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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 3rd, 2007
Join Date: February 3rd, 2007
Posts: 27
ElMonoDeFeo is flying high
Default Downloading for days with near zero bitrate?

I've had this happen a couple of times, and i'm just curious, is there any way i can make a file download faster than .009 KB/s? it's getting really annoying as it's half done, and keeps saying it's gonna take 8 hours more, but when 8 hours comes by, it hasn't moved an inch.

any solutions?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 3rd, 2007
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Are you using Limewire? I don't think I've ever had my download speed expressed with a decimal place...

Perhaps you are using a different version? Anyhow, have you read this?

Configuring Limewire for Optimal Performance

Good Luck
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2007
Join Date: February 3rd, 2007
Posts: 27
ElMonoDeFeo is flying high

sadly, i don't know my upload/download speed... are there any tools to tell me what it is?

and i'm using Limewire 4.12.6 Pro

Last edited by ElMonoDeFeo; February 5th, 2007 at 12:32 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2007
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Could you supply these details please...
System details - help us to help you

You can check your speed with this...

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2007
Join Date: February 3rd, 2007
Posts: 27
ElMonoDeFeo is flying high

Could you supply these details please...
1. OS version? (eg: Windows 98)
2. What firewalls you have?
3. How much ram?
4. Hard Disk space available?
5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
7. Where are you trying to connect from (house, appartment complex, school, student accomodation, work, etc.)?
8. What version of LimeWire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version.
9. Who is your ISP provider (Internet Service Provider)?
10. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there?
11. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? If yes, please give details of set up.
12. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user.
13. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface?
1. Windows XP
2. none. have a router though (if that counts)
3. 1 GB
4. over 100 MB
5. broadband'
6. modem: linksys BEFCMU10 Etherfast Modem router: D-link DI-6144
7. House
8. Limewire 4.12.6 PRO with java version 1.5.0_06
9. Adelphia High-speed Online (soon to be Roadrunner)
10. it says "your test worked"
11. yes, programs: Phex and Morpheus (rarely use those, but there's always that one song...) Computers: mine and 2 other computers mostly.
12. first time the problem hasn't gone away, but maybe third time overall
13. no
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
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Did you check your speed with the speed tester and what where they ??
Do you know if your ISP shape or throttle p2p at certain times of the day ??
I know that Roadrunner shape p2p usage, so you will feel it when it changes over or maybe it has already....

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
Join Date: February 3rd, 2007
Posts: 27
ElMonoDeFeo is flying high

yes, and it was 922.7 Kbps /// 113.1 K bytes/sec for test one, and 389.7 Kbps /// 47.8 K bytes/sec for test 2 (on )

I checked the thread about ISP's and if they interfere with p2p, and so far adelphia hasn't come up, so no. at least, not yet.

okay, now i see a brick wall infront of the world... odd? (roadrunner won't change over for another month or two, btw)

I'm also having problems with Xolox (which i just downloaded, and am planning to dump either phex or morpheus), which says to configure my router (instructions here) but most of the links are dead and it doesn't work anywho.

do i need to configure my router in order to have more accessability of the P2P networks?

Last edited by ElMonoDeFeo; February 7th, 2007 at 03:53 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2007
Join Date: February 3rd, 2007
Posts: 27
ElMonoDeFeo is flying high

okay, now for some reason, Limewire keeps shutting down on me after about a half hour of work. And this is usually when i don't check up on it for a while (have other windows open besides LW)

I haven't recieved an error message on startup, so is this somehow normal?
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