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MR_HILUX January 27th, 2007 04:35 PM

advanced settings
well guys i'm new to limewire i've had it for about 2 weeks after being introduced to it by one of my nephews.
So i'm still find out how it all works.
My question is?
Does connection preferencing were you can limit who is able to connect to you based on the number of files they share work?
Any help on this topic will be greatly welcomed.



birdy January 27th, 2007 04:44 PM

AFAIK it doesn't work well, if at all.
There's really no way to tell if someone's sharing, or if they're a freeloader, anyway.

MR_HILUX January 27th, 2007 06:34 PM

Thanks for that info.
I tried to limit the amount of up loads and speed and it didnt seem to work.
so i place a limit on the number of files that they have to share, and that didnt seem to work.
okay the number may have been high (10,000), as this is just bellow the number of files that i'm "was sharing" on line not including movie or anyother files only music.
I dont mind sharing the music that i have but i want to make sure that who ever is uploading them is sharing what ever they have.
So for the time being i'm only sharing what i have download from limewire until i can find a way of sorting this out.

So thank you once again for your help
and if by any means you like a song that i may have just let me know and will work out a way of geeting it to you.
After all you're only 4000km away but still on the same continent.


birdy January 27th, 2007 06:44 PM

Is it as hot in Sydney as it is in Perth? We're going for 40 today:cry:

Because browse host's so unreliable, there's really no way to tell if someone's sharing at all. Even the number of files shown when you can browse someone isn't always accurate...browse them 5 mins later & there may be fewer or more files showing.

Just watch out if you're going to share a huge number of can cause probs & slow things down a lot. As a rough guide, I think 2000 files is about the maximum that most people can share without seeing a drop in performance. Of course, this depends on your setup.

MR_HILUX January 28th, 2007 02:22 AM

As for the temperture today it hit 34 were i am but last week we had days that hit high 30s to low 40s

I have noticed that when you borwse a host it changes what they have.
As for sharing files that already have, i have no intention of sharing all of it whith to many people, as i was under the inpertion that it was meant to be a fair go for everyone.
But i'll say this what ever files i down load will be keeped in a file to share on the network.
AS for the set up i'm not running nothing special, just the home pc and two note books running on wireless home network, one for music and movies the other for my wifes work.



P.S The fires that we had here last week didnt help the mercury at all.

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