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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
Join Date: September 28th, 2005
Posts: 11
mklessex is flying high
Angry Unwanted Content

I - Limewire is good but I have some issues and want to know if they can be resolved

I am not very computer savvy so please bear with me

I was downloading something which was titled one thing - for one reason or another I stopped downloading - and in the quality there was a break to show the download was interrupted upon doing another search -
i noticed a break on another file - i looked at the name of file and realised it was a name of something i would never download and disgusted me - so i did some research and noticed it was the same size etc as another file i had started to download which was nothing more then normal adult content according to title - even though i did not download and no harm was done - it worries me that I am downloading a file that I think is one thing and get another

Can this not be stopped - Is the material that is put on here not monitored - some of the titles i see on here are disgusting - how can they be allowed to be put on - and once they are put on can they not be taken off straight away - or worse come to worse can material not be checked so people know what hey are downloading is not something else

Is there no way these people can be clamped down on - cant authorities do something to stop people putting on - sorry to rant and rave

I have now done some research and blocked certain hosts and now blocked lots of keywords - but what worries me is that if these keywords are not in the title for example - something dodgy is under name scooby doo will it be discluded because of content relating to banned keyword

i just want to make sure nothing illegal is downloaded - is there anyway to guarantee this bar not using it - if so i guess that is only solution - but wanted to find out -

basically I want to know what I am downloading is OK - I don't want anything dodgy/obscene etc - I have banned hosts and keywords but am now ealising this may not be enough -

Is there anyway to ensure you don't get dodgy files - or is the only way to not use

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
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Hi, you sound like me when I went to download a movie 4 my kids and it was porn
Limewire has no control over what people share and they dont know whats in peoples files. The best advise I can give u is to look the file up on Bitzi, you can do this by right click on file go to advance click, then click on look file up with bitzi, that will take you to a site that people rate and let u know if the file is geniune or not, if its not rated it is then up to you if you still want to download it if u do maybe then u can leave you comment about the file.

Hope this helps, theres some whacked people out there.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
Join Date: September 28th, 2005
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mklessex is flying high

cheers for the reply

to be honest - I was downloading adult content but was hoping for normal stuff -

i went back this morning and looked - i found the titles i downloaded originally and there was nothing that I suspected was untoward in the file names(assuming u not offended by normal porn) -
anyway I found the same file under obscene names - which made me feel sick -

I wrote down the file names - is there noone I can report these to - I am not sure but I reckon the content was as the original file said and nothing obscene but the fact it is also under this other disgusting title is awful - sickening and the fact people download upload is awful

I am filtered out all disgusting keywords I have seen - but that file I downloaded originally still comes up because nothing obscene in title - yet same file was called something else disgusting - Fair enough the file I downloaded was prob genuine and the other was not but next time could be other way round and just makes me ill and don t feel comfortable with reliability

I think I am going to just download music and forget videos at all - I just don't feel comfortable and would rather pay money if I want to buy

I still don t understand why authorities(if not limewire) can t monitor people who upload download these files and sort them out - I guess I am just being naive regarding net and millions of users

just gives me creeps so I think that my lot for anything but music
-at least that seems to be genuine

anyway enough of this

cheers for help m
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
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Hi, I have read in other posts of suggestions of contacting the authorities and even the FBI in cases of children being involved, if this is the case definetly report it. If its not and its sicko porn dont give the arsholes the pleasure of downloading from them. It must give them cheapo thrills to disguise their crap in childrens titles and such.
Now Ive had my vent Ill get on with my bitzi lookups

Bye for now
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
Join Date: September 28th, 2005
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mklessex is flying high


did not look in the file - know what u mean about a vent - been livid all morning

what happened is stopped downloading file - when i was searching - it showed a broken download with an obscene name - i knew i woud not download anything like that - so was wondering how it happened - i then noticed it had same size as another file - anyway i found three random files which were named slightly different but obviously the same - to test my theory - i started download one and then when i searched under different keywords showed me downloading all the files which had slightly diff names - so I now know this is what happened

No obscene titles came up this time but then I relaised it was becos all the sick keywords were filtered out so this same file could be under something truly awful - Anyway I did not c anything bad as did not go into file just noticed name(idea of clicking on file makes me so ill) but at least now i found a way to filter this out - but original file which did not have a bad title was fine

nothing o report feel a bit stupid - saying dodgy titles on limewire - they must know - The thing that gets me is they can log onto limewire and see for themselves - so why cant they do anything

I checked out bitzi - cheers for that itis brill -s till feel
uncomfortable so will leave it

anyway had my rant so seeya
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
Join Date: September 28th, 2005
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mklessex is flying high

hey i read my reply and was bit jibberish and hard to understand

so to confirm - lol
what happened is stopped downloading a particular file with a title which was fine -
when i was searching for other files - i noticed showed a broken download with an obscene name - i knew i would not download anything like that - so was wondering how it happened - i then noticed it had same size as the other file i had downloaded with a fine name -

anyway i found three random files which were named slightly different but obviously the same - to test my theory - i started download one and then when i searched under different keywords showed me downloading all the files which had slightly diff names - so I now know this is what happened

anyway just wanted to explain little bit better - it made me so angry

got to stop ranting

laters - cheers so much for help

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
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Hi again, I did read in a post that u can block certain uploaders,I dont know alot about this but maybe if one of the seniors reads this post they might be able to shed some light on this for you.

Hang in there mate
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
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Just out of curiousity what were the file sizes
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
Join Date: September 28th, 2005
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mklessex is flying high

hey one was 70350 i think

i think i am just going to stay away from all except music

i have blocked some hosts then thought be better to block the actual words


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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2005
Join Date: September 28th, 2005
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mklessex is flying high

why did you want to know out of interest - iemailed limewire about this - on their feedback page- but got no answer
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