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WSFAN1 June 18th, 2006 08:20 PM

Help Please: Song Connection Failure
At first, it was just one song that wouldn't connect to download. I tried many different ones of the same song and none will work. Now, I can't get hardly anything to download. It just say connecting and eventually it will come to a point where it says needs more sources. I have tried many different ones to get the same results. I have the newest version of LimeWire, Windows XP, high speed internet, and a router. Please please help me resolve this problem if you can. Thanks so much.


birdy June 18th, 2006 08:51 PM

There's a new kind of fake file around, with loads of sources (up to 100). Are you looking for a really popular song or new release? These seem to be the worst effected, older & rarer things are usually ok. Try downloading an old song & see what happens.

Stay away from the files that have high numbers of sources, go for a file with 10 sources or less. Vary your search terms, try the All Types search & look at different times of day... as users in other time zones log on & off, new sources become available;)

WSFAN1 June 19th, 2006 11:53 AM

Well it is an older song that I am trying to download. It is by Diana Ross. How do I tell how many sources there are?

WSFAN1 June 19th, 2006 12:32 PM

I got a newer song to download but that one song by diana ross won't download. PLEASE HELP ME!

WSFAN1 June 19th, 2006 02:12 PM

Sorry, but I don't mean to be a pain in the neck, but no one has even attempted to help me except Birdy. Don't get me wrong, I am not being rude, but like others, I would like to be assisted as well.


birdy June 19th, 2006 03:29 PM

Brandon, everyone here is a volunteer. We help on the forum in our spare time & so sometimes it takes a while to have your question answered;) Don't forget that we're all in different time zones too, at certain times there just aren't many people around to help.

It's a PITA when a song won't download but honestly, all you can do is keep searching. If other songs will download then it's not a problem with your LW. The particular song (no artist names or titles please!!) you're looking for... how many stars are beside it? The more stars the better, if it's a 2 or even 3 star connection, the source might be firewalled & you may not be able to push through their firewall to download. You can see how many sources have a file by looking at the # column. Try to go for a file with multiple sources.

WSFAN1 June 19th, 2006 03:32 PM

Ok, thanks for that wonderful piece of information there. What is a pita? Thanks, Brandon.


worldphoto June 23rd, 2006 06:10 AM

Connecting.... (Fake files or copy protection)
I've been seeing this a lot over the past year and it seems to be getting worse. I first thought it was some kind of advertising mechanism within Limewire but even trying older versions I get the same results. I still don't understand how a fake file can instantly display search results of 100-99-98 down to about 49 with different file sizes so quick. After all, if you can't download 100-49 then how are they being shared? You are correct in that songs with less than 10 shares will usually download ok but sometimes there are none so how is this happening and is there anything Limewire can do to exclude them? It also does seem to be worse on the most popular songs or artists so I suppose it's the artists or RIAA who is planting these bogus files. If anybody has a solution I'd love to hear it.

phinbob June 23rd, 2006 08:13 AM

I am having the same issues with LW 4.12.3 Pro. I've installed on a new PC with cable connection. Searches are fast. Many songs have 3 or 4 stars with numerous users. The file sizes look to be correct for the bit rate. I've had LW fo a long time and never experienced this before.
I can click to download but the entries say "need more sources" or they will try to connect but seldom do. Occasionally one will download but this is rare. I've even uninstalled and reinstalled several times but that doesn't seem to change anything..

worldphoto June 23rd, 2006 09:34 AM

Workaround for 100-99-98...49 problem
The only way I've figured out to bypass this annoyance is to search for a partial artist name. Obviously with U2 or Prince you can't, but if you will search for "furtado" instead of nelly furtado and "faith" instead of faith hill it seems to yield reliable results. Sometimes if it keeps generating bogus results I just search for the song name and not even put the artist name. That usually does the trick but it's still a pain.

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