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coletteelizabeth August 16th, 2005 08:46 PM

license problem
I am having the message pop up about licensing also. I just signed up for limewire and do not know much about this. Does anyone know how to get this message to stop popping up?

Lord of the Rings August 16th, 2005 09:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It is a part of the new LW for legal reasons. If you decide that it doesn't matter downlding copyright material, then tick Yes, & you can optionally then tick Always use this answer (& you won't be asked again.) If you don't want to take the risk then press no. But if you press no & choose always use that answer, you'll not be asked & not be able to downld files that would have requested information about licensing; thus you'll need to do one of 2 options:

(1) Revert Popups to Default : Go to LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>View>Popups & click revert to default.

(2) Go to LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Searching>Basic & decide whether to tick or untick "Show License Warning" (this is a setting you should do when 1st setting up.)

Lord of the Rings August 16th, 2005 09:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mac OSX users will find the options in a different location. Use Command (apple key) & comma, (-,) to bring up the LW preferences. Then same as above. ___ (click image to see larger view)

Lord of the Rings August 16th, 2005 09:03 PM

Change Search license option
5 Attachment(s)
Latest version of LW option to turn this off is bottom of this post.

LW 4: Tools>Options>Searching>Basic & decide whether to tick or uncheck "Show License Warning"

Attachment 2751 (click to see larger view of LW 4 sample image)

And for OSX that's of course:

Attachment 2753 (click to see larger view of OSX sample image)

For LW 5.0 - 5.2, option can be found in Tools -> Options -> Security, & press on Warning Messages - Settings button. Also decide over Filtering options:

Attachment 4758 (click to see larger view of LW 5.2 sample image)

For Keyword filter options, see Direct instructions to eliminate porn & other marketing junk from search results

LW 5.4.6+


john wreford August 26th, 2005 04:36 AM

I am at work & i just started to use limewire, or tried anyway. I have windows xp on what i think is a t1 connection. I have tried to revert to defaults on the popups but when i try to download, nothing happens. there is no popup that comes up. the only thing i get is searching & need more sources in the progress window. that is ALL i have gotten. please help me.


Deessongs September 1st, 2005 02:50 PM

New Version 4.9

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
It is a part of the new LW for legal reasons. If you decide that it doesn't matter downlding copyright material, then tick Yes, & then tick Always use this answer (& you won't be asked again.) If you don't want to take the risk then press no. But if you press no & choose always use that answer, you'll not be asked & not be able to downld files that would have requested information about licencing; see Revert Popups to Default

Yes I am having the same problem with the lisence with the new LM but I thought everything to do with LM was legal that's why I subcribed to it.


Lord of the Rings September 1st, 2005 04:03 PM

Subscribed? I think you should see this:

No where on the official LW site does it say downlding copyright material is legal. The official site is here
If you paid a lot of money for it then i'd cancel the transaction asap. LW Pro costs US $18.88 & the Basic version is Free. Some scam sites will have you pay more & then direct you to the downld page of the Basic version. Since when would the record companies be happy about people sharing copyright songs for free when they don't get a penny/cent. Any web site that claims Free downlds of music & movies is a scam site!

shanx September 7th, 2005 12:50 PM

so whut if im like scared to be caught by the FBI or CIA or sumthin, or is there a way u can comfort me whike me still being able to download form limewire

shanx September 9th, 2005 05:30 PM

i got it fixed but y doesnt LW find anythin with a license so mean like the FBI can find us or sumthin

shakers1ofakind September 14th, 2005 10:16 AM

did the answer yes to it
hey guys can some one please help me!! i answered yes to the liscensing thing and it wont let me dl fast the 1 to 2 kbs.... im going crazy i cant figure out what i got to do. i got cable connection and a really fast computer... can some one please help me. thx alot.

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