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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network. * Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. * |
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![]() What is the deal? No matter what I download, it ALWAYS comes in corrupt and unreadable. Whats wrong and how do I fix it? EDIT to be more specific: When a download completes, it informs me that the file is corrupt. I have no idea why and it occurs 100% of the time. When I initially downloaded this program it ran flawlessly. |
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![]() I have heard of downlds being affected by either non configured firewalls or AV programs. Make sure LW is configured to pass thru all firewall & av programs. Did you configure your firewall so it allows LW full access (advisable not to have 2 active firewalls b/c they can interfere with each other); Firewall configuration instructions (click on link) After LW's been open at least 15 mins, do this test: Bug Report instructions & sample image Is the result True/False? If false then you have a firewall issue. Be careful of your sources or particular downlds. Have you seen the threads discussing corrupt files here: Downld/Upld Problems Sticky
__________________ Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein 640 K [of computer memory] ought be enough for anybody. -- Bill Gates (1981) The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. -- Albert Einstein When facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. -- Albert Einstein Religion keeps the poor from murdering the rich. -- Napoleon Bonaparte The important thing is not to stop questioning. -- Albert Einstein I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -- Albert Einstein "A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians." -- Frank Zappa "Tobacco is my favorite vegetable." / "May your sh*t come to life and kiss you on the face." / "Scientology, how about that? You hold on to the tin cans and then this guy asks you a bunch of questions, and if you pay enough money you get to join the master race. How's that for a religion?" / "Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff." / "There are three things that smell of fish. One of them is fish. The other two are growing on you!" / "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny." / "The creation and destruction of harmonic and 'statistical' tensions is essential to the maintenance of compositional drama. Any composition (or improvisation) which remains consonant and 'regular' throughout is, for me, equivalent to watching a movie with only 'good guys' in it, or eating cottage cheese." / "Remember there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over." / "The most important thing to do in your life, is to not interfere with somebody else's life." / "Rock journalism is people who can't write, interviewing people who can't talk, in order to provide articles for people who can't read." -- Frank Zappa "The music business is a cruel and shallow trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - Hunter S. Thompson The shy can light the dull dark room with life when their eyes mirror their inner sunrise - LOTR |
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![]() None of it helped. The mp3 repair tool did not do anything, the firewall stuff didn't do anything, nothing works. Why is Limewire acting like this? It didn't do this when I got it. Sorry if I seem whiny but meh, I'm looking for a good P2P program and searching is getting harder. |
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![]() What version of Limewire are you using and WHERE did you download it from? Beware of the bogus/fake versions of LW. Ive noticed this happens to users who are using Pro and or think they are using Pro when its a fake and wont work. I have yet to get any corrupted files from Limewire and I use Basic, free, version .30. |
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![]() current version. I have part of the problem fixed. It seems that it only happens with some T3s (I believe this was mentioned in a thread that was linked in this one). But I wanna know if theres a way to deal with that. |
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![]() Im cable so I tend to stick with fellow cable users to download. T3's are too unreliable to download from. You can try to keep browsing the forum for any other suggestions. I download music files in MP3 format and, so far, never had any problems. |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
*DOWNLOADS "Corrupt File" Message* - Corrupt Files Setting | Helpenheimerkauf | Download/Upload Problems | 130 | April 25th, 2010 09:06 PM |
Corrupt files | ashleamichelle | Download/Upload Problems | 3 | August 2nd, 2006 09:05 AM |
corrupt files | sweettbear6319 | Download/Upload Problems | 1 | January 3rd, 2006 03:19 PM |
corrupt files | chiefs67 | Open Discussion topics | 0 | July 5th, 2005 09:31 PM |
Corrupt Files | Munich_625 | Download/Upload Problems | 0 | October 1st, 2004 03:31 PM |