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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

View Poll Results: what do you think about those 197.7 & 851.7 files?
am I right about my post? 2 100.00%
197.7 & 851.7 kb files are more snnoying!!! 2 100.00%
~ $ & files with 0kb 2 100.00%
fake search results 2 100.00%
annoying search results detectors 2 100.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 2. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
Join Date: June 14th, 2006
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macho6868 is flying high
Thumbs down 197.7kb & 851.7 kb files!!! suggestion to limewire( spammers/filters)

197.7kb & 851.7 kb files!!! whats up with these files showing up on search results!!! limewire has to do something about this on thier next version!!! because some evil people have a program that detects what people are searching/typing and "bam" these files show up.. I know this because I even tried making up a few names for example: fat blue cat racing. and I would get a search result of; fat blue cat racing.exe or .zip or fat blue cat racing(upgrade).exe size of (197.7kb or 851.7kb).... limewire hase to know about this and block those search results or filter them out in thier next revision update! I even block host ip address (over 550 of them) and still these files show up!! especialy files beginning with ~ or $ or &... Limewire need to find out what software these people are using and/or detect it and have it filtered out!!!!... Also a message to limewire: your software should be able to detect fake files like that and 0kb files.... Too many people will get tired of too many fake search results and your fame will start to fade out like kazaa or like other p2p software that dont exist anymore...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
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macho6868 is flying high
Default suggestion to limewire( spammers/filters)

suggestion to limewire about spammers; thier next software update should beable to detect spammers and their software that reads other peoples search results and returns them with 197.7 & 851.7kb

HERE IS MY SUGGESTION!: in your next software update, in the (options menu) (filters section) people should be able to filter out SPECIFIC file sizes like 197.7kb just like we can filter out SPECIFIC keywords!!! EASY!!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
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Have you ever used your Junk filter? That's what it's there for. To help filter out junk. It's a dynamic learning filter so you need to train it by continually adding the junk files to it. Admittedly viruses are the hardest to filter out but they will filter out with time & persistance. Google Overpeer to get an idea of the types of groups who spam the network. Also see other types of spam discussions here autogenerated spam results
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
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Re: suggestion to limewire( spammers/filters)
Keyword filters already exist. If you think filtering sizes will work, once they realise these sizes are being filtered out, they'll simply change their size. Perhaps large in size or identical to the real files in size. So such a filtering technique would only have a temporary effect.

But you're free to make suggestions in the New Feature Requests section.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
Join Date: June 14th, 2006
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macho6868 is flying high
Default how about adding a file size filter to the "filters"

how about adding a file size filter to the "filters" for example in the options/filters: add ignore specific file sizes like 197.7kb under the keyword filter!!!

i am an egineer i dont need to be told/ scolded if i know how to use filters

and filtering out specific file sizes is a start! also if they change thier file size simply add it to the filter!!! DUH!!

(lord thanx for the fast reply and suggestion)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
Join Date: June 14th, 2006
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macho6868 is flying high
Default gnutella and its control

...and yes i know gnutells has no coltrol over the files being sent but it can have specific software designed that detects and blocks spammers search results... and i know that we cant have something for nothing... so im speaking for those who actually pay for the limewire pro version & pay for ALL the software that is being used
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
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I wasn't ridiculing you or anything. I was making a practical point. There's already (as of about 6 weeks ago) new spam that's reached the network. These are files that show up as the same size as the original. The way to detect them is they show up with hundreds or thousands of results. With 100 for the 1st, perhaps 99 for the next. These are "fake" files & can't be downlded. That's why size filtering won't work. I believe a size filter would be handy for other purposes (I requested it 2 years ago), but not so for the purpose you were suggesting. Here's another type of spam: Sponsored Results (click on link)

Below is the search results for the new spam of fake files with the 2nd part of the gif being the lower part of the search results. BTW on my mac after several mins of trying to connect to these fake files, they would self-cancel. This doesn't seem to occur for people using windows.

If you're a softw engineer, perhaps you have other suggestions about how to fight these organisations/groups who are trying to destroy the gnutella network.
Attached Thumbnails
197.7kb & 851.7 kb files!!! suggestion to limewire( spammers/filters)-new-spam.gif  
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
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macho6868 is flying high
Default software

thanx for the quick reply)

perhaps i might take you suggestion to write new software to better our gnutella networks!

but i think software can easily be detected also limewire software should be able to search and detect REAL files not auto generated or fake files... it can be easily added to thier next version... id try but its no legal to reverse engineer software and modify it with out permission especialy if its copyrighted
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
Join Date: June 14th, 2006
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macho6868 is flying high

also limewire should sue riaa & media defender because they SPAM 80% of the gnutella network!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2006
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Actually LW is open source. They have lots of contributors. They also offer financial prizes/bounties for those who fix certain issues. I'm not sure of the link but I've asked someone to supply it here when they get time.
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