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witchie4u October 14th, 2005 07:29 PM

Help please uploading
Hi all, I am newbie to this site, just joined today.
Would someone be able to please help me, I can't figure out how to upload. Downloads are working excellent. Really pleased with this program.please
Thanx in advance

Sphinx October 14th, 2005 09:27 PM

Not sure what you mean by 'upload' do you mean sharing your files? If you're downloads are ok, that means you're fine. You dont upload anything, unless you mean to share files? ;)

Go into your Limewire tools, under options, to config your shared settings.

witchie4u October 15th, 2005 03:18 AM


Originally posted by Sphinx
Not sure what you mean by 'upload' do you mean sharing your files? If you're downloads are ok, that means you're fine. You dont upload anything, unless you mean to share files? ;)

Go into your Limewire tools, under options, to config your shared settings.

Thanx for your info.

Biscuit October 15th, 2005 09:47 AM

Witchie--I'm wondering the same thing....I see my downloads showing when they're going, but NEVER any uploads (always shows zero). I am sharing...and my library always shows tons of hits. ??? I just want to be sure it's not a firewall or something...I don't want to be a freeloader!! (did you get yours straightened out) Thanks....:)

Sphinx October 15th, 2005 09:55 PM

Sometimes you can get the hits without the uploads. That doesnt mean that there's something wrong at your end however. Like I said, if you're downloading ok, then you should be fine otherwise if you think it's a firewall issue test it to make sure. I get tons of hits as well and maybe one upload all day if Im lucky and I know its not my firewall.

Someone789 October 15th, 2005 10:11 PM


Originally posted by Sphinx
Sometimes you can get the hits without the uploads
So wait, there is a difference between hits and uploads?

I thought that hits meant: the number of times that file was uploaded by other users.

Feel free to correct me :)

Sphinx October 15th, 2005 10:19 PM

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt. Im sure someone will correct me if Im wrong. I can get over ten hits on a file but, oddly enough I dont have ten users uploading it, sometimes, just one user trying to upload. It also depends on how many slots you have open for downloaders. Ive just noticed that in Limewire, I can have up to 50 hits but rarely anyone uploading the files. A hit just means its a hit, and not really an upload. I think, anyway, like I said, Im sure I'll be corrected if Im mistaken. I cant explain it too well. Ten people wouldnt be able to upload the same file from you at once unless you had the slots open, so, it becomes a hit and not an upload, did that make sense? :)

Someone789 October 15th, 2005 10:26 PM

Hehe, kind of ;)

So basically you can get a hit even if its not uploaded by other users due to not enough slots open...

The thing that puzzles me is...I've been watching my upload section for around an hour uploads, but 6 hits :confused:

Probably am wrong on this but...could hits mean the number of times a search detects that file? They wouldn't have to dowload it from me, but if thier search picked it up, would that count as a hit?

Questions, questions :)

Sphinx October 15th, 2005 10:42 PM

yep, the file was hit on but maybe not uploaded. well, what I think it also means is that loads of users are trying to download the same files across the network and are not able to download, so they hit the file but either get busy signals, timeouts or their bandwidth cant handle to upload so it dies. Its like a failed attempt at downloading, then it becomes a hit instead. I usually dont open a lot of slots because of bandwidth restrictions. Everyone is trying to do the samething at the sametime when they hit on the popular files, if you're lucky to find an open slot, it becomes a upload and not just a hit.

witchie4u October 16th, 2005 03:32 AM


Originally posted by Biscuit
Witchie--I'm wondering the same thing....I see my downloads showing when they're going, but NEVER any uploads (always shows zero). I am sharing...and my library always shows tons of hits. ??? I just want to be sure it's not a firewall or something...I don't want to be a freeloader!! (did you get yours straightened out) Thanks....:)
Hi there, my uploads always show zero as well, I was a bit confused about that. My library shows heaps of hits as well. Now I think I am starting to understand it, with the helpful info' from other members.
bye for now

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