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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old April 16th, 2007
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Happened to me before. Except I was 96 percent
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old April 16th, 2007
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What version of L/W was you using at the time ?, was it a fake file ?, or did it go on to finish, & play.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old April 16th, 2007
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lol Limewire can have it's hickups at times. I once lost an entire 728MB video somewhere between the incomplete folder and the save folder. Had to use Restoration to get it back. But that's a long time ago. (4.9.37Pro I believe)

That was actually the most stable version right up to 4.12.3 (at least in my case)

Oh.. and Hi OAH. Long time no see
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old April 16th, 2007
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I wasn't even at the computer. Said complete in Limewire and nowhere to be found until I used Restoration.

And yes he's mine. Purebreed Bordercollie He about two and a half years old
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2007
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UnDeRsLuNkY Hi
I'm using the Black skin for L/W its much kinder on my eyes, So when you say!!
First in #1
"the progress bar dropped! DOWN TO ZERO!! Then started again"
Then in #13
"The progress got to 89 percent. Then all of a sudden the green bars actually dropped in about 20 seconds down to zero and the download started again at zero."
Rightly or wrongly, You tell me!!, I took it that the s in "green bars" was a type error.
I took it you were referring to the progress bar of a single file, Not the connection bars in the bottom left corner.

Remoc Hi
I said!! "So its looking like a bug in 4.13 so far unless YOU lot can prove me wrong
Anyone els had this happen ? say what version of L/W you use THANKS."

Sorry Its just my way of asking for feedback, It wasn't aimed at you personally my friend
I think i caused the misunderstanding by lumping your prob, wrongly together
with UnDeRsLuNkY's, which clearly we can see now, it was not related.
I apologizes for the confusion

Sleepless Hi.
Do you still have the installer for 4.9.37, as I am archiving as many old L/W installers as I can find, Its the most popular old one I see.
Border collie's, they have more intelligence than most humans & great with kids.
P.S... A user Pets gallery, would be nice to brighten up these forums.
I did here someone, once, reefer to L/W as a community LOL.
I posted Desiderata to brighten up the place once and it was deleted
Don't tell me copyright extends 400 years.
Your friendly idiot
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2007
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I found it on an old external of mine. PM me an emailaddress and I'll send it/them to you.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2007
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slowhand4955 is flying high
Default Same thing here

I have had the same problem in the past but have since corrected it. But lately I am finding more and more downloads with VIRUSES attached as part of the file. It really grabs my U Know What! To think that so many little people want to blame the entire world for their problems, so they sit at their computers thinking up ways to harm others and or destroy their computers and break down the flow of the internet. Why? Maybe their wife or girlfriend cheated on them or they did something stupid and got fired from their job so they want everyone around them to be just as miserable as they are. I am also finding other ADS placed on Limewire for MP3's and DVD downloads. I have found misleading downloads with corrupted files attached, they look like what you're looking for but when you open it you just got hit with a nasty Virus or you are directed to a website to buy another useless worthless program. I wish Limewire could design a way to filter these things out from your search, making things easier but since it is Peer 2 Peer downloading, I don't know if it's possible. I don't see why not as part of a monitoring system for downloads. And I also wish to be able to contact these individuals who do have viruses attached to their files because some of them really may not know it.
Windows XP Home and Pro have as of late been having problems, and I believe it has a lot to do with the New operating system Vista. You really think that Bill Gates does not hire Geeks to put out viruses to disable XP? Just so that you will run out and buy his Vista? I believe it after all if he made the software, he has a backdoor command that only he knows about and can sneak a virus into your system without your knowledge one piece at a time over a period of time say a week or so. The virus will have time to work before you discover it. I found this out a long time ago with my Windows 98SE in which I am still using as of right now. I kept having crashes until I figured it out! XP had just came onto the market when I began having crash after crash. the last time it crashed in 2000, I installed a 20 gig HHD for my "C" drive and a 120 Gig for my "D" drive. My D drive is where I keep all of my personal and saved information. The C drive just houses all computer functions and programs. If I should have another crash, I will only loose my C drive and not my D drive. I just built a much faster computer also with Two HHD using Windows XP Pro SP2. It is a P4 at 3.5gighz CPU and Two SATA HHDs wich gives me an 800mhz frontside bus. It is extremely fast in all computations and programs. I can copy a DVD in less than ten minutes! I don't connect it online except for updates now and again.
I would like to see Limewire clean up the P2P sharing and rid the internet of all these false downloads and viruses and or to have a way in which to block those users completely until they learn how to properly share what they have the correct way. If I could send a virus back to these loosers, users, I would!

Last edited by slowhand4955; April 19th, 2007 at 12:28 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2007
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So after all that Whats your Question ?
How can we help ?
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