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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old June 18th, 2007
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johnyboy Hi.

You want Proof OK!!
Get a laptop, borrow one if you have to, Then setup Limewire on a friends connection that dose not use Tiscali or any of the small companies now owned
by them, try, NTL/Virgin, Bulldog or another.

Make sure its working correctly, then take the laptop to your tiscali connection.
Now you report back on the evidence!! truthfully my friend.

I was with Tiscali for years & I am part of the proof, If your not just flapping your lips, (Don't work for Tiscali) & really want the truth, then ring them & ask them if they shape,filter,block,disrupt, P2P traffic in any shape or form.
Insist for solicitor purposes that you want there reply in writing.
Also tell them that to save misunderstanding, You are recording this conversation.
See if you get your evidence now.
sorry if ive offended you in my response, Im just sad that such a big company
can obtain money under false pretenses & I for one Welcome them to charge me with liable for directly calling them Thieves, as thats exactly what they are.
Your servant,
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old June 18th, 2007
Join Date: February 15th, 2006
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Originally Posted by mickjapa108 View Post
johnyboy Hi.

You want Proof OK!!
Get a laptop, borrow one if you have to, Then setup Limewire on a friends connection that dose not use Tiscali or any of the small companies now owned
by them, try, NTL/Virgin, Bulldog or another.

Make sure its working correctly, then take the laptop to your tiscali connection.
Now you report back on the evidence!! truthfully my friend.

I was with Tiscali for years & I am part of the proof, If your not just flapping your lips, (Don't work for Tiscali) & really want the truth, then ring them & ask them if they shape,filter,block,disrupt, P2P traffic in any shape or form.
Insist for solicitor purposes that you want there reply in writing.
Also tell them that to save misunderstanding, You are recording this conversation.
See if you get your evidence now.
sorry if ive offended you in my response,
i didn't know it was (pot|int)entially offensive until then!.. anyway, doesn't matter: you've misunderstood the intent behind me asking for proof. i'm not at all out to defend tiscali. i'm intending on taking some action against them and i really would like some hard, technical, specific, unequivolcal evidence/proof (what's the difference between those?) of some kind if possible, or a method to get that evidence/proof. (a) i just want to be absolutely sure (before throwing myself into this), and (b) i want to have something i can refer to -- something to use.

i know p2p software is unusable for more than 12 hours every day via tiscali (although it fluctuates a lot which is part of the problem -- it just so happened that today i got bittorrent downloads downloading at a semi/slightly reasonable speed up until about 3 or 4pm -- this is quite unusual though for me) and at the same time p2p is unusable web pages and email are useable. what i don't know for an asbolute fact is that they are blocking p2p use.

ok consider this (it's probably not right but how do i/we know for sure?) possibility: p2p/limewire connections are more flakey than common or garden web page connections and email connections etc. as the traffic via a particular, i don't know, exchange or whatever, starts to reach maximum capacity limewire/p2p software is the first to fall apart -- fail to work. now that isn't tiscali outrightly blocking p2p, it's their system becoming overloaded and it's lw being the first to show stress signs because of its nature. i'm not saying this is what is happening but i'd like some way to be sure it's not the case.

one problem is i don't know enough about networking etc. it seems rediculously complicated (firewalls, nat, ports, etc. bloody etc.). so many different parts/party's equipment which plays a part. in fact it's probably that hazyness of the whole thing (v. technical, and v. hard to pin down) that allows tiscali to get away with it. i'd like to have a go at stopping them getting away with it. no harm in trying is there?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2007
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johnyboy Hi
You Say.
"and at the same time p2p is unusable web pages and email are useable. what i don't know for an asbolute fact is that they are blocking p2p use."

The reason for this is, Email & Web surfing are HTML, Http & other protocol's P2P use UDP & TCP protocol's, So they filter packets of UDP & TCP & they have some
exceptions listed, that they allow through, like your essential services.

This is hypothetical to help explain!!
Pisscali have sold 200mbs to 20 customers, each 10mbs unlimited,
They only have 100mbs total.
The reasoning of this is that the people wont all be on line at the same time, BUT they got it wrong, 75% of the people are on line at the same time & Pisscali's servers are overloaded, So they are in breach of contract, because
they cannot meet demand, So they are obtaining money under false pretenses, witch is Theft.
You say.
"possibility: p2p/limewire connections are more flakey than common or garden web page connections and email connections etc. as the traffic via a particular, i don't know, exchange or whatever, starts to reach maximum capacity limewire/p2p software is the first to fall apart -- fail to work."

My connections are fine!!, at any one time I am connected to others for 18 to 30 hours at a time,lets say an average of as little as 10 hours, per connection thats other P2P users, I purposely choose good connections.
How dose that compare to Tiscali friend.

Must get on with my service!! give me your thoughts,
Your servant.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2007
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Default Seems to be the answer.

Dear All,
I have just read the day/evening arguments. I have run LW and it works. It is 10:30 am.
Maybe they are blocking evening traffic.
I am on Homecall.
The Baron
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2007
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I have posted loads on these threads,YES TISCALI/PIPEX/HOMECALL are throttling heavy users of p2p,so are many other ISP's,you will NOT get a straight answer from the ISP's,phone or write you will get nowhere! change ISP and or get LWire pro latest version,the encryption built in will let you connect at anytime,this was a brilliant move by LWire, only problem is,that now ISP's are changing tack slightly,for me anyway,if i am using lwire,i now cannot connect to anything else!! ie google,email,updates or anything! hence not posting for a while,can't connect to forums when using LWire at all!
They are fighting back it seems!
Anyone out there have an idea about this?
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