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ricardopina September 9th, 2006 05:17 AM

I did nothing & suddenly slow dowloads!!!
I've been using LW for years with no problems except for this one that is the 2nd time I've got it: my conectiong allows me to have dowloads of 55Kb/s. My dowloads reach this all the time but suddenly it never goes over 7Kb/s. I didn't change anything. This other time this happened it stoped doing it without me doing anything - just like it started!!
Strange thing is that on the LW options I have 100% bandwidth download and so under it shows download speed: unlimited - then when I put it down a little it shows download speed: 6,93Kb/s !!!!! as if LW has a 7Kb/s conection set but I didn't do it and I've always downloaded at 55Kb/s !!!
can anyone tell me how did this happen? and most important: how do I correct it?

Thanks a lot in advance

stief September 9th, 2006 06:49 AM

Check the speed preferences to see that you are listed as "Cable" (not Modem)

ricardopina September 9th, 2006 07:08 AM

thanks very much stief, I canīt believe it's that simple but it works fine now
what I can't understand is how did it change by it's self

thanks again

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