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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2006
Join Date: December 26th, 2006
Location: central Pennsylvania
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scaredparent is flying high
Unhappy can I inhibit my kids from getting copyrighted files?

Have a couple questions.
1. I've recently been accused by my internet provider of copyright
infringement on some Harry Potter mp3 being on my PC and are threatening
termination of my service. I CANNOT, for the life of me, after doing
multiple PC searches, find anything resembling the filename they say they
found. It looks like my teenagers don't even have the shared folder
configured in Limewire. My question is: if my teenagers just did a
search of Harry Potter would that trigger that action by my internet

2. What actions in Limewire can I take to inhibit my teenagers from
doing something like that? If there isn't anything I'll have to remove
Limewire from my PC because I use it to connect to work and need the
internet connection. Really would rather not remove your software. My
kids like it a lot.

3. Does the PRO version of Limewire help me at all with these

Really appreaciate ANY advice anybody can give me here. Right now I'm
not sure I'm buying my internet provider's story.

Thank's very much for your time!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2006
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1. Shouldn't think so. Normally ISP's will only kick up a fuss if the file is either being downloaded or uploaded. Generally only uploading (sharing) AFAIK.
2. (a) Go to LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Filters>Content & enable this function. (b) Check License requirement (click on link)
3. No. Program options are identical. Their support won't help with copyright content. But might advise how to stop your children. But that's probably not too different from what I've already suggested.

Whilst you said you searched their shared folders, instead, search the computer. And search for terms like harry and potter individually or even the titles of those movies. If you're using the LW beta 4.13 then there's a chance they were downloading a torrent file which is shared as it's downlding. Also, because LW allows you to save to or save as ... the file might not be in the shared folder but elsewhere & they might have renamed it something else (in which case you should search the computer for video extensions such as .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .wmv, .mov, etc. Also check to see if there's any other p2p sharing programs on your computer.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2006
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Go to tools...options...searching

Check the box for 'show license warning'

Do a search for something copyrighted and try to download it

A box will appear asking you if you wish to download it, even though there is no license with it

Check 'always use this answer' and select 'no'

Hope this helps

P.S. Do you have any idea what your kids ARE downloading? You may find them disappointed if you apply these restrictions.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2006
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Oh I forgot, you don't need a p2p program to download copyright files. If you know where to find them, you can downld simply with your browser.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 27th, 2006
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scaredparent is flying high
Default did all of your suggestions - thanks

thank you to all who answered my questions.

I did search my entire PC for individual "harry" and "potter" text in filenames and found nothing. If my kids did rename it I don't think I'd ever find it anyway.

I also did check the "show licensing" option box in LW. We'll see if that helps at all, although that's pretty easy to override.

I also did add "harry" and "potter" to the LW filter keyword list.

I still don't think my internet provider has a strong case here. I think I'm going to respond in writing and send it certified mail just in case I need to get a lawyer involved if they DO decide to terminate my internet service. If they do that THEN they'd be messing with my livelihood since I work from home sometimes on my PC. gotta at least TRY to defend yourself don't ya?

thanks again for the help!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 27th, 2006
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Your ISP is mean. Copywrited stuff is the RIAA and the MPAA's problem. If they cancel your service switch to a different ISP.
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