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Dynomite June 7th, 2006 01:50 PM

Difficulty transferring downloaded audio files to IPod/ITunes
When I run a search on Limewire, 99% of the time the file type that shows up is "MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3". When I double-click files of this type, I can hear them on the Limewire Player, but they are not automatically transferred over to my ITunes library. If however, the file is of the type, "MPEG 4 Audio", when I double-click it the file will play and is automatically tranferred over to ITunes (and can then be subsequently put onto my IPod).

How do you "instruct" Limewire to always download files as MPEG 4 Audio? I have used Limewire at friends houses, run the same searches, and the same files end up in their libraries as this file type.

Thanks! :confused: :confused: :confused:

Lord of the Rings June 7th, 2006 03:52 PM

Put .m4a at the end of the search. eg: artist - title .m4a

I don't recommend converting mp3 to m4a. This will result in a loss of quality. And not good for others if you are resharing these files.

I'm not sure why you're having problems with mp3's, but only mp3Pro are mp3's that iTunes won't recognise. But they're not so common & are usually only used on low bitrate converting. I presume you've seen this: How to transfer music to my iPod (& iTunes)

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