30th, 2005 04:23 PM

I have, on occasions, sucessfully downloaded a "corrupt" file. I immediately convert it to mp3 with iTunes and trash the original. This may be a dodgy thing to do, but I use a Mac and have a sense of (false?) security about viruses etc.

If the file wont import to iTunes, it is clearly faulty so don't bother

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