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chuckg7usa February 28th, 2006 01:14 PM

Deleting a bad file
I downloaded a DVD movie .AVI file. It seems to be corrupted, and won't open with any of the three programs I have tried. (the other AVI movie file I have works fine.)
The problem is that I can't seem to DELETE the file (over 770MB) . I hvae tried many times, and each time get a message that it is being used by another program. I have tried closing all other open programs, have tried doing the delete just after a 'cold' boot, etc. Nothing workis. I have tried to check 'properties' to see if it is locked, but clicking on on the properties button is ignored by this file.
ANY IDEAS would be appreciated.

birdy February 28th, 2006 02:10 PM

See point (g) here

The whole thread's worth reading, it has good advice;)

chuckg7usa March 1st, 2006 08:26 PM

Worked great
Thank you very much for your reply and suggestion. I was indeed able to finally delete the file. I went so far as to need to delete on the re-boot rather than on demand - but it is gone.
You are GREATLY appreciated.

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