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waybackwhen August 2nd, 2005 01:41 PM

saving a 99% completed download
I can't find a way to save a 99% downloaded song - the song is complete as far as listening to it. I'm able to do it when using WinMX. Any help greatly appreciated.

Only A Hobo August 2nd, 2005 03:15 PM

this must depend on the equipment you are using. If you use iTunes You could copy the incomplete file into your iTunes folder, and then open it in iTunes. I have occasionally done this and then, for good measure, I use iTunes to "convert the file to mp3". If you have iTunes you will understand the apparent stupidity of that remark. If you do not do this and share the file it could be displayed as one of infinite length and might show up as corrupt which is a pain!

Also I have had a few files play once or twice and then be apparently totally blank and I GUESS it is possibly because they were not 100% complete.

If this is not relevant to you, it might at least give you some pointers.

waybackwhen August 2nd, 2005 05:35 PM

Thanx for your suggestion, I don't use iTunes but after trying various things I was able to drag/drop the file from my Limewire incomplete files into my WinMX music files as a complete file.

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