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Jimmybeans January 2nd, 2006 07:46 PM

Sponsored Result?
What is a sponsored result and is it worth tryng to dowload?

crawler_nt January 3rd, 2006 09:45 AM

I have noticed these come up. I clicked on one and was taken to a web site. At the time i was downloading mp3s and was taken to a site charging US$ to download music. wasn't harmful...

digital punk January 10th, 2006 11:34 AM

The (sponsored result) results are basically nothing to worry about.
The ones you should worry about are the results that match your search criteria exactly.
I.e. you search for:
Title: Tripping
Artist: Robbie Williams
and LimeWire turns up with a result exactly matching your title and artist and the file is usually 134,4 KB.
This is a virus containing a Trojan Horse and God knows what else.

Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT download these files.
If you do not have any anti-virussoftware your computer WILL get infected with spyware and/or one or more virusses.
I'm running Norton Internet Security 2005, which detects the virus and won't let you open it.

If any of the moderator's reads this Topic, please contact any Limewire official who may be able to change the program to filter out these files or filesizes.

Obviously, LimeWire could impossibly be kept virus-free and therefore downloading is at your own risk.

bothersum2 January 15th, 2006 05:31 AM

just type in the word -ozzy- in the title section of audio search same result you got here --------this is in alot of searches cant sumthing be done looks like you got a sponsor to me!!! LoL

workshy February 4th, 2006 12:00 PM

'Sponsored results' seem to be getting more frequent... at least for me anyway.
One I spotted looked like a genuine mpg file, around 4mb, but clicking opened my browser rather than downloading the file.

Just curious as to why the actual file itself cannot be downloaded.

Only A Hobo February 4th, 2006 12:32 PM

It is not an actual file. afaik .. it is just a link, somehow disguised as a normal file as regards extention and size. Don't know how its done, I'm afraid :)

workshy February 4th, 2006 01:17 PM

Just noticed if you right click the 'file' there's a 'Launch action' option in the pop up menu (limewire 4.6.0) thats not present for 'ordinary' files.

Seems that Limewire has been programmed to deal with files that cannot be downloaded by allowing them to control functions on the users PC.

Better upgrade to the latest version I think... See if the the updates took this into consideration.

J_Cuervo330 February 10th, 2006 09:43 AM

Sponsored Results... launch

Originally posted by workshy
Just noticed if you right click the 'file' there's a 'Launch action' option in the pop up menu (limewire 4.6.0) thats not present for 'ordinary' files.

Seems that Limewire has been programmed to deal with files that cannot be downloaded by allowing them to control functions on the users PC.

Better upgrade to the latest version I think... See if the the updates took this into consideration.

Yes, I noticed that too. If you right click, and go to Advanced, its listed there.
1. Lookup File with Bitzi
2. Copy Magnets to ClipBoard
3. Launch Action

Not sure what they are, obviously I'm new to this, but I ain't going to touch them... BUT I do wonder why they choose to label themselves as (Sponsored Result) ; Without that label I'd never know they were whatever they are lol
Are there other files like this, that dont have the (Sponsored Result) in the title?? Hmmmmmmmm Should I right click each file I choose to Dowlnload to check?

Grandpa February 10th, 2006 10:39 AM

They appear to be direct links to web pages of the search you are doing. If you search for some kind of software it will take you to the web page where you can buy it.

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