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Sefiros February 20th, 2007 05:33 PM

Keep Getting Message
I uninstalled LimeWire because of certain issues. I would turn the system off, only to have its icon on my toolbar reappear seconds later. Now the computer is giving me a message:

One or more necessary files appear to be invalid. This is generally caused by a corruptted installation. Please try downloading and installing LimeWire again.

I did that. Message keeps popping up. Now what?

birdy February 20th, 2007 06:35 PM

Did you uninstall LW because it was popping up all the time & would not stay closed? If that was the case, you probably have a worm.

Try the easy fix mentioned at the end of point 2 here, it's worked for a lot of people.
WARNING: Viruses on the network you should be aware of

If that doesn't help, there are links to help sites in point 5 of that thread.

Always make sure that you're using a good AV program. Keep it updated & use it to scan files that you've downloaded before you open them.

Grandpa February 20th, 2007 07:25 PM

And if that is not why you uninstalled it then go to Start>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs and uninstall all versions of Java and LimeWire then click on the Java button at the top of my signature and use the manual link download the Java installer to you desk top using the offline installer. Now reboot you computer, now install java from your desktop then install LimeWire.

Sefiros February 21st, 2007 05:32 AM

Help Again
Birdy, what do you mean by point 2 and 5? You are right, by the way? Thanks in advance.

muhctekdano February 21st, 2007 08:33 AM

If you click on the link Birdy provided, you will see numbered topics. At the end of the second topic, you will see a solution (link) to 'Limewire popping up every few seconds' or something like that. Topic 5 has some helpful links for further cleansing of your computer (if you have one virus, chances are you have more, and probably spyware, too).

Good Luck :idea:


Sefiros February 23rd, 2007 09:15 AM

Did that. There is no extract all files command to the file. Now what?

Ok. > Download "Brute force Uninstaller" to Desktop
>To download
>Right click the "BFU folder" on your desktop, and choose "Extract All"
>Click "next"

There is no extract all files command. Are you using Winzip or WinRAR? I did get the ball-and-chain icon for BFU's program.

Went to Make New Folder. Named it BFU. Doesn't register as an option to make it a viable file for Browsing.

There is not a click to next.

That's as far as I'm gotten. Help.

muhctekdano February 23rd, 2007 11:14 AM

You can probably use either WinZip or WinRar. The point is, you want the files to be uncompressed. That is, you want to have access to those files without having to use either WinZip or WinRar when you reboot in Safe Mode.

Once you have uncompressed files, just put them into the BFU folder you created. I'm not sure what you mean by 'viable file for browsing'...I suspect that this may mean that the files are not in .zip or .rar form.

Hope this gets you a little closer to a solution :Smilywais:


Sefiros February 26th, 2007 06:34 PM

Icon Trouble
I turn off the LimeWire icon and it pops back up. The limewire site says that I have to talk to the management so my virus definitions can catch and destroy the worm "Alfreda" or something. What does this mean?

Sefiros July 5th, 2007 01:42 AM

Why are so many files go to Connecting to Need More Sources? The downloads that work take forever to finish and is supported by one user. Am I doing something wrong? I don't think this is trouble from my side.

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