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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2006
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Default Limewire unable to continue old downloads after restart ??

Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone have a fix? I never had any problems until I loaded LW 4.10, but now, LW seems to lock up after a while, then when I shut down and restart, it gives me an error saying that it cannot restart my old downloads? I thought if I uninstalled and put the old version back on that it would be fine, but that version is doing it now too. So, it may not be LW, it may be something else, or some new config file in 4.10 that is not getting deleted.... I don't know... Does anyone have any ideas???


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 10th, 2006
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Maybe :
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 16th, 2006
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keptin is flying high
Default can't find Recent Download in vew version

I've upgraded to the latest version of Limewire...and now even when I shut limewore down properly...
if I restart it can't continue or find my recent download...
it also HANG's more than previous version...
meaning if I leave the computer on all night..and wake up in the morning...I can't get into lime wire to check the progress...

and if I reboot... it can't find the recent downloads..

I wish I'd never upgraded

the download directory hasnt moved
the .dat file and other stuff are still there..

so when can't it find the recent downloads
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 16th, 2006
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Default Re: can't find Recent Download in vew version

Originally posted by keptin
so when can't it find the recent downloads
See Downlds refuse to reload (click on link)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 16th, 2006
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keptin is flying high
Default doesn't help

Thanks for the reply...
but it does not

1) explain why the newer version keeps loosing the location of the incomplete..or recent downloads

2) help to restart a download that had been going for many hours...instead of picking up where it left off.

Previous versions were not this bad...

it's a problem that needs to be fixed ASAP
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 16th, 2006
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I can't explain why other than it may happen to the odd person but is not widespread. I mean each person's system is different. A person can buy 2 identical pc's at the same time set up identically but they may suffer different problems to each other. That's the nature of pc's & windows, etc.

Before you close down LW, Control-alt-del & bring up task manager & make sure LW has finished closing down before you shut-down the computer. My guess is there's some lag there in it closing down properly. It may or may not be worth removing your Java & reinstalling using the offline version or even stepping back to Java 1.4.2 but also using the offline installer.
(i) Java 1.4.2 (Choose the JRE) or (ii) Java 1.5 (take the JRE)

BTW history has also shown particular LW releases suit some people but not others, & then perhaps the next release was vice versa for some in each boat.

You 'might' want to check the options here Fixes for Limewire
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2006
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Default limewire consistently hangs since upgrade

I've been having similar problems to those described in this thread. I've been using LW for a bout 4 months on a Win XP Sp2 system. I upgraded to 4.10.0 PRO a few weeks ago from 4.9.37. Prior to the upgrade I had absolutely no issues, everything was working sweetly. I often leave LW running through the night and check in the morning the status of my downloads. After the upgrade I find that just about every morning LW has hung. The only way out is via Task Manger. I've grinned and beared this for a little while now but being 50% thru a 700Mb file and then having to restart from 0% twice in a couple of days is really pissing me off, particularly as I have a capped download limit.

I've trawled thru the forums to try and find if it's something I've done or some config, but everything seems ok. When I'm sitting at the computer and limewire is running there are no issues. Is there anything else I can do or check to stop this from happening? Note I upgraded to 4.10.3 yesterday hoping that would work, but to no avail. This morning it had hung again.

At least I've (finally) learned a workaround to save my completes. Before abnormally terminating LW I check the download.bak and download.dat files. If the download.bak is not 0kb (which the download.dat usually is), I make a copy and rename it download.dat. After restarting LW it starts downloading from where it left off. What's this all about anyway??? Most applications when abnormally terminated, which happens a lot with Windows, don't automatically corrupt your data. Why does LW have to start with nothing again? I read a few posts around here saying that if LW ends abnormally then you generally have to start from 0% again. WhY? Can't something be added to the program to stop this from happening? for e.g. if LW detects an abnormal operation it ceases writing to the data file. Or instead of creating the download.bak file on start up, create it on exit but only if the program has not ended abnormally.

Surely there can be some extra smarts built into the progam to prevent the data loss...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2006
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Default hMM

So it's not just me...

I'm running the exact same system Win XP Pro SP2 over 1GB of Member 500GB of HD space...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2006
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It seems there was a bug that crept into LW. Have a look at LW 4.10.4 fixes here:

Thus, I'd recommend updating to LW 4.10.5
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
Join Date: January 20th, 2006
Location: Wollongong, Australia
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siajnad is flying high

No luck with 4.10.5 I'm afraid. LW still intermittently crashes when left running and unattended.

I've had some times when LW hasn't crashed but for the life of me I can't find the cause. I thought it might have been a conflict with something else, but I've been trying to eliminate potential causes such as virus scanner, NIS, sceensaver and backup software, but to no avail at this stage.

Though I'm still perplexed as to the reason why data files are blown away sometimes when LW crashes. There seems to be a lot of other users continually losing their data also, so if at least that were stopped I could probably live with the crashes...
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